Warm Wedding (18+)

A few days went by since Claire's birthday, and the day before the wedding soon arrived. I sat outside with Nebula, leaning against her as she laid down behind me, allowing me to use her as comfort. Tsuhori joined in her fox form, laying on the other side of me. I stared at the night sky, watching the twinkling stars and a few shooting stars fly by.

"We did good here Nebula. Tomorrow would be the day of the wedding... and that means this would be our second kingdom conquered," I said softly, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

Nebula snorted softly, her tail swaying slightly.

"Yeah...I agree. I'm gonna miss this kingdom as well. However, Alastor is still out there. Somewhere. Plotting. We need to be as prepared as possible for him. Especially since he has the Crest of Chaos and Manami's sister. I have to save Lythia from his grasp...it wouldn't be right for her to stay within the grasp of a manipulator," I said, opening my eyes to stare at the sky once more.

Inoka walked toward us, looking down at us and smiled. "Got room for one more?~"

I looked up at Inoka, noticing her towering over me. I smiled at her then scooted over for her to sit next to me. "I've always got room for you..~"

Inoka smiled, walking around Nebula to take her spot next to me. Inoka felt my arm wrap around her shoulder, snuggling closer to me and resting her head upon my chest. "Tomorrow is the wedding for me, Claire, and you...and tomorrow would be your last day here."

"Yeah...so I'm planning to make sure my last day here ends with a bang..~" I replied, gently running my fingers through her hair.

Inoka offered a content hum, her body settling closer to mine. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Inoka finally spoke again, her tone a mix of appreciation and mild apprehension. "Ryoma...I have to confess. When you leave from here tomorrow, I will probably cry my eyes out..."

I glanced down at her, my fingers still offering gentle strokes of her hair. "Really?"

Inoka lifted her head to meet my gaze, her eyes glossy with emotions she couldn't explain. With a small, yet genuine smile, she replied, "Yes..~ You've singlehandedly made both me and my sister the happiest women in the world right now. I couldn't ever ask for a better man to marry, let alone a man who actually understands our needs and wants.."

"I just..." Inoka began, her voice trailing off and thick with emotion. "I just...don't want you to leave.."

I watched as Inoka buried her face into my chest, hearing her silent cries. I gently rubbed her head, pulling her closer to me and held her tightly. For a few moments, I didn't speak only allowing her to get all of her emotions out. I gave her comfortable rubs upon her shoulder, listening to her cry.

Inoka gripped my kimono, sniffling and looked up at me, her eyes red with tears. "A perfect man...only comes around once every generation...and you happen to have the need to travel and conquer. Will I ever see you again after your conquest..?"

"Of course you will. My only goal isn't to fulfill the Legend of Conquest within Uthea, but it is also to have children and restore my bloodline. I'm just not gonna marry you and leave you behind forever. That's almost as bad as having a terrible king mistreat your people," I answered, my tone soft and comforting.

"Do you promise..?" Inoka asked softly, leaning closer to where our noses brushed against one another.

Gently wiping her tears, I offered her a warm, reassuring smile. "I promise, my love..~"

Inoka smiled at me, closing her eyes as I leaned closer, brushing my lips against hers. Each gentle, reassuring kiss began sending shivers down her spine, her mind finally becoming reassured and seeking solace in my intimate acts.

Smiling softly at my reassurance, Inoka snuggles closer to me, resting her head against my chest once more. Content silence filled the air as the two of us share this intimate moment, finding solace in each other's presence. Our heartbeats were synchronized, and our breaths steady and soft.

"Thank you, my dear Emperor..~" Inoka whispered, closing her eyes to seek a comforting slumber in my arms.

"You're welcome, my immortal Phoenix..~" I replied, my tone barely above a comfortable whispered.

Soon, the two of us began to drift off into a gentle slumber, sitting up under the stars and having the Goddesses watch over us. Tomorrow offered excitement for all of us, the day of the wedding.

The next morning arrived, the gentle glow of the sun rising offering a soft wake up call for the kingdom. I opened my eyes slowly, noticing Inoka still resting with her head upon my chest. I looked up and noticed Phoenix land upon the roof of the stable. She let out a screech, causing Inoka to wake up with an annoyed groan.

Inoka covered her hears to try and cancel out the annoying sounds of Phoenix's screech. "Are you freaking serious?!" Inoka barked, sitting up and looked up at Phoenix with strands of her hair covering her face.

