Chapter 84

AN: Check out my P@treon For +50 extra chapters starting at 3$. Currently the story is at the Nine-tails attack ARC.

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The bright moon hung high in the sky, occasionally peeking shyly from behind the clouds to cast a gentle light on the earth below before retreating again.

At the edge of the Konoha camp, a bonfire burned fiercely, its flames dancing in the night breeze and casting ever-changing shadows.

To avoid being sensed by Jiraiya, who was also in the camp, Toshiro moved his practice spot as far away as possible from the 'Toad Sage.' Although, according to the original story, Jiraiya hadn't completely mastered sage mode, it was better to be cautious.

Toshiro's time to enter Sage Mode had significantly improved with practice over the years. Now, he could attain it in about 20 minutes, which was nearly a third faster than when he first learned it two years ago. He wasn't sure if this improvement was due to his prolonged use of the sage chakra making his body more adaptable or if his increased chakra levels over the past two years made it easier to balance the sage chakra.

He knew that mastering Sage Mode required significant levels of chakra. He suspected his inability to sense natural energy for a long time was related to his chakra level, only managing to reach the level at the age of 10 on the Forgotten Island. But since everything was progressing well, he felt confident about reducing the time even further.

"If only I could activate Sage Mode as effortlessly as the First Hokage," Toshiro mused, looking at the drifting clouds after finishing his practice. It would be amazing to switch to Sage Mode freely.

"Hmm! Who's there?"

Toshiro sensed something in the darkness beyond the bonfire's light, his hand instinctively reaching for the ninja sword strapped to his back. The sudden presence made him nervous. During wartime, an enemy infiltrating the camp was unlikely but not impossible. It's better to be cautious than dead.


"I didn't expect Toshiro-kun to have such sharp senses. Truly impressive~"

Before Toshiro could act, the intruder revealed himself, laughing strangely and using his distinctive voice to 'praise' Toshiro. The voice was instantly recognizable.

'It's him. It's that man' Toshiro thought, his heart racing.

Less than five meters away, a shadow began to twist and stretch, transforming into a man with a unique aura. His presence filled the air with a thick, sliimy, cold chakra, making Toshiro feel like he was being targeted by a predator.

The eerie voice belonged to none other than:

The favorite disciple of the Third Hokage, one of Konoha's Three Legendary Sannin, a future member of the Akatsuki, the founder of Otogakure, a scientist, and the frankenstien of the Ninja world.

His scientific pursuits made him age backward, making him younger as others grew older. Though he was not the strongest in direct combat, he was notoriously hard to kill, constantly pushing the boundaries of ninja science.

The man had a fluid identity, sometimes male, sometimes female, and occasionally neither. His signature running posture, escape methods, and jutsus involving snakes were well-known. He had long hair, a long tongue, and an even longer lifespan. Initially a terrifying villain, he later became a source of dark humor. His quest for forbidden knowledge included kidnapping children and conducting human experiments. Despite his dark path, he possessed unparalleled scientific prowess, capable of turning the tide in Boruto's era.

The man, slender and wearing a typical Konoha vest, had long black hair and a fair face. Without the purple markings around his eyes and the cold gleam in his pupils, he could pass for a melancholic, handsome middle-aged man. But Toshiro knew better, and the thought of the man's perversions made him want to flee.

At this stage, Orochimaru wasn't yet the full-blown mad scientist he would become. He was still more of a slightly twisted ninja, just beginning to dabble in highly forbidden jutsu. This realization eased Toshiro's nerves somewhat.

Still, he couldn't help but imagine the man suddenly extending his neck and planting a mark on him. If that happens, what should he do? Cooperate or resist?

In Toshiro's opinion, Orochimaru was the most valuable ally in the entire Naruto universe, provided one could overlook his bizarre snake jutsus and avoid becoming one of his experiments. His advanced technology was truly impressive.

But Toshiro was an Uchiha, which complicated things…

"Ha ha! I didn't expect Orochimaru-senpai to take the time to enjoy the moonlight. The moon is really beautiful tonight..."

Toshiro greeted him, trying to mask his embarrassment. He was so nervous, he didn't know what else to say.

It wasn't that he lacked courage; it was just that Orochimaru's reputation was intimidating. Being an Uchiha, Toshiro was unsure of Orochimaru's current research interests. If Orochimaru decided to do something to him in the dead of night, there would be no one to help.

"I'm not just here for a walk; I came specifically to find you, Toshiro-kun. It took quite an effort to track you down!"

Hearing this, Toshiro's anxiety spiked. This wasn't a chance encounter; Orochimaru had sought him out intentionally. What could he possibly want?

Orochimaru continued, "I'm interested in the two ninjutsu you developed."

Toshiro felt a wave of relief mixed with confusion. If it was about Ninjutsu, he could handle that. But why would Orochimaru come personally for this?

"Orochimaru-senpai, are you referring to Chidori and the Pheonix Flower Flame Bombs?" Toshiro asked, regaining his composure.

"Yes," Orochimaru replied, sticking out his unusual tongue to lick the corners of his mouth, a habit of his when intrigued.

Toshiro finally relaxed. As long as Orochimaru wasn't there to do something more sinister, he could handle discussing ninjutsu.

