Vesta's Wing

Claire stared at the Blazing Stars that Inoka brought, her eyes shimmering in awe and reflecting the beautiful light the fragments radiated. Inoka smiled proudly at them, her gaze glued to the fragments with a sense of accomplishment. I watched as the two gazed at the fragments, a soft chuckle escaping my lips.

"I can't believe that you two went to the skies for these..~ This is huge for us! We can finally evolve our Crests and prepare for the festival that's happening in a few days!" Claire said happily, bouncing with excitement.

"We also have the Golden Feathers of Cholra that we can use as an offer for the Goddess of Eternal Flames. This Festival is going to be perfect! For the first time since Granny Ardens, we might actually get to see obtain Vesta's blessings!~" Inoka said excitedly, beaming a smile at her sister.

Claire nodded, glancing up at me and Inoka. "Thank you two for this opportunity. I'm glad we don't have to wait for as long as I thought we needed to. Where is Cholra actually?"

"He didn't want to join us. I think he's being a sore loser," I said half jokingly, letting out a soft chuckle.

"You did nearly destroy his entire island in our battle, I would be a sore loser if I witnessed such power from a human if I was him," Inoka giggled, holding her arms under her chest.

I shrugged my shoulders, letting out a soft chuckle. "Hey now, he was attacking us like he was going to kill us. I only matched his energy except I spared him. Had I not controlled The Tyrant, he would've died."

"I'll give you that. You did show great restraint in the battle. I saw that smile you gave, I was pretty worried you would've said screw it and blew up the island for the win," Inoka said, smiling at me, gently bumping her shoulder into mine.

"Had I done that, not only would the island be destroyed, but most of Pyroc would've been as well with parts of the island falling upon it. I still have to think about the aftermath and long run in my battles. It's part of being an Emperor, thinking long term. Speaking of being an Emperor, I must be off to go talk to my brother. I want to check on him," I said, leaning down to kiss Inoka's cheek then walked toward Claire, landing a kiss on her forehead.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you in my room,"

Claire said, giggling softly at me.

I waved and walked out of my room then summoned my magic device, using it to contact my brother as I walked down the halls. I soon got an answer from him, stopping by a window and smiled as a magic screen appeared in front of me.

"Takeo," I began, greeting him with a warm smile.

"Brother, you're still alive! I knew you would be able to conquer Uthea!" Takeo said, happy to hear my voice.

"Nah, I'm taking it slow this go around. I'm in no rush honestly. I'm only on my second kingdom," I replied, a soft chuckle escaping my lips. "I'm calling to check up on you. I want to know how you're doing with being the acting Emperor of Yesha now. Have my people been treating you well?"

"Yes, everyone had been treating me with great respect. I'm still learning the ropes of this Emperor thing, but your retainers and advisors have been a great help for me. We all miss you, Ryoma," Takeo answered, a soft smile playing on his face.

"I miss you all as well, and I promise to return with some type of souvenir or multiple for that matter. This conquest has already been very challenging. I walked into this kingdom thinking it would be a breeze and I've already had to use my Emperor's Form twice and use The End. Can you believe that?" I laughed.

Takeo laughed softly, shaking his head. "You going all out in a battle? I can hardly believe it. You're the same guy who conquered all of Eyica in base form by yourself with the help of Tsuhori. Speaking of Tsuhori, how is she?"

"Mmm, I have no clue honestly. I don't know where my cute Divine Beast is. Hopefully, she's alright. I was hoping she would join me as my retainer," I answered, shrugging my shoulders.

"That's strange...well I hope she's alright as well, although we shouldn't have to worry too much. She is a Divine Beast after all," Takeo said with a smile.

Takeo and I continued talking for a while, catching each other up on what's been going on for the both of us. Our conversations flowed smoothly, the two of us sharing laughs and fond memories of our past.

"Alright, I think it's time I best head on," I said, watching the moon slowly rise in th sky.

"Yeah. It was nice talking with you again, Brother," Takeo said, his tone tinged with contentment.