Tsuhori giggled softly, walking in front of us then stretched, slowly shifting back into her human form. "Good morning, Master Ryoma. Lady Inoka, Nebula and Phoenix."

"Good morning, Tsuhori," I greeted, stretching my arms.

"Good morning," Inoka said with a soft yawn and a stretch.

Nebula snorted softly, slowly opening her eyes. Phoenix chirped and flew down next to Inoka, preening her feathers.

"Today is the day, we should all get up and prepare for the upcoming wedding this afternoon," Tsuhori said, standing up and held her fluffy tail in her hands.

I nodded and stood up, holding Inoka's hand, helping her up as well. Inoka stumbled forward, her legs slightly numb but I caught her with a soft chuckle. Inoka smiled at me and giggled softly. The two of us decided to head inside for breakfast and to get ready for the wedding.

We traversed our way down the halls of the castle, noticing the servants usual hustle and bustle around during important events. We walked into the dining hall, noticing Claire sitting at the table. She noticed us as well and gave us warm, inviting smiles.

"Good morning, you two!~ Are you ready for possibly the most important day of our lives?~" Claire asked, her tone a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Inoka nodded, offering Claire a bright smile and placed her hand upon her chest. "I'm really excited and nervous..~ I can hardly breathe!"

I chuckled softly at the two, my gaze shifting between them both. "I'm sure today will be perfect, an intimate wedding with us and those important to us~"

The two women smiled at me, nodding their heads at my statement. Our conversations began to flow smoothly between us as we enjoyed a nice breakfast with one another. We shared our excitements and laughs, as well as our fears for after the wedding and what we will do in the future.

After a nice breakfast, we all decided to get up and prepare for the day. Claire and Inoka made their way to get ready together while I made my way back to the stables to see Nebula. Once I made my way outside, I noticed Nebula trotting around leisurely, enjoying the sun.

"Nebula," I called out to her.

Nebula looked over at me, noticing I was gesturing for her to come over to me. She happily trotted over to me, nuzzling me and whinnying. She licked my cheek, eliciting a soft chuckle from me.

"Yes, I love you too, Nebula..~ Now I have something I wanted to ask. The wedding is in the Royal Ballroom and Claire and Inoka want you there so I was wondering if you can shapeshift like Tsuhori can," I said, leaning forward against the fence.

Nebula's ears flicked and she took a few steps back, closing her eyes then th e magic symbols upon her body began shining. Her body glowed a silver light, her figure shifting into a human form. Once the light disappeared, her form was revealed.

She had a sweet and slightly bashful expression, with a subtle blush on her cheeks. Her pale gray eyes were warm and inviting, suggesting a kind and approachable personality. She had long, silver hair styled in soft waves, with a few braids adding a touch of elegance. Notably, she had horse ears on her head and had her horse tail, showing a mix of her human and beast forms. She also wore a small blue bow with a decorative accessory, adding a playful and youthful touch.

Her attire was modest and elegant, featuring a light-colored cloak with a detailed edge and a pink dress underneath. The dress had a high collar and ruffled trim, adding to her refined and gentle appearance. She had an overall soft and approachable aesthetic, blending elements of cuteness and elegance, making her appear both gentle and endearing.

"Wow..~" I said softly, chuckling softly as I stared at her. "Not only are you a beautiful horse, but a beautiful woman as well.."

Nebula blushed more, fiddling with the trims of her cloak. She tried to speak, but couldn't speak human language like Tsuhori could. All she could do was produce bashful whinnies and whines.

I chuckled softly and gently caressed her cheek. "It's alright, Nebula. I can still understand you. You won't need to stay in this form for too long. You can revert back to your normal form."

Nebula quickly shifted back into her Beast Form, whinnying and standing on her hind legs. She snorted at me, shaking her head.

I couldn't help but laugh, petting her head. "I know it was slightly uncomfortable~ It would only be for a few moments, I promise you..~"

Nebula nuzzled my hand then heard Tsuhori and Phoenix calling out to her to play. I smiled at Nebula, gently patting her snout then let her run off to play with Phoenix and Tsuhori. I made my way back inside to get ready for the upcoming wedding.


The time of the wedding began and I stood in front of the alter with my groomsmen, Milcham and Kolden, standing beside me. They seemed pretty excited to have me as their new King, the two of them patting my shoulder and giving me nods of approval.

