Hearth Mountain

Hearth Mountain was a formidable sight to behold. Rising majestically from the ground, this volcano commanded the horizon with its imposing presence. Its slopes were cloaked in layers of ancient ash and hardened lava, creating a rugged and treacherous terrain that surrounded the mountain for miles in every direction. The air was heavy with the scent of sulfur, and the distant rumbling of the volcano's core served as a constant reminder of its latent power.

As we ventured closer to the base of Hearth Mountain, the ground became increasingly rocky and unstable, with sporadic vents emitting wisps of steam and heat. The landscape was dotted with hardy vegetation, struggling to survive amidst the harsh conditions, creating a stark contrast against the stark, rocky terrain.

Nebula arrived at the entrance to a cave leading into Hearth Mountain, neighing and standing on her hind legs. I got off her saddle, looking around my surroundings, sensing no form of life around the area.

Before I entered, I just heard a screech, looking back and noticed Phoenix. I held my arm out and watched as Phoenix landed on it. "Decided you wanna help out huh?"

Phoenix screeched, spreading her wings out. Nebula whinnied at Phoenix, snorting and hopping up and down on her hooves. Phoenix chirped back, preening her feathers.

'I wish I could understand what Phoenix is saying. I guess I have to learn to decipher her messages like I do with Nebula,' I thought, looking at Phoenix.

Nebula neighed at me, catching my attention. She hopped up and down, her tail swishing in an hostile manner. She looked at the entrance of the cave, feeling dangerous energy coming from inside.

I looked at the cave entrance as well, nodding my head. "Yeah, I feel it too, my dear steed. Hopefully those soldiers are alright...or even alive for that matter.."

Without wasting another beat, I marched in with Phoenix flying ahead and taking the lead. Nebula stayed outside the cave, not wanting to overheat due to the intense heat of the environment.

Venturing inside the volcano, we would be met with a labyrinthine network of tunnels and caverns, carved by centuries of volcanic activity. The air was thick and suffused with the acrid scent of sulfur, and the walls glisten with the remnants of cooled lava flows, creating an eerie, subterranean landscape.

The sound of distant rumblings reverberated through the passages, a constant reminder of the volatile nature of the volcano. Deep within the heart of Hearth Mountain, the molten core throbbed with an intense, mesmerizing glow, casting an ethereal light upon the surrounding caverns.

As I continued around a random passage, I heard soft, weak coughs. I looked around and noticed a woman sitting against the rugged walls of the passage, coughing and holding the body of another soldier.

"Milcham...Get up...I can't lose you as well," The woman softly spoke, coughing lightly.

Suddenly, the woman noticed a light green glow around her body, slowly feeling rejuvenated by the second. She looked up at me, her eyes slightly widening in shock.

I lowered my hand, closing my eyes then exhaled softly. I gazed back at the woman, slipping a hand into my pocket, studying her appearance along with the soldier who was in her arms.

The woman had long, flowing pink hair that cascaded in soft waves, matching her large, expressive pink eyes. Her outfit was a vibrant mix of red and gold, giving off a regal yet playful vibe.

She wore a red dress with gold accents and a white underskirt, adorned with buttons and intricate designs that add a touch of elegance. Her sleeves are long and fitted, with gold trim and red accents that match the rest of her outfit. She also had a matching red beret with a decorative bow and a gem in the center.

The soldier's hair was dark and tousled, framing a face with intensity. He wore intricate armor with silver and gold accents, offering both protection and a regal appearance. The armor covers his shoulders, arms, and legs, with additional decorative elements that suggest a high rank or a prestigious background.

The soldier's outfit includes vibrant red pants, adding a splash of color to the otherwise metallic ensemble. He also wore a long, dark coat around him, now tattered by the intense heat and battle.

"You're...Emperor Ryoma," The woman said in awe, her gaze meeting mine. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here looking for Claire's soldiers...but it seems that you and he are the only survivors," I said, crouching down to study the wounds across the soldier's body.