"I agree. I'll be sure to check up on you more often since I have a lot of free time on my hands," I said, getting off the wall.

Takeo nodded then gave me a warm smile. "See you around."

"Yeah," I replied, nodding my head.

The conversation ended and the magic screen disappeared. With a soft contented sigh, I gazed out the window once more before heading down the corridors to Claire's bedroom to finally rest for the night.

I made my way into Claire's room, walking inside and noticing her putting on her night gown. I closed the door behind myself and made my way toward her, gently wrapping my arms around her.

Claire noticed me in her mirror, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I want to thank you again...for giving me and my sister a chance to see Vesta and Pyroc..~ I also want to thank you for keeping her happy like you do with me..~ It means so much.."

I looked down at Claire, a soft smile curling on my lips. "You don't need to thank me, my love..~ I'm just doing what I know best.."

Claire closed her eyes and held my arm, taking a deep breath then exhaled softly, leaning into my embrace, allowing herself to fall upon me. "I've never been so happy before..~ My ex-husband was just a brute...someone who only wanted a wife to bare his kids and a tyrant who just wanted control over the Kingdom..."

"You might've been a Tyrant, but you're had a reason to be one, but look at you now. You're nothing like what the people described at're not a monster. You're a human like me and the rest of us.." Claire said softly, gently yawning and reaching up to hold my face, her gaze shifting up to me.

I smiled at her words, my heart beating a bit faster in her presence. I leaned down, planting a soft kiss on her lips. "Your words are so sweet..~ It's almost like you're saying your vows right here..~"

Claire giggled softly, turning around in my arms then wrapped her arms around my nape. "Maybe I am...who knows..~ I know one thing though, you've been perfect so far and I can't wait for the wedding..~"

I gently pressed my forehead against hers, gently wrapping my arms around her waist. "Me neither..~"

Claire and I shared another kiss, a kiss that lingered for a long moment. After a while, we broke the kiss and Claire led me to her bed, the two of us getting in together. Claire snuggled up beside me, letting out a content sigh and smiled, closing her eyes. The two of us slowly drifted off into the realm of dreams, excited for what the days to come will provide.


The next day arrived, the entire castle hustling and bustling about to prepare for the Great Flame Festival that was happening in a few days. The maids prepared the ingredients for the grand dinner for the city, butlers carried items in and out of the citadel to decorate the city.

Suddenly, a crash was heard and alerted the entire castle. Claire hurried down the hall with urgent steps, going toward the source of the crash and noticed smoke escaping a room. She grunted and stumbled back as a figure darted out of the room.

Claire gasped as she noticed the item the figure was holding. "H-Hey! Stop there thief! Someone stop them! She has the Great Lantern!"

The thief smirked as they ran down the corridor, taking a sharp turn down another hallway. They heard multiple footsteps behind them, glancing back and noticing Milcham and Elisa chasing after them.

"You better stop right there!" Elisa called out then tripped over her own foot, falling down onto the floor. "Ow..."

Milcham stopped to pick Elisa up. "Are you okay?"

"M-Mhm! But look, they're getting away!" Elisa pointed, noticing the thief heading toward a window.

Just as the thief planned to jump out the window, they were trapped by their shadow, noticing they couldn't move. They looked around then noticed me walking toward them with a sigh.

"Geez, if you're gonna steal something, at least steal something when I'm not literally inside the castle," I said, rubbing the back of my head then took the lantern and removed the thief's cloak to uncover their identity.

The person was a dynamic and fierce individual, exuding energy and determination. Her bright red hair was styled in large, spiky pigtails that gave her a bold and striking appearance, complemented by her intense and annoyed expression.

She wore a cropped top with a flame pattern, hinting at her fiery personality. Her outfit was practical and sporty, including baggy white pants adorned with various straps and pockets, indicating she values mobility and readiness. The black accessories, such as the fingerless gloves, arm guards, and a belt with pouches, added to her utilitarian and combat-ready look.

Her overall style suggested a modern, urban warrior with a rebellious streak. The orange visor with jagged, flame-like edges enhances her fierce and determined appearance.