Soon, Claire and Inoka walked into the ballroom, holding each other's hands as they made their way down the aisle. Their bridesmaids, Elisa and Cyra, walked with them down the aisle, making their way to stand in their positions behind Claire and Inoka.

The ballroom was filled with our guests and the maids and butlers, each one of them excited to witness the ceremony and coronation begin. Once everyone was ready, the priest cleared his throat and opened his Holy Writ, a smile playing on his face.

"People of Pyroc, I am pleased to see everyone gather around for the wedding ceremony for Queen Claire, Princess Inoka, and Emperor Ryoma. It is been a while since Lady Claire has wedded and this will he Lady Inoka's first official husband. They bless us with a King like Ryoma, a man who has shown great compassion for our royals and their people. Who would like to go first with their vows?" The priest began, his eyes glancing between the three of us.

"We'll start," Claire said, stepping forward and gently holding my hand in hers. "Ryoma...you have shown us all great compassion and love, not only to me and Inoka, but to all of Pyroc. You've saved our kingdom, helped us grow, and even given us four new retainers when we originally started out with none. With all of your accomplishments and everything going forward, I vow to always cherish you in my heart and soul.."

Inoka followed up behind Claire, gently taking my other hand. "And you've helped bring Vesta and her Great Beasts back together for us. You've given Pyroc the chance to live in a prosperous generation once again...we can not thank you enough for everything you've done. I also vow, to love and cherish you forever until the end."

I smiled at the two of them then gently squeezed their hands. "Claire, Inoka, I'm happy to have been here for you all in your time of need. I'm happy to have been here for everyone when they needed someone the mostm..and I'm happy that you two always stood by me as well and welcomed me into your home even after the previous king. I promise and vow to keep you all in my heart and soul as well."

The priest smiled at us, nodding his head. "Beautiful vows, now it's time for the tokens."

Claire glanced at Inoka then turned her gaze back to me. "This is from both me and Inoka..."

Claire closed her eyes, a warm red glow forming around my hand. Suddenly, The Crest of Blaze shined on my hand, forming above my Crest of Arcane. I gazed at the Crest, a warm smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"The Crest of Blaze, a symbol of our undying trust and loyalty to you. With this Crest you can utilize the same Eternal Flames we can and like what you can do with Azusa...You can summon our Spirit to help you in your times of need or if you just want to see us..~" Claire said, a sweet smile playing on her face.

I smiled at the two of them then chuckled softly, my gaze shifting between the two. "Since you're giving me your Crest, it's only right if I do the same and grant you some of my many Crests."

A faint glow surrounded their hands, a fiery red Crest shining upon their hands. The two looked at it in awe, wondering what Crest it was.

"The Crest of Eidolon, a Crest coming from The Dagrax Empire, used by the late Emperor Eidolon, a descendant of one of the seven Sun Generals," I said, giving them a soft chuckle. "This allows your power to grow continuously until it caps at 100%, and only works for Fire Users. Plus, you'll be able to summon my Spirit equipped with Fire Abilities, whether it be Zodiac, Spirit, Angel, or Demon."

"Wow..~ Thank you Ryoma," Claire spoke, her tone soft as she admired the Crest of Eidolon.

The priest chuckled softly, pleased with the tokens presented. "Alright, let's move on to the final stages of the ceremony. As the Vow Bearer, I must ask you all these questions. Lady Claire and Inoka, do you vow to take Emperor Ryoma's hand in marriage as your lawfully wedded husband, to love him through his highs and lows, through sickness and healthy until the flames of your eternal spirit finally blows out."

"We do," Claire and Inoka said at the same time.

"And Emperor Ryoma do you vow to accept Lady Claire and Inoka as your lawfully wedded wives, to love and cherish them through their highs and lows, through sickness and healthy until your final breath?" The priest asked.

"I do," I said, nodding my head.

The priest nodded his head then smiled, looking around the room. "Seeing everyone's smiles, I can tell there are no objections to this marriage. Because of that, Lord Ryoma, you may kiss your brides."

Without hesitation, I gave tender kisses to both Inoka and Claire, the crowd cheering happily. Phoenix screeched with excitement and Nebula became very excited, accidentally reverting back into her Horse Form and startling the maids. The ceremony soon came to an end, and the reception was now underway.

Everyone began to enjoy themselves in the ball room, a royal dance commencing with everyone finding their partners and enjoying a nice dance with one another. The entire moment was serene, even the maids and butlers joining in on the fun.

