Hold The Line

Across the large expanse, towards the north east, the other group had finally made it through the border with their task fully completed. Along with them were various survivors they had managed to carry along.

At the border, they could see the zombies from afar getting close to the border. Just then, from the huge gate with high fences at both side stretching far, few soldiers rode across their horses with Darius taking the lead.

His eyes caught sight of the survivors along with those sent out for the mission. "Where are the rest?" he asked, stopping before them.

"We haven't heard from them," he said with a pause, licking his dry lips. "We decided to spilt in order to get the job done quickly."

"Alright, head back to the base with the students for now. The guards have been given instruction pertaining to the survivors."

Spurring his horse onward, the rest followed after him, all high-ranking mages and warriors. They easily tore through the zombie horde, destroying every single one they met on their way.

Meanwhile, Sam and the students were currently battling with the beast and zombies. Sam was careful not to get scratched, casting a [ wood skin ] magical spell for protection.

"Arghh! These zombies are quite difficult to handle," he said in frustration. He had only managed to take down one, and currently, the remaining ones weren't giving him breathing space.

The students, on the other hand, battled the tier 2 beasts. Following his words, they formed a group of five and were currently struggling against the beasts.

The mages tried their best in buffing the warriors and healing those wounded. Zaire, with his fists covered in flames, charged forward, delivering a punch at the beast back.

Swinging its tail, the beast had struck sending him meters back. With flames exploding from his feet, Zaire charged once again, delivering kicks and punches and then making use of his swiftness to avoid the beast attack.

Zaire, with his special way of making use of his fire element, continued with his attack. The warriors did their best attacking with their various techniques. The beast let out a furious roar, swiping his fist towards one of the warriors.

The claw broke through his weapon, slashing her chest with the force sending her far away. Turning its gaze at Zaire, the beast, with a leap, grabbed onto his legs and slammed him hard to the ground.

From afar, on a high building, a huge man, dressed in a long dark robe watched the ongoing battle with a smile.

"Hahaha! This truly is amazing! Too bad I won't be able to watch to the end. Those dirty bastards are already on their way here. This is just the beginning, the world shall hear of the greatness of the Crimson fang."

Slowly wisps of darkness covered his entire being before fading away.

"Where's Alex? Hope nothing bad happened to him," Zoe prayed silently, watching the ongoing fight.

"Ugh!" Ray groaned with his brows covered in sweat.

"Are you okay?" She asked, getting close to him. Touching his head, she could feel his body heating up with Ray holding onto his left hand. Dark veins were already crawling from the scratch marks to his shoulder.

"Help me! My head! I'm going crazy, I keep seeing things, crazy scenes in my head," he struggled to say.

Looking at her side, she saw Sam barely holding on against the zombies. On the other side, she could see their saviours fighting for their lives.

"Ray, C'mon, hold on, stay with me," she said, panicked stricken. Tears began to drop down as she held herself from screaming loudly. "Ray, please, not you. Just hold on, I'll get help," she said in tears.

Getting up, she ran her hands onto her head. "Mrs. Sheila! Ray needs help!" She cried out. "Ray, I don't know what's wrong. Please, come check him out!"

Mrs Sheila, holding onto the last of the children, muttered some few words to them before heading towards Zoe. "What's the problem?" She asked and then squatting down, checked his pulse.

"He won't last long," she muttered with a sorrowful expression. Tearing a piece of cloth, she wrapped it round the infected area on his arms, tying it tightly. She held onto Zoe shoulders softly, rubbing them, "Just keep your eyes on him," she said.


"ARGHHH! NO! NO!" Zoe cried out her body covered in blood. Before her was the remains of Mrs. Sheila, her upper body nowhere to be found. Squatting down, she emptied her stomach, unable to hold onto the gruesome sight.

"Zoe! Watch out!" She heard someone shout. "Alex... is that you?" She asked, her vision getting blurry.

"Zoe, get out of there now!" Alex screamed, limping towards her with his pale body covered in blood.

The zombie, which had struck, raised his claws once again. It brought it down towards the fragile Zoe, everything playing out in slow motion in Alex eyes.

"No!" He tried his best, pushing his broken body, stumbling down to the ground he could only watch in pain.

Zoe finally raised her face, frozen from the sight before her. "Is this where it ends?" She thought, unable to move. Tears welled around the corner of her eyes again , all the memories of the past playing in her head.

"I think it's time I join you... mom... dad," she muttered, stretching her hands wide. "Alex, I hope you would be able to forgive me amd live on." Suddenly, she cm lost balance with the flash of golden hair evading her vision.

"Get... out ... of... here!" She heard a voice, one deep and sounded like a growl. The claw landed on Ray's chest, pinning him to the ground. The zombie let out a growl, opening its mouth and about to bite down on Ray's head.

A bullet, a fiery bullet shot through the area passing through the zombies head, causing it to explode. "Good job, everyone!" They heard a voice, one they recognised instantly.

"Senior Abby! You mad either alive!" Elena exclaimed.

"Focus on the battle," she shouted, sending another fiery bullet towards a beast charging at her. "Hold the line! Reinforcement are on their way!"

"Ray, I'm sorry, please don't die on me," she whispered,with her hands placed on his ripped chest.

"He's already infected, there's nothing we can do about that." Abby said behind her, her hands beginning to light up.

"No! Don't touch him!" She shouted, covering his body with hers. Alex finally arrived at the scene, seeing the broken Zoe he couldn't help but shook his head.

"Zoe, he won't make it," he tried explaining to her.

"No! He... he saved my life! I can't... I can't just let you guys kill him, just like that! No," she muttered, shaking her head.

"I'll handle this, don't worry, help the rest," Alex said, looking at Abby.

"Alright," she said after some moment of silence. "But do it quickly, before... he changes into one."

"Zoe the kids, they need someone to be with them right now. I'll take care of Ray."

"No! You want to kill him, I won't let you do that."

"I won't, trust me, just going to take him to somewhere safe," he said rubbing her face. "Go and help the kids, C'mon, I promise I won't harm a single hair off him." He said to her with a weak smile.

Holding onto Ray, he lifted him up, placing him on his shoulders. He walked forward, towards a distant building at the right.

"I'm sorry, we were unable to save you guys, I promise your deaths won't be in vain," he spoke softly, walking to his destination, and leaving the battle behind.

Within minutes, he pushed open the broken door, entering into the barely standing building. He dropped him to the ground also stumbling down to his knees. He placed his hands before the ground struggling to hold on.

His injuries were already bleeding again, with his vision getting blurry by the moment. He fell down flat on his stomach unable to hold on.

"Didn't think I would die this early," he thought, with a sad smile. "I couldn't achieve anything, my goal, those dreams... there were just dreams after all. I guess I was cursed by fate," he muttered, with his eyes closing.

He felt a bright light causing him to barely open his eyes. Before him, was a large book floating close to the floor. The book emitted a red glow, brightening up the area.

"Are you truly accepting fate? Do you really wish to die?" He heard a voice in his head.

Before he could reply, the voice spoke once again. "Hmpphh, humans and their pitiful life," the voice said, going through his memories.

"Do you want to Leave your sister, Zoe, in this cruel world?"