A Little Show

"Lelu Bardock and Zaire Warwick!" Both individuals calmly walked into the circle-like ring readying themselves.


Immediately the order was given, Zaire stretched forth his hands, which began to glow red, forming a little ember.

"Cinder shot," he exclaimed as the ball of flames headed towards her direction with speed.

With a calm expression, Lelu raised her hands up, bringing it down casually. She didn't stop there as she swung her hands forward.

"Water splash!" A bubble of water had appeared dispelling the flames. "Earth spikes!" Litttle rocks separated from the ground speeding towards Zaire, who swung his leg, releasing an arc of flames.

He evaded the rest, and then swinging both hands forward, two balls of flames were sent towards her direction.

She successfully blocked the first one but got hit by the second ball of fire, pushing her backwards.

"This is awesome!" Those seated couldn't help but exclaim with eyes filled with amazement. They couldn't take their eyes off watching the beautiful display of magic before them.

Surprisingly, the fire had done no damage and appeared to have hit a barrier.

"Remember, one more hit and the match is over." The one acting as a referee said before shifting backwards.

Lelu, a young girl from the outer zone, closed her eyes, trying to focus.

"Teach her a lesson! Teach these scum they have no place here," a guy said to Zaire, who was clearly from the middle zone.

The guy suddenly felt a cold shiver and looked at his sides, Alfred was staring at him with cold eyes. The guy had quietly sat back with beads of sweat appearing on his head.

"They would always be those like that," Alfred thought with a sigh as he focused back on the match going on.

Lelu, slightly distracted from the words of the guy lost focus, making a blunder.

Zaire, with a smirk, didn't let go of the opportunity sending several little balls of flames. Lelu did her best in avoiding the fireballs but eventually got hit the second time signifying the end of the match.

Zaire breathed heavily, slightly exhausted from nearly depleting his mana.

"Zaire Warwick wins!" The referee declared, raising his hands before sending them back to their seats.

Those in the rings had just learned some few spells after forming their magic cores. Their first lesson was forming a magic core by attuning their energies with their chosen element, gradually forming a core that resonates with that energy.

After countless days of seclusion in a room filled with mana pertaining to their affinities, they were carefully assisted in forming their magic cores.

Those with more than one element having low talents found it harder to absorb the energy and fully form their core.

"Next! Derek Maldon and David Smith!" The referee announced as both walked into the circle.

Looking at both, which had entered the ring, Zephyr realised once again one was from the outer zone while the other was from the middle zone. "Maybe it's just a coincidence," he said without much thought.


The battle had begun with David charging forward. Sparks of lightning converged upon him as he stretched out his hand, letting out a bolt of lightning. " Zap!"

"Dazzle!" Derek shouted, causing a bright light to shine, creating a display of sparkling lights before David. Sensing movements at his sides, David stretched forth his hand in that direction but was a bit late as a sudden flash of light erupted once more temporarily blinding him.

"Blind flare!" Derek said, and stretching forth his hands, light energy began to gather. "Luster bolt!" A bolt of condensed light shot forward hitting David's chest, but the barrier around them prevented any form of damage.

"Luster bolt! Luster bolt! Luster bolt!" Derek strategically released a series of condensed light energy moving around the circle.

"Whoa! This dude is quite talented." Some of them sitting around the area muttered.

David couldn't put up much fight as the condensed light struck him, pushing him backwards.

"Derek Maldon wins!" The referee announced sending them back to their position.

"Hope you guys are following," Alfred asked, looking over at his students. "If you were to fight against one of them, would you be able to win?"

The next battle was quite dull with the mage with plant affinity winning at the end. After a series of matches, the last was quite a spectacular one. Those from the outer zone present remembered the girl standing in the ring. One who had gotten A in talent and also awakened water and plant element.

"Elena Pelham and Christine Dolphine!" The other one wasn't to be forgotten quickly. She was the girl who had gotten an S in talent with an affinity of the darkness element.

"This is truly going to be an exciting match!" There were mutterings from the mages standing behind them, also eager to watch the show unfold.


Immediately, Elena casted a nature based spell, hoping to gain the advantage. "Crawling vines!" A couple of vines burst through the ground, heading towards the dark-haired girl direction.

"Mist spray! Water slide!" Casting two spells simultaneously, she charged forward with a determined expression.

The mist spray creates a fine spray of mist obscuring her opponent's vision while the water slide was casted on herself, boosting her speed.

"Aqua dart!" She sent out a small jet of water towards Christine, who stood calmly with a smile.

"Is this all you have?" She asked with a mocking tone. "Shadow lash!" She said as a tendrils of shadows converged, forming a whip that intercepted the jet of water.

"Gloom orb!" She said, conjuring a small orb of darkness that exploded, obscuring the view of her opponent.

"Dark sphere!" Darkness condensed around her hands as she sent it forward.

"Bubble shield!" Elena shouted as a bubble of water formed, blocking the sphere of darkness.

"Thorny spikes!" Appearing before her where sharp spikes which sped towards Christine.

"Dark shield!" Blocking with her shield, she charges forward her with a thin veil of darkness wrapping around her.

"Umbral cloak," she edged closer and then struck with her hands. Although she was covered in a veil of darkness, Elena was able to sense her casting a spell quickly.

"Water burst!" a wave of water exploded, hitting her right at the face.

She quickly edged backwards with an angry expression on her face.

"One more hit, and the match is over!" The referee reminded her as she prepared her spells for the next clash.

"That b*tch! She's quite the troublesome one with her dual element. I don't have much skills to choose from."

Both circled round, carefully watching their movements. "Water slide!" Once again, Elena casted a spell on herself. A small jet of water underneath her foot propelled her forward with her hands glowing with a spell ready to be cast.

Christine patiently waited, calculating her next actions. "Umbral spike!" Conjurjng dark spikes of darkness she sent it towards her feet causing the spell to disperse.

Elena stumbling forward got disrupted.

"Dark sphere!" A dark light shot forward, hitting her right in her face, sending her to the ground. The barrier had acted up protecting her from the hit.

"One-one!" The referee declared. "The person to get hit next loses the match!"