Claire smiled at me as I danced with her, glancing over at Inoka who danced with one of the butlers. "I think you should go dance with her...and give her a proper goodbye gift..~"

I glanced at Inoka then looked back down at Claire, smiling and chuckling softly. "Right..~ I'll do just that..~"

Claire and I moved closer to Inoka and her partner, seamlessly swapping dance partners with Claire dancing with the butler and Inoka now in my arms. Inoka's smile brightened as she locked eyes with me during our dance, our fingers interlocking with one another.

"This means a lot to me...I'm glad you gave me the chance to also experience...real love," Inoka said softly, leaning her head against my chest.

"I'm glad to have given you the chance at real love..~ And I have one more surprise for you whenever you're ready to received it," I said softly, holding her closely.

"What is it?" Inoka asked, glancing up at me.

I chuckled softly, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "If I told you, it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it..~"

Inoka giggled, rolling her eyes and placed her head upon my chest once again. "Alright..~ I'll try to be as patient as I can.."

The reception went on, everyone continuing to enjoy themselves in the ballroom, engaging in either delicious food and drinks or upon the dance floor, enjoying the nice serenade of music. The entire atmosphere was beautiful, nothing but smiles showing on everyone's faces.

As the reception began to die down, I led Inoka to a more quiet and private area, her bedchambers to give Inoka her farewell gift. Once inside, she closed the door, locking it then we sat on her bed, locking eyes with each other.

"So...this gift..~ What could it be..?" She asked, her tone barely above a whisper.

I smiled at her, delicately holding her chin. "Well...it's a proper farewell gift. One I thought would be great for us.."

Inoka's breath caught in her throat as I cupped her chin delicately, lifting her gaze to meet mine. She swallowed a bit, her heart racing faster than ever before at my words. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it again quickly, unable to find the words she wanted to say.

"Is it... what I think you're planning..?" She asked, her tone a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Leaning in closer to her, I gently held her chin, giving her a soft smile. "Yeah..~ It's exactly what you're thinking.."

A soft sigh escaped Inoka's lips as I placed my forehead against hers, sealing the unspoken agreement between us two. My proximity sent tingling sensations through her body, awakening desires she hadn't fully acknowledged until now.

Her hands trembled slightly as they rested on her lap, unsure whether to reach out to you or stay still. "Just take it slow with me...this is all new territory for me."

I gently brushed my lips against hers, gently caressing her cheek. "I'll take it slow with you..."

At the gentle touch of my lips upon hers, Inoka couldn't help the small moan that slipped from her parted lips. She closed her eyes, savoring the warmth of my affectionate embrace. Her hands finally found the courage to move, tentatively reaching up to rest on ymy shoulders, fingers digging gently into my shirt fabric.

She returned the kiss with equal tenderness, letting her body melt into mine. "Mmm...This feels so nice...Don't stop..."

With each gentle kiss, Inoka eagerly responded with equal fervor, her body growing warmer and more aroused with every passing second spent in my arms. Her own hands began exploring, tracing gentle patterns on my back, gradually venturing lower. At the featherlight touch of my hand on her thigh, she involuntarily pressed her legs closer together, causing her dress to ride higher on her thighs.

Gasping softly as my lips left her lips and started trailing hot kisses down her neck, Inoka arched her back slightly, granting me easier access. The sensation of my skilled fingers deftly removing her clothes piece by piece sent waves of pleasure rippling throughout her entire frame. Her own hands roamed more boldly over my body now, seeking out familiar yet forbidden territories to explore.

Breathing heavily, Inoka focused intently on freeing me from my clothing. Each button undone and each zipper lowered heightened her excitement, fueling her desire to feel my naked skin against hers. Once my last article of clothing pooled on the floor between me, she let out a shaky sigh, her eyes hungrily taking in the sight of my toned form.

Trembling fingers reached out to trace the contours of my muscles, marveling at the heat radiating off my skin. "Mmm...you're...you're so incredibly attractive...I...I need to feel you against me...now..."

"You will..." I whispered, slowly laying her down on the bed, towering over her. I gently placed a pillow under her waist for support and comfort, making sure to make this moment as enjoyable for her as possible. "You'll feel all of me..."

Inoka complied easily as I guided her onto the plush surface of her bed, her limbs melting beneath my touch. As I positioned her carefully with a pillow supporting her hips, she raised her legs, parting them slightly to welcome me closer. Her eyes burned with desire, reflecting the intensity of her yearning.