The woman watched me closely and also noticed Phoenix resting on my shoulder. Her gaze landed back to me, her hand fixing her beret. "Uhm...my name is Elisa...and this is Milcham."

After studying Milcham's wounds, I stood up and crossed my arms. 'Seems like whatever he battled was strong. Could it have been from the same presence we felt? Couldn't be...the wounds on his body look like it was from a bladed weapon..'

"I have a question... something that is bothering me greatly. What exactly attacked you all?" I asked, looking at Elisa.

"I honestly wish I knew, but it looked like a humanoid beast. We couldn't even take him down. It was a like a dragon that could take human form. He wielded some kind of axe, a weapon I can't even explain..." Elisa answered, glancing down at Milcham. "Milcham couldn't even land a scratch on him...that beast killed the other soldiers. I only managed to save Milcham, but I don't have enough strength to move.."

I nodded my head, looking ahead down the end of the tunnel. "I see..."

'I'm already too far for Nebula to hear my call and I can't necessarily summon her in here as she won't enter such an environment,' I thought, closing my eyes.

"Alright...Do you think you can hold off in here while I go investigate?" I asked, glancing down at Elisa.

Elisa nodded, looking down at Milcham. "We should be okay. Our natural affinity for fire allows us to even breathe in lava. The air is just really stuffy..but over all we should be fine."

I nodded my head then walked forward. "I shall be back. I have to at least see what you're talking about."

"Be careful! That beast is nothing to scoff at," Elisa warned, watching me walk ahead.

I traversed deeper into the caverns, my eyes searching around every nook and cranny. Soon, I stumbled upon an arena like area surrounded by pools of lava and the material Claire needed for the Great Flame Festival, the Diamond Pyrock. I walked forward, hearing a roar and noticing a large red dragon land in front of me, preventing me from nearing closer to the Diamond Pyrock.

The dragon roared loudly, spreading its wings out to look more intimidating. Without warning, the dragon flew in the air, launching multiple fireballs at me from its mouth. My body instinctively rose my power level, allowing my aura to deflect the fireballs.

"Phoenix," I said, raising my arm and watching her fly into the air. "It's time to battle!"

Phoenix screeched loudly, soaring across the air and spreading her wings. The dragon roared at Phoenix, cloaking itself in powerful flames. The two beasts faced off in the air, my gaze carefully watching the battle.

"Seems like we got more bones to add to the collection," A male voice spoke, his tone stretching across the cave.

I turned my gaze to the source of the voice, seeing a man sitting upon a rock, using the bones of the dead soldiers to enhance his axe. I stared at him, noticing this was the humanoid beast Elisa mentioned. I crossed my arms, studying his appearance with a critical eye.

The man was an imposing and formidable presence, embodying the essence of a powerful, fearsome gladiator. He was adorned in elaborate armor that combined elements of strength and dominance, featuring a mix of sharp angles, spikes, and intricate detailing. The armor was predominantly metallic with accents of red and gold, giving it a regal and commanding appearance.

His weapon was a massive and fearsome axe, with a design that echoed his armor's aggressive aesthetics. The axe has a large, curved blade with additional sharp points and ornate decorations, suggesting it was not only a tool of destruction but also a symbol of status and power.

The man's physical build is muscular and robust, highlighting his strength and combat prowess. His exposed chest and arms show a confident readiness for battle, while the fur-lined details of his armor add a touch of ruggedness and might indicated a high rank or leadership role within a warrior clan.

His hair was a striking shade of white, contrasting with the darker tones of his armor and adding a sense of mystique. Horn-like protrusions from his headgear further emphasize his intimidating and almost demonic appearance.

The man looked at me, standing up from his spot. He walked forward, his gaze landing on mine. His light blue eyes shined with a dangerous intent. "You feel powerful...I can't sense an end to your power. Who are you?"

