Chapter 92

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A massive earth release rock barrier stood prominently.

"Toshiro seems to be encountering some trouble," Uchiha Akane muttered, observing the rippling genjutsu around him. She frowned, recognizing the problems their captain faced.

She then glanced at the tortoise-like defense across from her. It was as impenetrable as a mouse trying to gnaw through a turtle shell. The Iwa ninjas were fiercely defending themselves, strengthening their earth barrier to nearly five meters thick. Despite their efforts, even Asuka, after attempting a Chidori Spear, refrained from another try, recognizing the futility.

"We can't just wait for Toshiro. We need to find a way to break this barrier ourselves," Akane declared, her frustration evident.

"Kirishima, Asuka, and Shisui, let's work together to shatter this turtle shell!"

Her companions nodded in agreement. No one wanted to rely solely on Toshiro; their Uchiha pride dictated that they prove their own strength. United, they prepared to breach the barrier, their determination unwavering.

Meanwhile, on Toshiro's side, the battle had already begun.

"Gotetsu! Attack together!" Captain Ishikawa ordered, his voice urgent. "Yoshio, cover us! Monitor our chakra constantly!"

The team approached Toshiro cautiously, aware of his formidable genjutsu abilities. Ishikawa decided to engage in close combat to prevent Toshiro from casting genjutsus from a distance, even though it meant risking exposure to his Sharingan.

However, plans quickly fell apart. The sound of a blade piercing flesh echoed.

"Why?" Ishikawa gasped, staring at the ninja sword through his chest. The realization hit him too late; the sudden attack was unavoidable.

"A genjutsu..." Yoshio, watching Gotetsu pull out the sword, could only mutter as he fell, never understanding how his comrade succumbed to Toshiro's genjutsu.

"Go to hell, Konoha Ninja!" Gotetsu, under Genjutsu's control, attacked Ishikawa with a crazed expression, oblivious to his actions.

"Gotetsu! Wake up! Do you know what you've done?" Ishikawa roared, forced to defend against his own comrade. He knew yelling wouldn't break the genjutsu, but desperation fueled his outcry. "It's all your fault!" he screamed at Toshiro, veins bulging on his forehead.

Toshiro, unfazed by Ishikawa's rage, calmly responded, "Correct, but there's no reward." He was accustomed to such hatred, and it no longer affected him.

Relaxing slightly, Toshiro retrieved an emerald green flute and began to play. The sound of the flute deepened the genjutsu, strengthening his control over Gotetsu, who continued to overpower Ishikawa.

Realizing the dire situation, despair settled over Ishikawa. Toshiro's genjutsu was too powerful, and without his teammates' help, breaking it was impossible.

As the flute's melody filled the air, the battle swiftly concluded. Soon, only three lifeless bodies remained, and Toshiro vanished into the night.

"Phew! Finally, we've dealt with these Iwa ninjas!"

"Yes, they were really tenacious!"

On the chaotic battlefield, Akane and Asuka finally took a break, chatting as they relaxed. The broken walls and fallen corpses around them bore testament to the arduous effort it had taken to break through the Iwa ninjas' defense. Though victorious, it had been an exhausting battle.

"It's great we completed this mission without major casualties. Stop complaining and let's check on the injured!" Kirishima interrupted their conversation. He glanced at his companions, hesitating about whether to support Toshiro or stay put to avoid causing more trouble. They were all exhausted, their chakra nearly depleted from breaking the Iwa ninja's defense.

"I've already handled it," a voice called out as a figure emerged from the genjutsu. It was Toshiro, speaking gently.

"You've already taken care of the Jounins over there? You're unbelievable!" Akane exclaimed. "Maintaining such a large barrier and a widespread genjutsu, and still managing to handle those troublesome Iwa ninjas!"

Asuka couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. She had been praised for her talent during their studies, yet the gap between her and Toshiro had grown unexpectedly wide.

"Thanks to Toshiro's genjutsus, we managed to eliminate them," Akane admitted as the genjutsu around the stronghold slowly dissipated.

"Toshiro-senpai's genjutsu is incredible! I hope I can achieve that level someday," said eight-year-old Uchiha Shisui, looking at Toshiro with admiration. Although talented in genjutsu, Shisui knew he still had a long way to go compared to Toshiro.

"With your talent, Shisui, it's only a matter of time before you reach my level," Toshiro encouraged. "For now, focus on growing strong."

Toshiro felt a surge of pride. His latest genjutsu was the result of years of study, using his chakra to create light sources that projected visual and tactile genjutsus within the barrier. The genjutsu was reinforced by specially created luminous chakra sources, making it difficult for enemies to break free.

While Toshiro manipulated Gotetsu to kill Yoshio and Ishikawa, he laid the groundwork for their victory.

