Chapter 94

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"Other arrangements?"

Homura, serving as a supportive ally, voiced their collective doubts.

"Yes" Hiruzen confirmed. "Namikaze Minato currently leads a team, but this responsibility has limited him. I plan to promote Hatake Kakashi to Jonin so he can lead missions, freeing up Minato."

This strategy would maximize their resources, as keeping Minato constantly tied to students was a waste of his combat prowess.

"That's a good idea," Homura acknowledged. This approach would serve multiple purposes: liberating Minato and shifting attention away from the young Uchiha Jonin, Toshiro. If memory serves, Kakashi was only twelve years old.

"Hiruzen is still the same," Homura and Koharu Koharu nodded in agreement. Even the fiery-tempered Koharu had to admit it was a sound plan. Unlike Danzo, who only knew how to wield a hammer to suppress others, Hiruzen considered the broader picture and used a scalpel.

As Toshiro exited the Hokage building and felt the bright sunshine, he felt a strong urge to go home and rest. The constant high-stakes missions had exhausted him both physically and mentally, pushing him to his limit.

"It's a great day today!" Toshiro thought. Being promoted to Jonin didn't stir much excitement in him. He wandered over to Ichiraku Ramen and ordered a bone broth ramen to satisfy his hunger.

"Toshiro-senpai! Long time, no see!" A slightly immature female voice stopped him just as he was about to start eating.

"It's Rin!" Toshiro turned to see Nohara Rin, who seemed to be shopping alone.

"She's really sunny" he thought. "I haven't seen you in the village for a long time, senpai. Are you back for a rest?" she asked.

"Yeah, taking two days off," Toshiro replied, showing little enthusiasm for Obito's love interest.

"Obito isn't with you today? That's rare!" Toshiro remarked as he sat down to eat his food.

"He has to prepare for the Chunin Exam," Rin explained.

"That idiot, Obito," Toshiro thought. While eating his ramen, he casually asked Rin, "What do you think of Obito?"

Rin paused, stirring her noodles thoughtfully. "Obito considers you his entire world," he finally said.

Toshiro watched her carefully. Rin's feelings for Obito were more complex than mere friendship, a fact she had long been aware of but struggled to address. She valued their sincere friendship and didn't want to hurt him.

"Obito and I grew up together. He's kind, enthusiastic, and idealistic. I'm happy that he's working hard to achieve his dreams. We'll always be good friends," she said, as if lifting a weight off her shoulders.

"Yeah, this fool brought it upon himself," Toshiro thought. Obito had plenty of opportunities but often squandered them through poor performances.

"Rin! There you are!" Obito suddenly appeared, sprinting towards them. "Toshiro-nii is here too!"

"It looks like you haven't had breakfast yet. I'll treat you this time!" Toshiro offered kindly, seeing Obito out of breath.

"Really? Thanks! Hey, Toshiro-nii, are you celebrating my passing the Chunin Exam in advance?" Obito exclaimed, ordering an extra-large seafood ramen.

Toshiro watched Rin's helpless expression and felt a headache coming on. "This kid should have matured by now, but he still acts like a fresh academy graduate," he thought.

"You should be careful. Don't get knocked out in one shot, like last time. That would be embarrassing," Toshiro teased.

"Absolutely not! I've been training hard. I'll definitely pass the Chunin Exam this time and catch up to you!" Obito boasted.

"I'm now a Jonin of Konoha. You'll never catch up," Toshiro revealed calmly after finishing his ramen.

"What! Really?" Obito and Rin were both shocked.

"Do you have any tips for awakening the Sharingan? Can you tell me?" Obito asked hopefully.

Toshiro chuckled. "Even if I did, it's not something I would trade for a bowl of ramen."

"Idiot! Do you really think something like the Sharingan would be easy to obtain?" Toshiro scoffed as he paid the bill, leaving Obito to Rin.

Obito didn't seem to mind; his eyes fixed on Rin, oblivious to the helplessness in her expression.

"Obito! Rin! There's an urgent mission!" An untimely voice interrupted, saving Rin from her awkward situation.

"Nani!" Obito exclaimed, frustrated at being interrupted by Kakashi just when he was contemplating confessing his feelings to Rin.

"Stop complaining. Ninjas should prioritize their missions!" Kakashi snapped, displeased.

"Mind your own business!" Obito retorted, ready to argue.

"Do you want to fight?" Kakashi challenged.

"Enough! Don't keep Minato-sensei waiting!" Rin interjected, stepping between them and grabbing their hands, leading them to their team's meeting point.

"This is a high-level extermination mission. A team of elite Iwa ninja has broken through our defense lines and is near the village. The Hokage has tasked us with neutralizing or expelling them!" Minato briefed them.

"Hai!" they responded in unison.

"Let's move!" Minato led them into the dense forest outside the village to search for the invaders. From Minato's serious expression, Obito knew the mission was critical.

