Connecting the dots...

"Say what now?!" Sandra almost fell off the chair.

"This is really happening..." Alex muttered.

"Yes," Audrey replied.

This was really happening.

It seemed like Elena was impatient and desperate to get rid of her. But Audrey was glad her sister still hadn't found out she possessed her powers in this world too, she would have outrightly declared a war against her, Audrey wasn't ready for such problems now.

She desperately hoped the Moon goddess would do some kind of miracle and lead her to the other half of the amulet, when she finally unlocked her powers to their potential, she'd be more than ready to go to war with the dark witches.

"You're wrong, Audrey," Lawrence whispered, but it was more like to himself.

But Audrey still heard him.

He slowly looked at Audrey apprehensively, he wasn't so sure what to think about her anymore.