Chapter 81

AN: Check out my P@treon For +51 extra chapters starting at 3$. Currently the story is at the Nine-tails attack ARC.


"This is really intense!" Toshiro glanced back at the massive earth and stone dragon charging toward him. Sweat beaded on his forehead, his throat dry as he swallowed hard. It was clear that the Iwa Jonin harbored deep hatred for him, launching fatal attacks without giving him any chance for escape.

"I have to kill you!" Toshiro muttered to himself as he turned and fled. He hadn't gone far when he noticed a short, stocky figure blocking his path. The figure's half-bare right arm gripped a heavy black-brown stone rod, ready for Toshiro's arrival.

This opponent had already broken free from the Hell viewing genjutsu, Toshiro had cast earlier and was preparing for another attack. Positioned perfectly, the two earth and stone dragons trapped Toshiro, forming an inescapable angle.

Seeing the dire situation, Toshiro gritted his teeth and decided to take a risk. He quickly performed a hand seal, creating seven or eight clones of himself to confuse the enemy. Simultaneously, he launched a large shuriken at the opponent, hoping to divert their attention.

The clone technique, a basic ninjutsu taught in the academy, merely created illusions. A special jonin would easily see through it, but combined with the shuriken attack, Toshiro hoped to buy enough time to escape.

As expected, the opponent effortlessly deflected the shuriken with the stone rod. However, this gave Toshiro just enough time to blend in with his clones and slip past the enemy, leaving only two clones to be dispelled by the jonin.

Toshiro's response, though simple, was effective. The basic three jutsu taught in the academy proved their worth, offering short sealing times and low chakra consumption, crucial in emergencies. But just as he began to feel a glimmer of hope, Toshiro's situation worsened.

Ten meters away, he stopped, scanning the area with his Sharingan. The chakra in front of him revealed a vast, chakra-laden area blocking his escape. He threw a shuriken to test it, and it sank into the ground without a trace.

Realizing the enemy had prepared this trap, Toshiro cursed the meticulous planning of the Iwa Jonin. The ground ahead was transformed using a high-level ninjutsu: Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld. This technique turned the land into a deadly trap, appearing normal but acting like a swamp, trapping anyone who stepped into it.

If not for his Sharingan detecting the chakra, Toshiro would have fallen into the trap, likely leading to his demise. "That was close!" he thought, wiping cold sweat from his forehead.

Turning back, he saw the special jonin and the two earth stone dragons approaching without hesitation. The enemy showed no intention to banter with him, likely due to Toshiro having killed many of their comrades. The battle was now a matter of life and death, with no room for negotiation.

"Tsk!" Toshiro couldn't help but remark on the gravity of his situation. The enemy had clearly invested considerable effort in trapping him, and it showed. The strategic precision of the attack would challenge even an elite Jonin, let alone Toshiro in his current weakened state.

The meticulously planned offensive by the Genji had backed Toshiro into a corner. By using a vast area ninjutsu, to limit Toshiro's movement and following up with an earth stone dragon technique, the enemy had created a nearly inescapable scenario. Even if the ninjutsu failed to land a hit, the presence of a special jonin, both swift and strong, was enough to draw Toshiro's attention and launch a sneak attack.

In Genji's eyes, Toshiro's defeat was inevitable. The duo's coordinated efforts would likely overwhelm even a fully fit Jonin. For Toshiro, who was already in poor condition, survival seemed bleak.

"If that's the case, I have no choice but to use my Trump card!" In desperation, Toshiro decided to reveal his ultimate technique. Hiding it any longer would mean a certain defeat.

"Release!" Taking advantage of the distance between him and the advancing earth dragons, Toshiro swiftly formed a seal, activating a pre-prepared ninjutsu. He sheathed his ninja sword and began forming hand seals rapidly.

Though he could perform one-handed seals, this ninjutsu required both hands due to its complexity. As he completed the seals, a cacophony of chirping, like a thousand birds, emanated from his wrist.

"Lightning Release: Chidori!" A high-density chakra crackled in his hand, amplified by the thunder attribute, as Toshiro charged towards the special jonin. His speed was astonishing.

'What's happening? How can he perform such high-level lightning ninjutsu, even after expending so much chakra in the sneak attack earlier?' Genji, observing from his underground vantage point, was shocked. By normal standards, after performing three high-level jutsus, Toshiro should be exhausted and unable to muster more chakra. This sudden display of strength puzzled him.