"Orochimaru-senpai, what ninjutsu are you offering in exchange for these two?"

Orochimaru handed Toshiro a scroll. "I saw the effectiveness of your ninjutsu firsthand. Here are some jutsu I'm offering. See if any interest you."

He was hoping for Jutsus like the Summoning: Rashomon, the Spiritual Transformation Jutsu, the Sealing Jutsu, and the Orochimaru-Style Substitution Jutsu were among them.

These jutsus were tempting. Trading his own creations for Orochimaru's knowledge was an offer he couldn't refuse, especially if it meant gaining powerful new abilities.

"Of course, I'll take a look," Toshiro said, scanning the list. Orochimaru's face betrayed a slight smile. He had anticipated this reaction.

Despite his initial fear, Toshiro realized this exchange could be highly beneficial. Orochimaru's reputation was frightening, but his knowledge was unmatched. In the end, this could be an opportunity to strengthen himself and his clan.

Toshiro casually opened the scroll Orochimaru had tossed to him and gave the contents a quick glance. He immediately shook his head in disappointment and threw the scroll back.

He had expected more from Orochimaru, considering his reputation. The ninjutsu listed—Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu, Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet, and Water Release: Water Wave—were impressive, but not what Toshiro was hoping for.

Toshiro thought, 'These aren't worthy of someone of Orochimaru's caliber. Even though they are all at least B-rank jutsus, they don't suit my needs.'

Especially for someone like Toshiro, who already had plenty of fire release jutsus, water release wasn't particularly useful.

"Oh! It seems Toshiro-kun is not very satisfied with the ninjutsu I brought..." Orochimaru's eyes narrowed as he took back the scroll. He licked his lips with his snake-like tongue and chuckled ominously, the air around them growing colder and the fire dimming.

Toshiro felt a bead of cold sweat trickle down his back. 'I'm playing with fire here. Even though Orochimaru isn't as deranged as he will be in the future, he's still dangerous.' He quickly tried to defuse the situation.

"I just think Orochimaru-senpai might not fully appreciate the potential of these two ninjutsus. The Phoenix Flower Flame Bomb is straightforward, but Chidori has many variations..."

Hoping to divert Orochimaru's attention, Toshiro continued, "Many Uchiha have learned the basics of Chidori, but few have mastered its advanced forms. I can show you some variations you might not have seen before."

Orochimaru's curiosity was piqued. "Chidori with variations? Interesting... Show me, and if they are as intriguing as you say, I will offer you ninjutsu that you will be satisfied with."

Orochimaru's snake-like eyes fixed on Toshiro, urging him to proceed. Toshiro felt the pressure but knew this was his chance.

Without hesitation, he formed the seals for Chidori. The high-pitched chirping of birds filled the air as a dense ball of lightning chakra formed in his hand.

"This is the basic Chidori. I'm sure Orochimaru-senpai has seen this before," Toshiro said, manipulating the chakra to change form. "This is Chidori Senbon!"

He thrust his hand forward, sending a shower of lightning senbon into a nearby rock, each needle embedding deeply into the stone.

"And this is Chidori Spear," he continued, forming a straight, piercing spear of lightning that punctured through the stone entirely.

Toshiro demonstrated several variations, showcasing the versatility and power of Chidori beyond its basic form.

Orochimaru watched with interest, his eyes reflecting a mix of fascination and approval. Toshiro's demonstration was enough to impress even someone of Orochimaru's stature.

"Impressive, Toshiro-kun. You've shown me much potential in these jutsus. As promised, I will offer you suitable ninjutsu in exchange."

Toshiro felt a wave of relief. He had managed to satisfy Orochimaru without revealing his most guarded secrets. His demonstration had been enough to secure the exchange without compromising his own safety or his clan's secrets.

Toshiro's demonstration revealed to Orochimaru all the variations of Chidori he had mastered from the original work, except for the ultimate Jutsu Kirin.

It wasn't that he didn't understand the importance of confidentiality or wasn't cautious of those in the village. Nor was he simply intimidated by Orochimaru's murderous intent.

Through extensive study, he discovered that mastering jutsus like Chidori Senbon or Chidori Sharp Spear required immense spiritual energy. Even among the Uchiha, who naturally possess strong spiritual energy, not everyone could control these jutsus effectively. For non-Uchiha, it was even more challenging.

Perhaps a few exceptionally talented individuals might learn them, but Toshiro believed such geniuses were exceedingly rare. Otherwise, Kakashi Hatake, from the original work, wouldn't have had to develop other Lightning Release jutsus. He wouldn't have relied on Raikiri if he could control Chidori variants.

As for the Kirin, he wasn't reckless enough to showcase it to Orochimaru. Besides, he hadn't fully mastered it yet. Unless Orochimaru offered something as significant as the Flying Thunder God jutsu, Toshiro had no intention of revealing this powerful ninjutsu.

He hadn't even shared this knowledge with his own family, let alone with Orochimaru and his allies.

It was clear to him that this transaction involved 'The Darkness of Konoha' Shimura Danzo. And he doesn't want to show his cards too early. He needed to bide his time and wait for the right moment.

AN: Check out my P@treon For +50 extra chapters starting at 3$. Currently the story is at the Nine-tails attack ARC.

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