"Go to hell, kid!" A figure emerged from a rock behind Obito, kunai in hand, aiming for his neck.

"It's over!" Obito thought as he felt the threat behind him, his body freezing in fear.

"Obito! Get away!" Rin and Kakashi shouted, but it was too late.

A golden flash appeared before Obito, and Minato struck the enemy. "Saved!" Obito thought, but Minato's expression quickly changed.

"Careful!" Minato warned as an explosion sounded behind Obito. Boom! Minato whisked him away just in time.

"Sensei, are you okay?" Obito asked, still dazed. Rin, attentive as ever, looked concerned.

"Be cautious. The enemy is Iwa's demolition force. Watch out for explosives!" Minato instructed, ignoring his own injury.

"Minato-sensei is hurt?" Obito noticed Minato's arm hanging limply, a result of the explosion.

Six Iwa ninjas surrounded them. "Kakashi, lead them out! I'll hold them off!" Minato ordered.

"Hai!" Kakashi immediately prepared to lead Rin and Obito to safety.

"I'm not leaving! We should stay and help!" Obito protested.

"Obito, now's not the time to show off!" Kakashi, Minato, and even Rin, who usually indulged him, all disagreed with his recklessness. Reluctantly, Obito followed his teammates.

"You think you can escape?" sneered the Iwa ninjas. They pursued, while Minato, despite his injury, managed to engage only one of the enemies.

Facing relentless pursuit, Kakashi tried various tactics but couldn't shake the two pursuers. "I'll stop them! Rin, take Obito, and get help!" Kakashi ordered.

"Got it, Kakashi!" Rin decisively grabbed Obito's hand and continued running towards the village. Obito, in a daze, followed mechanically.

'How did things change so fast?' Obito thought. It felt like just a moment ago, he was enjoying ramen with Toshiro and Rin; the next, they were on a dangerous mission with their sensei injured. The abrupt shift from a peaceful village life to a desperate struggle left him reeling.

Before Obito could organize his chaotic thoughts, a new incident unfolded.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

"Now let's see where you little brats run!"

An eerie, grating voice called from behind Obito and Rin. Though he couldn't see the speaker, the voice alone sent shivers down Obito's spine as he ran alongside Rin.

"Why are you here, Kakashi…?" Rin stopped, turning to face the tall, thin Iwa ninja behind her, trying to find out about their teammates' fate.

"Your guy? He's dead, of course!" The gloomy Iwa ninja didn't rush to attack but blocked their escape route, starting a conversation instead.

"That's nonsense... Kakashi is a genius in our village. He couldn't be defeated so easily, and neither could Minato-sensei..." Obito couldn't accept it. Kakashi, who graduated at five and became a chuunin at six, couldn't be defeated so easily. And Minato, the famous 'Yellow Flash,' was the fastest ninja in the world.

"A genius?" The Iwa ninja sneered. "Do you think Konoha is the only village with geniuses? The one holding back the 'Yellow Flash' is our youngest Jonin! And the one who killed your white-haired friend has a rare bloodline limit in our village!"

The Iwa ninja's words left Obito speechless. He struggled to respond, still unwilling to believe their claims.

"Obito! Don't be deceived! Sensei and Kakashi are probably just trapped. You go, I'll hold him off. Go back to the village and get help!" Rin rushed at the Iwa ninja with a kunai, startling Obito. He had never seen Rin like this.

Rin was always a medical ninja, staying behind him and Kakashi on missions. Her sudden bravery shocked Obito.

"Go now!" Rin shouted at Obito, who was still stunned. She then engaged the Iwa ninja in combat.

But Obito, as an Uchiha, couldn't abandon Rin. He shouted and joined the fight.

"Rin, you go! I'll hold him off!"

Determined to protect Rin, Obito decided he would risk his life to ensure her safety.

"You brats think this is a game?" The Iwa ninja roared, drawing his sword and slashing at them.

"Rin! Watch out!" Obito saw the blade, aiming for Rin. Without thinking, he threw himself in front of her, using his body as a shield.

'How unfortunate! I never even got to confess...' In his last moments, Obito thought of his unspoken feelings for Rin.

slice! The blade pierced flesh, followed by warmth and the smell of blood. But Obito felt no pain.

"Um?" He opened his eyes, confused. He felt something heavy in his hands. Looking down, Obito froze in shock.

"Ah!!!" A hoarse scream tore from his throat. Obito was holding a human head—Rin's head. She was still barely alive, her mouth moving mechanically.

"Obito... run... run... run..."

"Rin..." Obito's world turned pitch black. Everything lost its light. He had promised to always watch over her. He hadn't surpassed Kakashi, become Hokage, or confessed his love to Rin. How could this be real?

"No... this must be... Rin... she... she..."


AN: Whoof!! Cliffhanger!

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