'Is it a soldier pill? But that doesn't make sense! Even if he took a soldier's pill, it wouldn't work this quickly. There must be another explanation!' Genji speculated, mumbling to himself. He concluded that Toshiro might have taken the pills before the battle started, a thought that both puzzled and frustrated him.

Even for a seasoned jonin, continuously generating large amounts of chakra and performing high-level ninjutsu in rapid succession was taxing. For Toshiro, seemingly only fourteen or fifteen years old, it seemed impossible.

Unbeknownst to Genji, Toshiro hadn't taken any soldier pills. While such pills could restore chakra quickly, they had unpleasant side effects, especially for young ninjas. Overuse could hinder growth and development. Moreover, the short-term benefits came with long-term weaknesses, leaving the user fatigued and vulnerable once the effects wore off.

Instead, Toshiro had found a more suitable solution: the 'Sage Mode'. By preparing shadow clones to absorb natural energy during the battle, he could enter Sage Mode without the aid of summoning creatures like Naruto's toads. This allowed him to utilize Sage Mode effectively, turning it into a significant energy source and enhancing his combat abilities.

Although Sage Mode provided a major boost, Toshiro had to be discreet. With no visible sage markings on his face, he relied on simple makeup techniques to maintain the illusion. This subtle tactic had saved him from many dire situations, just like now.

Charging forward with his Chidori, Toshiro was determined to turn the tide of battle, knowing his opponents had underestimated his true capabilities.


A deafening explosion echoed across the grasslands of the Land of Grass. Even the Uchiha brats and the remaining Iwa-nin chuunin, engaged in their own fierce battles nearby, paused and turned towards the source of the sound. They knew that while their skirmish was intense, the real outcome would be decided by the stronger fighters elsewhere. It was time to prepare.

In most ninja battles, the fate of many hinges on the strength of a few key players. As they focused on the distant battlefield, a blinding white flash caught their eyes just before the smoke cleared, causing everyone to squint in discomfort.

"So fast!" The special jounin of Iwa Ninja glanced down at his chest, managing only a few words before blood poured from his mouth.

Peng! He collapsed, losing all strength as Toshiro's Chidori withdrew from his chest. The stone staff, now broken in two, slipped from his hand and fell to the grass with a dull thud.

As Toshiro's Chidori struck with immense speed, the special jounin attempted to defend himself, sensing the impending attack. Despite his efforts, neither the stone staff imbued with earth chakra nor the hardening technique on his chest could withstand the high-level lightning chakra. The sheer piercing power of Toshiro's jutsu was overwhelming. His defense shattered, leaving him no chance of survival.

"This Ligtning Release..." Genji, observing from his hidden position, was momentarily stunned. He hadn't anticipated such a devastating ninjutsu. The special jounin, though not versatile in ninjutsu, genjutsu, or secret jutsu, possessed strength and speed that could rival many jonin. Yet, Toshiro had dispatched him with a single move.

Genji watched carefully, hidden among the grass, with his stone balls serving as eyes. He was now in a precarious position, having failed to kill Toshiro despite his strategic attacks and using his companion as bait. With his comrade down and Toshiro seemingly revitalized, the odds had shifted unfavorably. Should he flee and face disgrace, or risk further confrontation?

Toshiro, gazing at his fallen opponent, couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow. Would he one day meet a similar fate, slain by a foreign ninja? Though he had triumphed using his Sage Mode, he knew it was not a cure-all. His shadow clones in the camp could only store so much chakra, and in a protracted battle, even his trump card had limits.

The enemy's attacks were relentless, like waves crashing against a fragile boat. Each wave might be the one to sink him. He had hesitated to use Sage Mode until absolutely necessary, striving to preserve his hidden strength. To maximize its duration, he had meticulously set up a barrier in his tent, ensuring his shadow clones wouldn't interfere with each other and could release their chakra in a staggered manner.

Half-crouched, Toshiro extended his right hand to the ground, sensing the hidden Iwa Jonin. "Found you~" Enhanced by Sage Mode, his senses were razor-sharp, quickly pinpointing the jonin thirty meters to his left and five meters underground.

"He's moving... This direction..." Toshiro smirked, realizing the jonin was attempting to retreat. Even so, he left his subordinates behind. "It's quite audacious to think hiding underground would save you."

With a few swift jumps, Toshiro positioned himself above the hiding Jonin. Without hesitation, he unleashed a blazing white spear of lightning chakra straight into the ground. In a battlefield where mercy meant death, Toshiro knew he could afford none. It was kill or be killed.

AN: Check out my P@treon For +50 extra chapters starting at 3$. Currently the story is at the Nine-tails attack ARC.