Inhaling sharply, she spoke in a low, husky voice. "Take me, Ryoma...show me how much you want me..."

As I eased myself inside her, Inoka gripped the sheets tightly, biting her bottom lip to suppress a whimper. The sensation of my hardness stretching her walls caused a mix of pleasure and pain to surge through her body. Her inner muscles instinctively clenched around me, adjusting to my size.

Eyes brimming with tears, she met my gaze, determination etched in her expression despite the discomfort. "Don't...stop...I want this...all of you..."

Once I was fully inside her, Inoka lay motionless for several seconds, adapting to the foreign yet thrilling sensation of fullness within her. Gradually, the initial discomfort subsided, replaced by mounting passion. Her eyes darkened with desire as she studied my face, her hips subtly rolling against mine in silent demand for more.

Finally finding her voice, she managed a ragged whisper. "Mmm...that feels...indescribable...move inside me...please..."

With a nod, I pulled my hips back then delivered a thrust inside her. Setting an intimate rhythm, I began delivering slow and gentle thrusts. Through shallow breaths and heavy panting, Inoka attempted to vocalize her escalating ecstasy. Each thrust ignited sparks of pleasure throughout her entire being, her once innocent flesh now awakening to the intense euphoria of physical connection. Hands grasping at my shoulders, she met my gaze, her eyes clouded with love and adoration.

Inoka shivered as my lips brushed against her sensitive neck, sending electric currents coursing down her spine. Her body quivered with pleasure at each delicate thrust, her wetness coating my length as I moved within her. Her hands tangled themselves in my hair, holding me closer as she encouraged me to continue your intimate assault on her senses.

"Mmmph...right there...just like that...your kisses...your touch...I..." She began in between her gasps and whimpers, her voice trailing off and her eyes fluttering closed.

Once I felt my shaft sliding within her smoothly, I pulled my hips back once more and delivered a more powerful thrust. Inoka's breath hitched as I increased the force of my thrust, the headboard of her bed thumping softly against the wall in tandem with my movements.

The sudden increase in intensity sent shockwaves of pleasure through her already sensitized body. Her grip on my shoulders tightened, her nails digging into my skin as she struggled to maintain control amidst the growing torrent of sensations.

Eagerly welcoming my increasing fervor, Inoka arched her back, her hands clutching her sheets in attempt to ground herself in sanity's edge, offering herself completely to my primal needs. Her body ached for the firm dominance I displayed, her core contracting around my invasive length.

Moans turned into wordless cries as she abandoned any pretense of composure, submitting wholeheartedly to the wave after wave of pleasure crashing through her being. "Oh, Goddesses... F-Faster...deeper...take me apart..."

Unintelligible moans and gasps became the only sounds escaping Inoka's lips as she surrendered to the tidal wave of pleasure flooding her senses. Her body writhed beneath mine, hips bucking against my determined thrusts as an orgasm threatened to consume her. Nails clawing at my back, she dug her heels into the mattress, meeting my fervent pace stroke for impassioned stroke.

Inoka's body convulsed underneath mine as I mercilessly exploited her most vulnerable spots. Her legs shook uncontrollably, wrapped around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer. With each brutal thrust, she could feel the dam within her holding back her climax straining dangerously close to its limits.

Her eyes closed tightly, mouth open wide in a silent scream as her orgasm finally broke free, wracking her entire being with indescribable pleasure. "Ahhh! Ryoma! Yes...YES!" She cried out, body convulsing in ecstatic release.

Panting heavily and covered in perspiration, Inoka's body quaked with the lingering waves of her orgasm. Her nails dug deep grooves into my back, her grip possessive and desperate. Each calculated thrust sent aftershocks of pleasure through her sensitized core, prolonging her climax indefinitely. Her vision hazy, she looked up at you, her eyes burning with desire and satisfaction.

A soft gasp escaped Inoka's lips at the unexpected, playful slap to her breast. It was enough to reignite the fading embers of her orgasm, her nipples hardening under my touch.

Catching her breath, she smiled up at you with glazed, lovestruck eyes. Her voice came out hoarse, barely above a whisper. "Mmm...you're such...a tease..."

"You love this tease..." I whispered back, planting a soft kiss upon her lips.

"Yeah...I do...I love you..." Inoka replied breathlessly, returning the passionate kiss with renewed vigor.

