Chapter 76

AN: Check out my P@treon for extra chapters starting at 3$.

Currently, I have published 50 extra chapters. The storyline is at the stage where the Nine-tails attack is nearing.


When she was a child, she used to beat up kids for making fun of her hair. But now, after being with Minato, she has learned to control her temper over such things.

With her previous temper, she would have given him a good lesson just for looking at her like that.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started!"

Minato Namikaze breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his girlfriend didn't get angry.

Seeing Toshiro, who was invited, arrive, he quickly interrupted the two, who were still bickering.

It was a complete accident that the two of them attended this dinner together.

When Rin told him the news after completing the mission, he hadn't considered participating in their activities. But Kushina became very excited after hearing about it. She had been feeling cooped up inside the home, and it was rare for her to have time to spend with others, so he had no intention of stopping her.

As a Jinchuriki, Kushina had to go through multiple layers of approval every time she went out for a mission, which was quite troublesome. Additionally, to ensure her safety, the number of missions she could undertake was also quite limited.

It would be nice to make her happy.

"Rin! Have these two always been like this?" Toshiro asked helplessly, looking at Obito and Kakashi competing over the barbecue at the dining table.

These two weren't just competing for barbecue but also for drinks, vegetables, and everything else. They often fought over trivial matters at the table, making it difficult for anyone to enjoy their meal.

"Ha! Ha! I'm sorry, Toshiro-senpai," Rin replied, equally exasperated. The two of them had always been like this since they met, constantly quarreling over minor issues.

"Speaking of which, Kakashi, I developed a new Lightning jutsu. It's quite powerful. Here, take a look."

Toshiro pulled a scroll from his pocket and tossed it to Kakashi. Seeing Kakashi's puzzled look, he motioned for him to open it.

The scroll contained the 'Lightning Release: Chidori,' a famous jutsu Kakashi would develop in the future. Since Toshiro had borrowed the idea, he saw no reason to keep it to himself and generously shared it with Kakashi.

Kakashi glanced at the scroll and then put it away in his ninja tool bag, planning to study it later at home.

"Me! Me!" Obito exclaimed, quickly looking at Toshiro and asking for his share.

"Hey! Didn't I give you yours a long time ago?" Toshiro replied.

"Ah! You're talking about that!"

Back when Obito had just become a genin, Toshiro had given him a scroll containing a carefully selected jutsu he felt was best suited for him.

"But that Ninjutsu doesn't have any power! I can only create a clone to help old ladies with small tasks!"

Toshiro had given him the Shadow Clone jutsu, thinking it would help Obito with his frequent tardiness due to helping old ladies cross the street or carry things. It seemed like a simple solution to his punctuality problem.

"How is that possible? Shadow Clone is a very practical ninjutsu. You can use it to test dangerous situations. It's very useful!"


"Hmph! This idiot's chakra control is so poor. Once, while helping an old man, the shadow clone disappeared halfway, and he rushed over in a panic…" Kakashi interjected, delivering a sharp finishing blow by revealing Obito's embarrassing moments.

"Uh…" Toshiro sighed, thinking that his clanmate was too weak. Obito was already ten years old but still had poor chakra control. He couldn't even master the simple shadow clone proficiently.

"Asshole! Kakashi, you don't have to worry about any of this!"

"When I successfully awaken the Sharingan, not just a mere Shadow Clone, even the Hokage title will be within my reach. When that time comes, I will definitely carve my iconic goggles and my Sharingan on the Hokage Rock!"

After being exposed, Obito spoke boldly, his confident tone even making Toshiro, sitting opposite, take notice.

"Oh, really?"


"Then, when the time comes, do you plan to engrave the 'Sharingan' on the outside or inside of the goggles?"


At this moment, Obito suddenly felt stuck. He imagined carving the 'Sharingan' on the rock statue, then adding goggles... This wouldn't work. You wouldn't be able to see the 'Sharingan,' so it would have to be engraved on the outside of the goggles. But wouldn't that look... ridiculous?

