The Way of the Waves Pt. 2

Sera, Saffron, and Phoebe made it to Ignia Falls, the three stopping in front of the waterfall and turning their gazes up to the black waters contaminating part of Rivule's water system. Saffron stepped forward, reaching inside her travel bag and took out a clear flask bottle with light blue liquids inside. She took the cork out of the bottle, preparing to pour the solution into the waters.

Sera stopped her, startling Saffron and caused her to put the top back upon the bottle. "Pouring it here won't do any good. The contaminated waters will just overpower the small amount of solution if you pour it at the base. We need to aim for the top of the falls."

Sera pointed upward, Saffron and Phoebe turning their gazes to where she pointed. Sera fixed her glasses then looked at her device. "Ignia Falls leads up to an island in the sky. We will need to reach that sky island, but we have no reliable way of reaching it. Even Phoebe's wings won't be able to handle that much air pressure."

"Well we can't necessarily swim up the waterfall. Not with the condition the water is in anyway. So how else will we get up there?" Saffron asked, putting her flask away into her bag.

Sera closed her eyes, thinking of a plan in her head. She opened her eyes, forming holographic interfaces around her then looked at the waterfall with an analytical gaze. "With my ability with Digital Constructs, I can use my abilities to summon a Beast up to the Sacred Rarity to help us get up there. However, I would need time to construct the beast depending on its mass, size, power, and type."

"Oh right! Your Administrative Force! Hey, maybe all that data collecting you do around the continent does come in handy!~" Saffron said, her tone tinged with excitement.

Sera nodded and held her hand out, digital particles forming together to make a Beast. "Beast Rarity: Sacred. Type: Whale Beast. Element: Water. Index No.: 169. Name: Moon Orca. Summoning percentage...10%."

"Well, well...if it isn't the three musketeers of Rivule. Coming here to ruin my plans for revenge against the old village hag who took my father's life?" A woman's voice called out behind them, her tone ringing out toward them.

Saffron and Phoebe turned back, noticing a woman behind them and their eyes widened. Sera glanced back as well, noticing the woman as well then scoffed.

"Hilda.." Sera muttered, softly scoffing and returned her concentration on creating her Beast.

Hilda had a striking and formidable appearance, indicating she is likely a powerful warrior. She had long, dark hair with striking purple highlights. Her skin was a darker tone, and she has pointed ears. Her eyes are sharp, conveying a sense of confidence and strength.

She wore a revealing and armored outfit, predominantly in dark colors, with a blue and black color scheme. The outfit included a corset-like top, high boots, and fishnet stockings, emphasizing both her strength and allure. She had golden accessories, including a belt and chains, adding to her warrior aesthetic. A blue, serpentine dragon was wrapped around her body, showing she has a strong bond with the Beast. The dragon's presence added to her fearsome and dominant aura.

She wielded a massive, intricately designed battle axe, which looked both dangerous and powerful. The axe had a dark blade with blue accents, matching her overall color scheme.

"Saffron, Phoebe...You two used to belong to our side. I was the rightful heir to the throne! I was the one who had the rights to Rivule before that worthless commoner came out of nowhere...and landed the killing blow to my father," Hilda said, raising her head slightly, her eyes faintly glowing.

Saffron gulped hard, gripping the strap of her bag. "U-Uhm... Princess Hilda, I uh..."

"Silence, Rat," Hilda began, walking forward toward the three. "Not only does your Queen kill my father, but she takes control over MY kingdom, my dragon. Yeshans...I hated them before...and Tsuna only gives me more of a reason to continue hating them."

"I-I'm a mouse..." Saffron silently corrected then turned toward Sera. "How much longer..?"

"I'm on 30%...I need you and Phoebe to try and hold her back. Just long enough for me to construct this Beast," Sera answered, concentrating on her abilities.

Hilda pointed her axe toward Saffron and Phoebe, smirking at the two. "I have no personal vendetta against the tech-girl since she only joined after Tsuna took over, so she's the only one I'm willing to keep alive..however as for you two traitors, you two will be executed."

Phoebe grunted softly, the crystal upon her Grimoire beginning to shine brightly. She looked down at her book, feeling it pulsating with power. "Persei..." Phoebe took a deep breath then exhaled, calming her nerves.

"Saffron, I'm as scared as you are right now. I know there's no beating Hilda in a fair fight, but we need to at least try," Phoebe said, opening her book then her tiny wings grew into large angelic-like wings then the pages began to rapidly flip. "Not only for our kingdom, but for Sera!"

Saffron felt her heart racing even more, but seeing Phoebe's determination invoked her own determination and she nodded. She fixed her strap around her shoulder and prepared herself. "Alright! Let's do this!"

Hilda laughed and got into her stance. "This will be easy.."

Hilda let out a laugh then propelled herself toward Saffron and Phoebe, slashing down at the two. Phoebe and Saffron managed to evade her attack in time, Phoebe countering with pulses of water magic toward Hilda and Saffron using her Alchemy to launch blasts of ice toward her.

Hilda easily deflected their attacks, slashing in a circle then she dashed toward Phoebe, planning to take out the healer first. Phoebe grunted softly at Hilda's speed and began dodging her slashes as best as she could. Phoebe summoned a water shield to parry Hilda's next attack, but the sheer gap between their powers allowed Hilda to shatter Phoebe's defenses in one strike.

"Hey! Over here!" Saffron bellowed, generating merging the Air and Water Elements together to form Foam.

