Combat Class

"I'll be leaving soon, so let's make it snappy." Taking a seat, he looked directly at Alex. "I've decided to put you in the combat class for now until I'm back. All our plans would have to be on hold for now."

"The combat class.. like a class meant for those who can't use magic?"

"Yes, it will be beneficial to you. Just be dedicated and hard working, and you would see amazing results. I've talked to the guy in charge of the combat class, my old friend... you're to start tomorrow."

"Combat class, huh? I'll have to do with it for now," he thought as he nodded his head. "How do I find my way? I might get lost."

"I'll get you a device that will assist you around." He said as he stood up. "You can stay here for the time being. One of the pecks of being a disciple is that you don't have to stay in the dorm room along with others."

"What about the mana who would help me with the process."

"That will be till when I come back. You don't have to worry. Just focus on the combat class for now. "

"Alright, senior." Alex said with a slight bow. Fen stood up and walked into the room. "This will do for now." Coming out, he held a little device, circular in shape with a little button at the centre. "When you press the button at the centre, a holographic screen will appear showing you the map of the academy."

"The combat class is at the sixth hall of the fourth floor. You would need to own equipment in order to be allowed into the class." Snapping his hands, a pair of bronze coloured gauntlet appeared before them.

"How did he do that?!" Alex thought with a bewildered look.

"Alright... I'm off now." Just before Alex could ask him anything, he had disappeared .

"What's the matter with this man," he said with a tired sigh. First of all, he picked up the gauntlet admiring its beauty. His hand graze through the rough surface down to the claw like fingers. "This wouldn't size me," putting it on. It emitted a soft glow before fitting to his hand size.

"Whoa! What's this made from?" Heading towards a large tree at the back of the hut, he decided to test the gauntlet. He threw his fist out, punching the trunk. Looking at the spot, he noticed a little dent. Sigh. 'I thought I would be able to blow the tree off.'

'That's one crazy thought,' he said to himself with a slight chuckle. Alex lay on the grass, gazing at the setting sun beyond. He soon fell asleep with the thought of tomorrow on his mind.

Waking up, he stretched his body before walking into the hut. The sun had risen already lighting up the vast field. A few minutes later, he was out all dressed for the day.

"Senior Fen is truly a good man," he thought with a contented smile, patting the new cloth he had left on the bed. The dress was white in colour with stripes of blue at the edge. It was made in the form of a tracksuit, just that it was more durable than the normal one.

Holding the little device, he pressed the button. A holographic map appeared with his position shown on the map. Looking through, he marked his destination and began the journey. 'I would have to run there since it's far from here.'

He kicked off the ground, dashing across the field. Soon, he came out of the field and onto a barren land.

Huff! Huff! "That was quite a hell of a run." He struggled to maintain his breathing, placing his hands on his knees.

"Hey! move out of the way!" A guy with spiky blonde hair and a scar on his left cheek said.

Alex frowned, "The road is quite large for you to pass through, with no need for me to move from my position."

"Hmpph... a scum talking back at me," he said with a chuckle. It was then Alex noticed the group of people before him. They were five in numbers and all having a wide grin, which made him uneasy.

"Let's teach him a lesson," one of them said. A tall thin guy with a face like a hatchet.

"I don't want any trouble. You can go the other way round." Alex said with his frown deepening. He wasn't a stranger to how things walked within the walls. Those from the outer zone were treated as scum by the rest since it was dwellings of the poor and helpless ones. No one cared what happened to them as they were deemed useless.

The thing was how he got to know he was from the outer zone. But this didn't linger much as he was enraged. The scrawny guy had pulled his hair with force jerking his head up.

He felt a slight pain and, without thinking, grabbed onto the guy. "Get... your hands... off... me!"

"Arghhh!" His hand had been twisted to an odd shape with his bone sticking out.

"Shit! I used too much force. But why should I care? He asked for it."

"My hands... he f*cking broke my hands." He screamed in pain. Alex stood straight finally, his white hair falling across his face. "I won't tell you to back off again," he said in a low voice.

"Fucking asshole..." One of the other guy stepped forward but was held back. "Let's go," the blonde guy said, glancing at Alex one last time before walking away.

His tensed muscle finally relaxed and, with a sigh, walked off towards the gate. Entering into the vast expanse, he began the arduous long walk from the gates to the main building. It had taken an hour before he finally got to the building entrance.

Once again, he was back at the building, with deep breaths he walked in. The hall was bustling with activities. Looking at the map once again, he walked forward and into one of the elevators and then tap the fourth floor button.

Getting to his destination, he walked into a large hall with intricate paintings and designs. The hall was so large that twenty persons would be able to walk through without coming in contact. He had walked through the long hall before finally getting to the sixth room.

"I guess this is where the class for today is holding." Pushing the huge double doors with sheer effort, he was able to open the doors. He walked into the room, which was already filled with students and a huge man standing at the front.

"Darn! Don't tell me I'm late." All eyes were on him, including the instructor at the front. He sighted the guys he had a beef already at the back of the class looking at him with jeering eyes.

"He's going to get it," one of them whispered to the lean guy.

"Why are you late?" The instructor finally asked, stopping all side talks.

'How did they manage to get in on time,' he thought. 'It wasn't my fault, I had to navigate, and the place was so big."

Walking towards Alex, he casually tossed a long metal pipe right before him.

"To become part of my class, pick it up!" He said his gaze locked onto Alex, staring at him intensely.

'What's that got to do with becoming part of the class? This is just a metal pipe. Why won't I be able to pick it up.' He bent down about to pick it up, 'Wait a minute,' his eyes scanned through the students in the class who were watching him with bemused eyes.

"Why should I care?" Shrugging his shoulders, "He said I should lift it right," he positioned his lower body in order to be able to lift the weight easily, and then, with a heave, he pulled it up. His veins all propped out as he struggled in lifting it off the ground.

"Shit! What's this?! You won't hold me back.. this is just a steeping stone to my goal!" He struggled for some minutes, and with a growl, he lifted it off just a few inches off the ground before releasing it. It landed on the ground with a thud that shook the room.

The once jeering look had turned to one of shock. "Did he manage to lift it off the floor?" One asked with popping eyes.

"That's impossible, a low class... able to succeed in what we all failed terribly." By their looks, no one had been able to lift the long metal pipe. The teacher had added the last part in order to serve as a punishment for him coming late.

But to see him lifting it off the floor, he was quite amazed. A clap filled the silent room, and slowly, the teacher walked towards him with a smile.

"Welcome to the Combat class, I see you already have a weapon. You can take a seat... hold on, are you the one captain Fen talked about?" He asked in a whisper.

"Yes, sir!" Alex replied quickly, slowly recovering his breathing.

"Alright, go and sit down."

'That crazy guy! Who the hell is this guy! Such strength at a young age! This won't be boring as I thought.'