I crossed my arms and watched the man approach. "My name is Ryoma Miyazaki. An Emperor of a distant land."

"Emperor huh? No wonder you feel so powerful, but as they say...the bigger the titan, the harder they fall," The man said, smirking devilishly at me. "I, Morokai, King of the Infernal Beasts, shall add your bones to my collection!"

At his declare the dragon roared with strength, shaking the ground beneath us with a simple roar. Phoenix screeched, her piercing cry echoing around the arena.

I chuckled softly and uncrossed my arms, my left eye emitting a calm flow of energy. "Add my bones? Hmph, you must be pretty strong to declare something like that. The last guy to say he would defeat me ended up being the one getting embarrassed. Let's see how long you last against me.."

I summoned my sword, getting into my royal stance and chuckled lightly. Morokai got into his stance, glaring and growling lowly. The two of us stared at each other for a moment, sizing each other up. Morokai let out a roar and propelled himself toward me at high speeds, slashing his axe at me.

I parried his slash then dodged his next attack, countering with a swift slash of my own. Morokai blocked the slash with his horn then began charging toward me, roaring loudly. I stopped his charge with a knee straight to his chin, causing him to stumble back.

Morokai recovered, stumping his foot down. "Regena! Burn him down!"

The red dragon roared, launching a beam of fire toward me, but Phoenix intercepted, absorbing the flames. Phoenix engulfed herself in powerful flames, bolting toward Regena at high speeds. Regena roared and flew toward Phoenix, matching her speed.

The two began clashing in the air, sparks raining down from each clash. Regena flew higher in the air, swooping down and crashing into Phoenix. Phoenix let out a pained screech, crashing into the ground. Regena prepared to blast her at point blank, but Phoenix let out a loud shrill, her fiery aura managing to push away the dragon.

"Hmph! Your bird is quite powerful! Seems like you know how to train a Beast!" Morokai said, dashing toward me once again.

I dodged his slashes with his axe then perfectly parried his next slash, throwing him off balance. "Arcane, Willbreaker Form!"

The blade of my sword shined a deep purple, emitting powerful aura around the blade. The hilt extended, my Crest of Arcane shining brightly on the center of the hilt. Once my sword finished transforming, my aura surged powerfully around my body, pushing Morokai away.

Morokai grunted softly as he slid backwards, his eyes widening with a hint of shock. 'His power level just skyrocketed...He's been holding back..?'

I took on one of my Royal Stances, holding my sword as if I was using iaijutsu. I lowered my stance, my eyes shining brightly. "This stance is very special to me...The Dagrax Stance also known as the Multi-Hit Stance. Depending on how much energy I exert, I can hit you a numerous of times. It can be as low as two or as high as 100..."

Morokai scoffed, getting back into his stance and braced himself. "You're bluffing.."

I chuckled softly, letting out a soft sigh and smirked at Morokai. "Then allow me to show you...what all this stance can do.."

I dashed toward Morokai, slashed at him and landing a powerful slash, a second impact knocking him away. I launched myself after him, leaping up and kicking him to the ground, his body bouncing back up fron the ground. I slashed down, sending him staggering on his feet then five delayed slashes struck him, knocking him back once again.

Morokai recovered onto his feet, grunting softly as he felt his horn crack. He noticed pieces of his horn fall to the ground, his eyes flashing in rage. He let out a roar, his fiery aura surging powerfully around his body. "You dare chip my horn?! I'll kill you for that!"

Morokai lunged toward me, dodging my slash then landed a clean kick to my stomach, pushing me back. Using his rage, his speed and attack power increased, making him a more formidable opponent. He landed slash after slash upon my body, each one carrying the weight of his increasing anger.

"Die!" Morokai roared, slashing down at me.

As his axe neared my shoulder, he noticed my aura stopping his slash, protecting my body. He felt a sudden increase to my aura, his body shuddering lightly. Regena and Phoenix stopped their battle, sensing my increase in power level.

