chapter eight

She seems startled at first, shocked by my unexpected presence. I see her eyes opening up, and she stares at me with a look of fear and surprise.

She hesitates for a moment, not sure what to make of my invitation at first. But her gaze shifts to a look of anticipation, of curiosity and excitement.

And I can see her body relaxing under my grip, becoming more compliant. I take it as a sign that she is intrigued and wants to see what kind of fun I have in store for her.

Her body is finally relaxing under my weight, and she's breathing slowly and steadily. I keep my breath against her neck though, not wanting to let go of this moment.

I feel her relaxing against me, and I feel her breath become warmer as she takes in my scent. The feeling of her body relaxing under my weight is exhilarating, the sensation of her body under my control and my authority is addictive.

My grip around her wrists is still tight, but I'm not using as much of my strength now as her resistance has begun to wane. She seems to be enjoying the feeling of my body against hers, and I feel my own excitement rising alongside her's.

I can feel the excitement rising between us, the anticipation building up. I can tell that she's anxious for the next move to happen. I feel the tension in her body rising, the adrenaline in her blood coursing through her veins.

She starts to squirm a bit under my grip, her body growing hot and uneasy. I can feel her legs twitching a little, from excitement and anticipation. I can tell she's ready for the moment of fun to begin. I move my grip, taking one hand off her wrist to start exploring her body with my touch.

She starts to squirm more as I begin to explore her body with my touch. My hand is gentle at first, my fingers sweeping over the exposed parts of her skin. I see that she's already blushing, and I can feel her breath becoming more heated and excited.

As my hand moves over different parts of her body, I can feel her squirming and twisting underneath me, wanting me to explore even more. She's so sensitive to my touch, and every time I move my fingers, I see her react with more intensity.

Her body twitches every time my fingers move over her skin, and I see it as a sign of her growing excitement and anticipation. I start to move slowly, gently exploring her body, and I see her blushing and breathing more heavily with every inch I explore.

My hand moves slowly now, exploring the more intimate parts of her body. I can feel her trembling a bit underneath my touch, her breath coming in short and shallow breaths. She shivers when my touch moves down to more sensitive areas.

My fingers begin to move along her more sensual and intimate areas, and I can see her reaction to my touch intensifying. I see her breathing become quicker and shorter, and her body trembles a bit whenever my touch moves to a more sensitive part.

I move slowly, taking my time in my exploration of her body. I'm making sure to be as precise and gentle as possible, making sure to give her enough attention and excitement with every inch of skin I touch.

I trace my fingers along her legs, slowly inching up towards her more private parts. With every inch I move closer, I can see her squirm, her breaths coming faster and heavier and her skin flushing a hotter shade of red.

I'm enjoying her reactions, her increasing excitement and anticipation. I can see her writhing underneath me, and in her eyes, I can see that she's more than eager to be touched.

My hand is now right next to her more private parts, and I see her trembling more and more. Her breathing is fast and short, and I can tell she's close to the edge. I'm enjoying the feeling of control I have over her right now, and I love seeing her so eager and desperate.

I take advantage of her eagerness and desperation, teasing her by touching right next to her more private parts but never quite touching them. I see how she reacts, see her squirming and moaning in frustration, wanting more but not quite getting the touch she craves.

I play this game for a while, teasing her, and I can see how frustrated she's become. I can see the heat and the desire rising in her eyes, and I know she's reaching a point where she just wants it to just happen. But I want to take just a little longer. I'm enjoying this.

And I continue to tease her, my fingers just brushing right next to her most sensitive parts but never fully touching them. I can see how frustrated she's getting, and I see her breathing getting heavier.

I awaken from the dream, back in the room I was in before. The memory of what happened is still fresh in my mind, and it feels like it just happened even though it was only a dream.

It felt so real, I almost thought it was actually happening. The feeling of being in control, of having complete authority over someone else is addictive. Although it was just a fantasy, I can't help but feel like I want it to be real.

I run to her room, eager to see if she is still there.

I'm enraged, furious at her disappearance. She's my doll, and I can't just let her get away like this. She must be somewhere in the mansion, I just have to find her.

As I looked from the room window, and I see her sneaking out and entering into the woods. I can't believe she's so blatantly trying to run away from me. She's mine, she belongs to me. I'll go after her and take her back, take what's rightfully mine and make her realize she can never escape my grasp.