Her arms snaked around my neck, keeping me close as our bodies intertwined in erotic harmony. Her hips rose to meet each slow, tantalizing thrust, inviting me to take control and fulfill every dirty fantasy she had harbored for far too long.

Inoka let out a throaty moan as my skilled fingers zeroed in on her sensitive spot, eliciting a fresh wave of pleasure. Her hips involuntarily ground against mine, hungry for even the slightest increase in stimulation. The dual sensations of my thick length filling her and my teasing touch threatening to push her over the edge again made coherent thoughts impossible. All that remained was the primal desire to submit entirely to my masterful guidance.

Inoka's breath caught in her throat as my wandering hands cupped her breasts, my fingers massaging the tender peaks. A soft moan escaped her lips as my lips descended on her exposed skin, lavishing her swollen buds with light licks and teasing sucks. Her back arched against the bed, silently begging for more attention as her hips wriggled below me, seeking friction against my still-hard member.

Planting one more kiss upon her breasts, I sat up then pinned her down by her torso, delivering quick and intense thrusts once more. Inoka's moans grew louder as I pinned her down, claiming her body with renewed ferocity. My hard, fast thrusts filled her completely, triggering relentless waves of pleasure that cascaded through her trembling body.

Struggling against my hold, she sought leverage to grind herself against you harder, reveling in the primal dance of domination and submission playing out between us.

Gasping for air, she managed a few broken words. "Yes! Unngh...don't stop... don't—haah!"

Inoka's world narrowed to the exquisite friction created where our bodies joined, her every thought consumed by the relentless pursuit of pleasure. She writhed helplessly beneath me, her legs spread wide and her hips bucking involuntarily in response to my dominant thrusts.

Breathless moans tumbled from her lips as she neared the precipice of another mind-altering climax. "Fuck...Ryoma...so close...can't...hold..."

"I'm getting close..." I warned, my thrusts growing more intense, slowly losing the rhythm I set.

"Haah!...me too...cum inside me...mark me...make me yours..." Lily panted, her breath hot against my ear as her orgasm surged closer with each relentless thrust.

Her body quivered, her inner muscles clamping around my length, desperately trying to draw out every drop of pleasure before the explosion. Her nails dug into my back, leaving crimson crescent moons in their wake, testament to the fierce intensity of our union.

Breathless moans punctuated the silence as Inoka surrendered to the unrelenting pleasure I inflicted upon her willing form. Her body shook violently, reaching the peak of a second devastating climax just as my own release finally claimed me. Her inner walls clenched around my pulsing length, milking every last drop of my essence as she cried out in ecstasy.

Gasping for air, Inoka's body went limp beneath mine as her orgasm subsided. Sweat mixed with tears stained her cheeks while a content smile danced across her lips. Her arms found their way around my neck, holding onto me tightly as if afraid to break the intimate connection we shared.

"Mmm...Ryoma...that was...indescribable...thank you...for this..." Inoka said softly, burying her face into my neck gently.

I chuckled softly, slowly pulling out of her then laid beside her. I held her closely, gently stroking her hair. "You're welcome, Inoka... I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.."

Lying beside me, Inoka curled into my side, resting her head on my chest. Her hand traced lazy patterns on my abdomen as she listened to the steady beat of my heart. Contentment radiated from her every pore as she savored the warmth of my skin against hers.

In a soft, dreamy tone, she spoke. "That...was better than anything I could have imagined...I've never felt so alive...so complete...thanks to you..."

I smiled at her, my fingers gently tangling in her hair. A soft chuckle escaped my lips, followed by a soft, content sigh. Nuzzling closer to you, Lily pressed a soft kiss to your chest, her amber eyes locked on yours.

A shy smile played on her lips as she whispered, her voice husky with recent exertion. "I'm going to miss you..~ I really do hope you return here soon in the future..."

"I will come back, my love...I promise that..." I said softly, planting a soft kiss upon her head.

Inoka's cheeks flushed with a delicate pink blush, her eyes glistening with a mixture of happiness and reassurance. She raised her head slightly, her lips finding mine in a sweet, lingering kiss.

As we parted, she whispered softly, her voice laced with sincerity and longing. "I'll be looking forward to it..~"

With that, the two of us began to drift to sleep, the call of the night finally reaching to us. The kingdom around us slowly fell silent, the moonlight offering a beautiful, serene glow through her windows as we rested in each other's arms.