"Hey, that's our blacksmith's little sister!" Elisa said, noticing who the girl was.

"Cyra.." Milcham sighed, shaking his head. "What in the Creator's great world are you doing with the lantern, heathen?"

"Heathen..?! You watch how you speak to me, custard! I am the Great Imperial Smith, Cyra! I can dismantle your stupid weapons and armor at any moment!" Cyra barked, waving her arms in anger.

"No...your actually not. Your brother is and he made our equipment. Listen, if you want to be included, just say that. But don't just steal things that aren't yours," Milcham said, crossing his arms.

Claire hurried toward us and noticed we caught the perpetrator. "Cyra? You're the thief? But why?"

Cyra let out a sigh and lowered her head. "I just wanted to make it better. I never get a chance to do anything here and I want my chance to build something cool like my brother.."

Claire listened to Cyra's words, taking a moment to think then hatched an idea with a smile. "Is that all? Well, I have a Blazing Star and a few Golden Feathers that you can use that's needed to be made into the shape of Vesta's Wing. If you want, I can let you use that..~"

Cyra's eyes widened and she quickly glanced at Claire. "Really..? You're not gonna punish me for stealing?"

Claire shook her head, giving Cyra a gentle smile. "No..~ I can see your willingness to help out and it would be nice for someone of your skills to craft Vesta's Wing..~"

Cyra nodded, her gaze becoming determined. "Okay! I'll do it!~"

I released Cyra from my Phantom Hold and allowed her to go follow Claire. Cyra looked back at us, sticking out her tongue at Elisa and Milcham, annoying the both of them.

"Annoying brat.." Milcham muttered, sighing softly. He looked at me and crossed his arms. "Thank you, Lord Ryoma. She's a real headache sometimes. I think she's jealous of her brother, so I guess that's why she does what she does to get attention...but it's rather annoying.."

"Is that so?" I asked, watching Cyra and Claire walk off then handed the lantern to Elisa. "I think I know what to do."

Elisa held the lantern in her hands then glanced at Milcham. Milcham tilted his head, watching me walk off then glanced at Elisa, the two of them wondering what I was going to do. Without asking any other questions, they made there way down the hall to bring the lantern back to the treasure room.

I made my way down the stairs of the castle, finding my way into the blacksmith's area, hearing the clanging of metals and lava oozing from various machines. I searched around for Cyra and noticed her sitting at a table, trying to place the Golden Feathers together with the Blazing Star.

"Having trouble?" I asked, approaching her.

Cyra looked up at me, immediately recognizing me. "Hey you're the one who stopped me with that stupid hold! Who are you? Are you here to throw me in jail?!"

I chuckled softly and pulled up a chair next to her then sat down. "Not at all. I'm here to help you. I may not look like it, but I dabbled in a bit of blacksmithing myself. Hearing your reasoning, it had me thinking...I want to understand you better."

"Understand me?" Cyra asked, setting down the Golden Feathers.

"Let's start off with the basics. My name is Ryoma Miyazaki, previous Emperor of Eyica," I said, introducing myself.

Cyra gasped and stood up then bowed toward me. "How could I be so clueless! L-Lord Ryoma!"

I laughed softly, gently making her sit back down. "There's no need for that, Cyra. Truly. You can be casual with me, I won't bite your head off for it."

"O-Oh okay," Cyra replied, her cheeks growing red from embarrassment. "My name is Cyra Galant. My older brother, Kolden Galant is the lead blacksmith here and I want to be like him, but he never lets me help. He thinks I'll just get in the way. So I just sneak in here when he's not around and work on my own."

"Have you built anything?" I asked, my gaze unwavering.

Cyra nodded her head, pointing at the axe beside me. "I built that on my own."

I glanced in the direction she pointed at then noticed the battle axe on the wall, noticing how well built it was. I smiled and admired the work and dedication she put into it. "That's actually pretty good."