I quickly burst out of the room and run down the stairs, making my way outside and towards the woods where I saw her go. I'm not going to lose any time in chasing down my toy.

I run into the woods with a furious and determined stride. I don't intend to let her get away with this. I'll find her, and I'll bring her back to her rightful and proper place at my side.

I run deep into the woods, pursuing her relentless. I know she could run fast and easily outpace me if she wanted, but I also know she's not going to get away with it so easily. I'll catch up to her soon enough, and I won't let her out of my grasp again.

I see her in the distance now, but she's still far away. She's making her way through the woods with ease, moving quickly and swiftly.

I see how tiredly she is running, and I know she's not going to be able to keep up the pace for much longer. I take advantage of it and start to move faster, gaining on her with every step.

I can see that she's slowly starting to get exhausted, her pace slowing down. I'm gaining on her, and I know I'll be able to catch up to her soon.

As I get closer and closer, I can see the fatigue beginning to set in her body. Her breathing is starting to become labored, and she's breathing heavily. I can see that she's already starting to falter, barely holding onto her energy and stamina.

I see her as prey, and my self as a predator. She's weak compared to me, easy prey to me and my desires. I'm much stronger, much more ferocious and aggressive, and I'm going to catch her.

I'm extremely blood thirsty, and I'm hungry for her. My appetite is growing as I see how tired she's getting, how much she's starting to weaken.

My hunger is growing as I see the fear on her face, as I see the exhaustion she's feeling. I'm looking forward to seeing the look of terror on her face when I get my hands on her. I can feel my excitement rising as I get closer and closer, as the fear in her eyes starts to grow more visible.

I see that she has turned back and noticed me, and she has increased her speed. But it's too late now, I'm already too close to her and getting closer with every step.

She tries to break away, to put some distance between us. But I'm too close now, and I can reach her easily with no effort.

Suddenly, an unclear memory pops up in my mind, a hazy image of a white-dressed girl running in front of me. The image is hazy and unclear, but I can hear the sound of laughing. The laughing of a girl.

The girl in the memory is calling my name, and I feel a sense of joy and happiness in that memory. But in reality, I'm missing the girl I was chasing, the toy that I was about to have fun with. I feel a tinge of frustration and disappointment, that the real thing got away and I missed the opportunity.

She got away, and I lost my chance to have some fun with her. There will be other chances though. There will always be others. I have to get rid of the frustration and disappointment, and focus on the future.

I run fast as I can to search for her, determined to find her and catch her.

I'm searching everywhere, searching every nook and cranny, looking behind trees and under bushes. I'm determined to find her, and I'm not going to stop looking until I do.

As I'm almost out of the woods, I hear two forest officers talking. I get close and notice that the girl had fainted and that the two guys were calling an ambulance for her.

I pause for moment, listening to their conversation. The two men are talking about how they found the girl unconscious in the woods, and they're calling an ambulance to take her away.

I don't want to let the forest officers take her away, but I also don't know what to do about it. I don't want to just stand by and let them take her, because I'm not done yet with her. I feel this intense frustration and anger building up inside me as I watch them speaking on the phone.

I'm thinking deeply, trying to come up with a plan. I can't let them take her away from me, and I can't just stand by and do nothing about it. I have to figure out a way to stop this, a way to keep the forest officers from taking her away.

I'm thinking of various plans: I could try to ambush them and take the girl away before they can call the ambulance, I could try to distract them and delay their call, I'd even go so far as to try and convince them that the girl doesn't need to go to the hospital and they don't need to call an ambulance.

But whatever I do, I have to act quickly and decisively. Because if I don't act soon, they're going to take away my toy, and I can't let that happen.

I step on a dry broken branch that has fallen from a tree , and the noise catches the attention of the two forest officers. They turn and look in my direction, their gaze turning towards me.

I hide as quickly as I can, trying to stay unnoticed by the forest officers.

I quickly crawl under the bushes, hiding my body as well as I can under the bushes. I'm hoping that the forest officers didn't see me, or at the very least, that they have no idea where I am.

When I lift my head up, I see that the forest officers are standing and staring at me. I freeze for a moment, not sure what to do now that they've spotted me.