"Although we've finished here, the task isn't over yet," Toshiro said. "Akane, Asuka, help me with the wounded. Kirishima and Shisui, clean up the battlefield and search the stronghold."

The team had expended significant resources in the attack, and Toshiro was keen on being compensated for the used exploding tags, each one a product of his hard work. Reflecting on the loss, he directed his companions to get busy again.

Despite their success, they suffered injuries in the battle to clear out the remaining enemies. Thanks to Akane and the others, there were no fatalities.

"Let's not stay in this hellish place any longer," Toshiro remarked, though he knew Akane's complaints were just a way to cope with the stress.

After such an intense battle, everyone was under considerable mental strain. Even if uninjured, the psychological pressure was immense. Fortunately, most of the team, including Shisui and other Uchiha with Sharingan, had avoided serious injuries.

"Senpai, how should we deal with these people?" Shisui approached Toshiro, pointing at the distance with a troubled expression.

The "these people" he referred to were the wounded Iwa ninjas left behind. Though defeated, some had survived the initial attack but were incapacitated, either with severed limbs or in comas. About ten remained, unable to fight.

Looking at the slightly embarrassed kid in front of him, Toshiro couldn't help but smile. The boy's expression revealed his kind nature. It was likely Asuka and Kirishima who had suggested leaving the answer for him, knowing it would give him a headache.

"Well! Since they are prisoners... anyone taller than you will be killed. For the rest, use the clan's seal tag to seal their chakra. You have the seal tags with you, right?"

During these perennial wars, not only Konoha but also Iwagakure pushed young children into battle, though the latter was slightly less ruthless. The seal tag he mentioned is used by the Uchiha security force and is generally effective in sealing criminals' chakra.

Toshiro's decision to spare the children was influenced by his previous life. Even now, he found it unacceptable for children under ten to bear the war's consequences. This was one of his few steadfast principles. Otherwise, what would differentiate him from those consumed by hatred?

"Yes, I have them with me," Shisui replied. Despite his reluctance, he understood this was the best outcome for the prisoners, given their inability to retreat with them.

"Even though I am a genius! I still have a long way to go," Shisui murmured humbly before setting off to carry out Toshiro's orders.

As Shisui walked away, Toshiro couldn't help but wonder if it was right to burden such a young child with this task.


Meanwhile, outside the barrier, a group of Iwa ninjas were gathering. They had noticed something amiss after Toshiro and his companions attacked the stronghold. Despite the battle lasting less than twenty minutes, the nearby Iwa ninjas were quick to respond, sending out a distress signal that attracted reinforcements.

"Takako! Your team was the first to notice the anomaly. Did you find anything else?" asked Akaashi, a member of the Tsuchikage's guard.

"No, Lord Akaashi. When we discovered something was wrong, the stronghold was already surrounded by a barrier," Takako, a special jounin, responded respectfully.

"Is there anyone here who knows how to break this barrier? We need to act quickly and check the situation inside!" Akaashi asked, though without much hope.

The scene fell silent. Advanced knowledge of barrier ninjutsu was rare among frontline ninjas. If they had such expertise, they wouldn't be risking their lives in this desolate place.

"In that case, we'll use large-scale earth release ninjutsu to try and destroy the barrier," Akaashi decided. While such a method required significant chakra and would alter the terrain, there was no other choice.

As the Iwa ninjas prepared to combine their efforts to break the barrier, Toshiro was aware of their movements.

"Time's up! How was the harvest?" he asked his companions. "If we don't leave soon, those Iwa ninjas outside will eat us for breakfast."

Ryu and Kirishima, who had searched the camp, reported, "The harvest is good. This was a temporary supply point for the Iwa ninja. There are plenty of weapons, medicinal materials, exploding tags, and other consumables. Although it's messy and hard to count, there's a lot."

Toshiro was pleased. Their efforts had paid off, and despite the mess, they had acquired significant supplies. The Iwa ninja's careful collection of items like exploding tags had prevented a substantial loss.

"In that case, there's nothing left to do. Summoning Jutsu!"

As Toshiro summoned his chakra, a huge cloud of white smoke appeared, accompanied by noisy complaints.

"Toshiro! Can you stop calling me out before dawn? Even though I'm not human, I need quality sleep!" grumbled Yamawashi.

Toshiro smiled. His brother-in-law, Akihiro, also signed the summoning contract for Yamawashi to assist with communication between the frontline camp and the village. It was a valuable asset.

"Stop complaining! When we get back to the camp, you can catch some prey, and we'll help you cook it!" Toshiro promised. He couldn't afford to feed the eagle's appetite, but he knew his companions could help.

The eagle was essential for their retreat, ensuring a successful withdrawal from the stronghold. Despite their success, Toshiro knew they couldn't afford to linger. They had to escape before the Iwa ninjas broke through.


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