"You've landed a few good hits on me...vile beast," I said, a crown flicking in and out of view on the top of my head and my eyes flashing a silver color. "Hits that I wouldn't normally mind, had there been no killing intent."

'What is this..? Why won't my body move..?!' Morokai thought, his body frozen in slight fear.

"Since you powered up, it's only fair if I do so as well. You shall witness...my Emperor's Form," I said, my tone filled with arrogance.

A crown formed on the top of my head, my eyes shining a bright silver. Black and gold armor appeared upon my body, revealing my true regal appearance and status. A tattered dark colored cape flowed behind me, wielding the Crest of Arcane upon the back.

Morokai stepped back in awe and disbelief, his eyes wide and brain trying to comprehend my power. 'I can't even sense his aura anymore...how strong is this man..?'

"I've been holding back against you, Morokai. You stand no chance against what I am now. There's not chance for mercy anymore. You will now see what a true Emperor is capable of," I declared, my sword shining brightly, resonating with my energy in full.

Morokai grit his teeth then dashed toward me, slashing at me with all of his might. Despite his best efforts, none of his strikes were able to penetrate or scratch my armor. One he realized the situation, he took a step back, noticing the hopeless situation he found himself in.

I dusted my armor off then chuckled softly. "In this tale, I don't start off weak...and grow stronger. This is my story, Beast. I just hold back against opponents who aren't worth my time, but against you...you intrigue me."

"You killed Claire's units, nearly taking away the last two...using their bones to enhance your weapon. Then you attack me...which I didn't mind at all. However, now that I know your intent, I have no problem doing what I know best.." I said, a tyrannical smirk stretching across my face.

I rose my sword, the Crest of Chaos slowly forming on my forehead. My sword began to emit powerful chaotic energy, my energy alone slowly awakening the dormant core of the volcano. Before I could attack, Phoenix screeched, grabbing my attention.

I looked up at Phoenix, noticing her disapproving gaze. She knew if this volcano activated, the lava would wash over the Kingdom of Pyroc and its neighboring kingdoms. I lowered my sword, closing my eyes and my Crest of Chaos slowly disappeared.

"Hmph, looks like today is your lucky day. You get to live to see another beautiful, enchanting Uthean Morning," I said, walking by him then chuckled lightly, reverting into my normal form.

I grabbed the chunk of Diamond Pyrock from the ground and glanced at Morokai. "Our battle may be short lived, but now you have time to think about who is the true superior one."

I walked off, Phoenix following behind and disengaging with Regena. Morokai and his dragon watched our retreating form, a small ember escaping his nose from his scoff.

"Emperor...you step in my domain and embarrass me..? I will not allow your arrogance to pass by...I will destroy you," Morokai mumbled, a soft growl escaping his lips.

I returned to where Elisa and Milcham once were, noticing they were gone now. I saw a letter on the ground, walking toward it and picking it up.

"Dear...no, Hi, no too casual. Hello, Emperor Ryoma. Thank you for healing me earlier. I heard your battle against the beast and decided to move away from the battle. A rescue team had found us and now we are heading back to Pyroc," - Sincerely, Elisa.

"At least they are safe," I said to myself then walked forward. "Let us get out of this cave now and bring this back to Claire. I got a good chunk too, enough to last maybe three or four generations."

Phoenix chirped happily, flying ahead and leading me out of the Volcano. With the Diamond Pyrock in possession, that was only one of three items needed to start the festival. All that remained were the Soldew and the Blazing Star.

As we exited the cave, Nebula noticed us, happily neighing at our safe return. Phoenix screeched and took off to the skies, heading straight for the island in the sky.

"She must be going to gather the Soldew. Alright, while she's doing that, let's get back to the kingdom," I said, mountain on Nebula's back.

Nebula whinnied and galloped along the path back to Pyroc. With a new sense of purpose, I felt excited on the inside, wanting to see the Festival and what all they had to offer.