Who's Stronger?

[You've defeated five three-layer warriors ]

[+2000 exp]

[You've defeated two rank 3 mages ]

[+800 exp]

[EXP: 19500/30000]

[ Blood points: 2700/2700 ]

Alex breathed lightly, his sword slowly dripping blood to the ground. "The guards will be able to handle the rest," he muttered, staring at the glass once again.

"What the hell! Where did they go!" He exclaimed, leaping towards the glass area and swinging his sword. He broke through the glass easily rolling across the ground. The tunnel which they usually passed through was firmly shut with no way to go.

"Dammit!" He shouted, kicking the seats. "You think I'll give up this easily, huh?" Gathering his fist, with his Qi wrapping around forming an outer layer along with his blood.

Taking a few steps backward, he dashed forward striking the entrance causing a loud bang. "Sh*t!" He cursed looking at the wall with a shocked expression.