
"Hmmm... no ability awakened," he said to himself as he walked back to the building. "So there's nothing special about him after all."

"Alright, now the next test, the Mental/Endurance test, he said entering the glass room. "The device here would go through your mind and bring out your darkest fear, turning it to reality."

Just like the last test the room changed, turning to a desert land with cracks filled with lava. The transformation was finally completed and the student stood in a terrain which looked like that of a volcano. His limbs trembled as he felt the heat and pressure pressing down on him.

At a point, he had screamed muttering incorrigible words. He pushed the glass door and ran out of the room.

"Huh? I... thought I was on fire," he said with a confused expression. The test continued with none barely able to last a minute.

The first five to enter were unable to last a minute as they felt an invisible pressure pressing down on them.

"Alex Mikado," Captain Fen called out. He was among the next set to take the test. Alex walked into one of the glass rooms and soon the terrain began to change. Alex had prepared his mind but was caught off guard by what he saw next.

He was back to the incident that happened two years ago. Everything played out just as it had happened, Dalux sacrificing himself for him and Zoe. It got to the place when he had decided to go check.

"No! No!" He cried out as he struggled to break through from the nightmare or so he thought.

"This isn't reality, it's just a dream," baring his teeth he struggled as the scene played over and over again. His eyes had become hollow with his palms dripping blood.

Not able to take it anymore he passed out. "Turn it off," Fen said quickly as he rushed into the room. He couldn't help but frown when he entered the room. He brought him out, taking him to one of the medical rooms designed for such situations.

Alex Mikado: Mental test

Score: 2minutes

"Alright, that's all for now, at the end of the first month you all will be tested again. Everything will be explained to you as you progress through. Follow me."

They all headed out of the room and soon saw those from the middle zone. Joining both together, Captain Fen gave a heart-welcoming yet stern address to the crowd.

Urging them to be dedicated and never lose track of the true cause of being here. They were then taken up the floor and into the third floor which was their dorm room.

Each was given a flaming flying bird which led them to their room.

"Today is a day of rest, tomorrow your new life begins." He said to them before leaving the hall.

Everyone was exhausted from the test and decided to rest for the day. Others with little energy decided to explore more before retiring for the day.

At the medic unit, Alex finally woke up staring off the room. He soon noticed he was alone, and decided to open the door. The door was pushed open, hitting his head just as he was about to turn the knob.

"Ouch!" He muttered rubbing the sore point.

"You're already awake, that's good. Cmon let me take you to your room." Captain passed through the door his robe flowing behind him.

"Uhm... excuse me... please what was my score on the mental test?"

"You lasted a minute," he said without much thought. "Coming from me I would suggest you drop out since there's nothing here for you. This academy was built to train those who awakened an element."

"This is off the record, I'm not supposed to let this out... but let me make it clearer to you.

After the outer wall was destroyed and invaded by beasts and zombies, along with them came a foreign energy."

Later on, it spread through the area and into the rest zone causing various effects. Those able to withstand the effect awaken these elements. In total, we have discovered ten elements: light, dark, water, fire, wind, earth, plant, lightning, ice, and metal.

Among the lot, the strongest are the light and darkness elements which are extremely rare. Although it had been two years it was surprising how the higher-ups in the inner zone were able to take control of the situation and also provide means of training these special ones.

Alex just walked quietly following behind him with all focus on what he was saying.

"Then later on, we found out one has to form a mana or magic core in other to use these elements. A person can unlock more than one element but having a low talent makes it a waste."

"So I won't be able to form a magic core without an element, is that what you mean?"

"Good, you're following alright. And the answer to your question is yes. Without awakening an element one won't be able to feel the mana in the atmosphere or be able to create a magic core."

Alex's head dropped down hearing this, after his training and finally having a chance to join the military every thing was going up the smoke.

Sigh. "Listen, kid. I like you... and seeing you sad makes me feel bad. The order had already been passed for you not to be chosen. But I can't seem to stop this strange feeling I have. How about we make a deal..."

"Yes... I'm ready to do anything to get into the academy," Alex said cutting him short. "I'm sorry," he said, rubbing his head after realising what he had done.

"Alright... as I was saying, how about you become my disciple. With this, you can have an opportunity to join the academy through me."

Alex didn't just rush into accepting as he thought about what he said. "So... if I become your disciple I would be able to get into the academy. And you don't need anything in return from me?" he asked.

"Listen, kid, I just need someone to pass my skill to, and like I said I felt this strange connection when I saw you."

"I have another way through which you can enter the academy. All you have to do is obey all my instructions. That's all."

"Hmmmm, all right, I accept."

"Great! Now follow me."

"Hold on! What about my other stuffs?"

"Don't worry, you'll get a new one." He said without much thought as he walked forward at a high pace.