He envisioned the scene in his mind and felt a bit embarrassed.

"Forget it! I'll definitely become Hokage someday anyway," he said irritably, unable to stand the thought of his Sharingan in the goggles with bulging eyes.

"Well, when Obito officially becomes a chunin, how about I give you a secret fire-style jutsu?" Toshiro, who had instigated the situation, offered, trying to quell the ongoing quarrel between Obito and Kakashi.

Not long after, Obito was ruthlessly eliminated by Guy during the Chunin Exam. Though Toshiro didn't witness it firsthand, he could imagine the scene and felt exasperated at Obito's clumsiness.

There was the time Obito choked on candy, and another time he got distracted by Rin. Both times, he was knocked out by Guy with a single move. No one else could match such ineptitude.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you, Toshiro! These three are my students. I didn't expect them to receive such great help from you!" Minato Namikaze spoke up. He wasn't a medical ninja himself and had been busy with tasks assigned by the Hokage. Toshiro's assistance had saved him a lot of trouble, and now Kakashi had even gained a new jutsu.

"You're too kind, Minato-senpai. They are all Obito's teammates, and they take good care of him. As his clan member, it's only right that I express my gratitude," Toshiro replied.

Minato was indeed very busy, balancing responsibilities on the battlefield, with his girlfriend, and with his students. This led to a lack of attention to his students, which contributed to Obito's failure in the Chunin Exam.

Minato wouldn't have realized that his neglect would bring about such serious consequences in his efforts to protect Konoha and his wife, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Despite being a genius who overcame many obstacles, his lack of attention to his students had significant repercussions.

Minato, hailed as a perfect ninja, once rescued Kushina Uzumaki from Kumo ninja, showcasing his extraordinary talent. However, his neglect led to tragic outcomes, as seen in the incidents involving his students. For example, during a mission, he left Kakashi in charge of the team, which ultimately led to Obito's death.

Minato's decision to focus on the front line rather than his students laid the groundwork for Obito's tragedy. While he might have had noble intentions, his choices were irresponsible for his disciples, leading to severe consequences.

"Ah! That's right!" Toshiro suddenly remembered. "Rin, I have a medical notebook that might be useful for you. It's filled with random records from my daily practice. I'm not sure if you'll understand it all."

Rin smiled, "No problem. Although it might be difficult, I can manage it!"

"Great. If you have any questions, you can ask me. If I'm not around, leave them with Obito, and I'll address them when I return," Toshiro assured her.

"Thank you again, Toshiro-senpai!" Rin said, standing up and bowing again.

"There is no need to be so formal." Toshiro pointed to the barbecue on the table. "The meat is already cooked. If we don't eat it now, it'll get overcooked and won't taste good!"

He helped himself to several pieces of barbecue, then turned to Obito with a smile. "Obito, do you have enough money today? I'm ready for a feast!"

Obito's face turned a bit green, knowing how much Toshiro could eat. He remembered how his wallet was nearly emptied last time at Ichiraku Ramen. This time at BBQ, the expenses would be even higher.

Seeing Obito's embarrassed look, Toshiro laughed heartily. "Let this be a lesson for you!"

Despite his initial reluctance, Toshiro had grown fond of Obito's stubbornness. Each time Toshiro returned to Konoha with supplies, Obito followed him tirelessly. Toshiro had no choice but to help him with Rin.

"Kushina-senpai, could I ask you about some problems I am having with sealing jutsus?" Toshiro inquired, glancing at Kushina, who sat beside Namikaze Minato with a gentle, ladylike demeanor.

Toshiro could hardly believe his eyes. He had just witnessed Kushina's fiery temper when dealing with others, especially Obito. Yet here she was, displaying elegant manners and gentle movements, as if she were a completely different person.

The transformation left Toshiro feeling a bit awkward, but the opportunity was too rare to pass up. If he didn't ask now, he might never get another chance.

AN: Check out my P@treon for extra chapters starting at 3$.

Currently, I have published 50 extra chapters. The storyline is at the stage where the Nine-tails attack is nearing.