Cyra smiled at my praise, looking at the axe as well. "I call it Fiamma. That axe can cut through solid steel and burn as hot as the Seven Suns we orbit around. Okay that's an exaggeration, it doesn't burn that hot but still!"

I chuckled softly and turned my gaze back to Cyra. "You have the skills I can admit that. Alright, I'll help you make Vesta's Wing, if you promise to not give my fiance another heart attack," I said, holding my pinkie out.

Cyra looked at my finger then gazed back into my eyes with a smile, wrapping her pinkie around mine. "Okay..~"

I smiled at her then looked at the Blazing Star and the Golden Feathers. "Alright, let's get down to work."

Cyra and I worked for hours smelting together the Blazing Star with the Golden Feathers without breaking the ore. The Blazing Star was quite fragile the more we worked with it, but quite flexible. With each careful movement, we meticulously attached the Golden Feathers to the Blazing Star, creating Vesta's Wing.

Cyra wiped the sweat from her forehead then sighed in relief, smiling at the finished product. "There!~ It's finished!"

"Yep, The Goddess's Wing. The fiery golden glow of her wing looks so beautiful as well. You did a great job," I said, smiling st Cyra.

"Me? But you helped too," Cyra said, looking at me.

"I know, but I'm letting you take full credit. You deserve it. I want your name to be known as the Fiery Smith who crafted Vesta's Wing for this generation," I said.

Cyra looked down at Vesta's Wing that rested in her hands, a gentle smile playing on her face as she stared at it. She nodded her head, glancing up at me again. "Okay..~ Let's go give this to Lady Claire!"

I nodded and stood up out of my seat then followed Cyra out of the Smithing Area. Her steps were excited, her soft squeals of excitement heartwarming to witness. I couldn't help but to smile at her, glad to see her go from annoyed to genuinely happy.

We made our to find Claire, the maids pointing us to the location Claire was currently. We traversed the many halls until we noticed Claire in the throne room, having an audience already. Cyra noticed who was inside, her eyes slightly widening.

"I'm sorry about my sister's actions, Queen Claire. I honestly don't know where she gets this rebellious streak from," the man inside said, bowing toward Claire.

"It's alright, Kolden. I take no offense to it, it just surprised me that's all. I understand her rebellious and fiery personality. She just wants to help around and help you out," Claire replied, smiling at Kolden.

"I understand that, but she still has a long way to go before she's even close to being ready to make what I make for the kingdom. She's barely Apprentice Level and with the recent attack that happened and losing most of our soldiers, I can't out her on the front lines yet. There's too much demand and I take pride in meeting those needs in a timely manner," Kolden said.

Cyra was about to burst in and defend herself, but I stopped her, placing my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me, frowning and feeling undervalued by her brother. I shook my head, and Cyra pouted, crossing her arms.

"I also understand that, Kolden. Listen, after the Great Flame Festival, I want you to at least teach her more. She's a Galant as well, having a strong affinity for blacksmithing. Can you do that for me?" Claire asked, looking at Kolden with a gentle smile.

Kolden bowed toward Claire. "As you wish, My Queen."

With that, I let go of Cyra and signalled it was okay for her to enter. Cyra wasted no time hurrying inside the throne room, Milcham and Elisa readying to strike but noticed it was just Cyra.

"Queen Claire!~ Look!" Cyra said, holding out Vesta's Wing, it's golden glow radiating across the room.

Kolden looked surprised, noticing the artifact in Cyra's hands. "Vesta's Wing..?"

Claire looked at the wing and gasped softly, a proud smile playing on her face. "It's so beautiful..and you did it so quickly. Amazing job, Cyra!~"

Cyra giggled softly, twisting from side to side. She felt bubbly after being praised by Claire. "Thank you~"

I watched from a distance, my gaze meeting Claire's. Once she noticed me, a knowing smile played on her face, realizing I helped Cyra craft the wing. I chuckled softly and walked off, placing my hands in my pockets. Claire smiled as I walked off, looking back at Cyra and the others and decided to extend the audience to talk about what else she needed done for the Festival.