Hilda looked back toward Saffron, laughing at her. "Bubbles?! You dare disrespect me by using bubbles against me?!"

Saffron's eyes glowed dangerously as she began setting bubbles around Hilda then snapped her fingers, causing each one to explode in a volatile manner, catching Hilda off guard.

"Nice one, Saffron," Sera praised, watching the fight as much as she could while concentrating on constructing the Moon Orca. "I'm at 60%, keep it up!"

Saffron smiled at Sera's praise then her ear flicked, sensing an attack. She quickly turned her attention toward the source, gasping as Hilda's serpent rushed toward her and biting down upon her neck. Saffron couldn't even scream as the serpent bit down upon her vocal cords.

"You thought that was enough to take me down?!" Hilda boasted with arrogance as she walked out of the smoke cloud. "I am Princess Hilda Nero! If you think you can beat me with some water tricks, think again, rat!"

Saffron silently tried to prevent the serpent from biting down too far upon her neck, her silent whimpers reaching Phoebe's ears. Phoebe noticed Saffron's suffering and rushed toward her aid.

Hilda intercepted Phoebe and sliced down toward her, nearly landing her mark, but Phoebe managed to dodge her attack. Phoebe entered a game of evasion once more, doing her best to keep up with Hilda.

"Dance for me Descendant of Salacia! You can't save your friend while you're occupied with me!" Hilda laughed, landing a clean slash upon Phoebe's stomach, launching her away.

Phoebe groaned as she slammed into the rock wall, slowly sliding down the wall. She panted softly, noticing she had a large gash across her stomach, her pain palpable with her pained whimpers.

Saffron managed to slowly unhook the jaws of Hilda's serpent from her neck, her Beast energy beginning to seep from her body. 'I don't want to die...I don't want to die..'

Saffron's heart began racing quickly, her desperation slowly consuming her into using her Beast Form. Her nails slowly grew sharper, her teeth forming as sharp as pointed blades, and her eyes began to shine a blood red. She let out a beastly roar, her Beast Energy surging around her body.

Hilda felt an increase in Saffron's power level, turning her attention to her once again. She smirked as she watched fur slowly grow on her arms, noticing her tapping into her Beast Form. "Heh...I guess even the little mouse has hidden power.."

Saffron slammed Hilda's serpent against the ground and let out a roar, her mind clouded with thoughts and entering a Feral State. She launched herself toward Hilda and swiped her claws at her. Hilda dodged her attack then countered with a swift slash, but Saffron caught her axe, pulling her arm and biting down upon it.

Hilda groaned in pain and slammed her fist against Saffron's head, forcing her to release her. She kicked Saffron back then looked at her arm, noticing how deep the bite wound went. She turned her attention back to Saffron, noticing the shift in her demeanor, her abnormal tail movements and her irregular breaths.

'She will die of blood lost before I even get a chance to execute her myself. Hmph, no matter...Seems like the tech-savvy one is finished anyway. I'll retreat for now,' Hilda thought, taking a step back then tapping the end of her axe against the ground then warped away.

"Finished!" Sera said, looking back and noticing the conditions her friends were in. "Saffron, Phoebe.."

Saffron fell to her knees, coughing up a bit of blood and covered her mouth. She fell to the ground, her visions slowly blurring. Phoebe forced herself up, making her way toward Sera and Saffron. Phoebe noticed Saffron on the ground, quickening her pace.

"Saffron!" Phoebe called out, her tone filled with concern and worry. She fell to her knees beside her, laying Saffron on her back then immediately began healing her before healing herself. "It's going to be okay, Saffron...just stay still.."

Sera watched Phoebe heal Saffron, her mind racing with worried thoughts for the both of them. Once she noticed Phoebe finishing her healing process, she spoke. "Let's take a break. There's no need to rush this in the state you two are in.."

"Okay.." Phoebe said softly, her hair slightly shadowing her face. She gently pulled Saffron's head upon her lap, closing her eyes. "Saffron... I'm sorry for not being fast enough.."

Saffron silently rested on Phoebe's lap, her breaths now soft and steady. She began to slowly revert back to her normal state, her Beast Energy beginning to disappear.

Sera gently placed a comforting hand on Phoebe's shoulder. She began searching for the right words to use to comfort her. "You do did your best against an opponent who outclassed you both. The outcome could've been different had Saffron never used her Beast Form. In the end, everything worked out.."

Phoebe looked up at Sera with glossed eyes. She looked back down at Saffron, gently rubbing her hair. "Yeah...I suppose it did in the end..."

Sera managed to break a slight smile through her usual serious and focused demeanor. She took out her C-Gadget and let out a soft sigh, her usual demeanor returning. "I'm gonna contact Lord Ryoma to tell him our status and what happened. I'm sure they are waiting for a call."

Phoebe nodded, watching Sera walk off. She looked out into the waters, noticing a beautiful silver orca resting in the waters, the other aquatic life calling out to it. The Moon Orca let out a soft cry and waited patiently for Sera's command.


I leaned against the cave wall, listening to Sera's report and nodded my head. "Got it. You three just remain safe out there. You may never know who could be at the top of the island in the sky once you three reach it."

"Understood," Sera said, ending the call.

Tsuna looked over at me, crossing her arms and waiting for me. "What happened? What did she say?"

"She, Saffron, and Phoebe ran into Hilda. They survived, but Saffron and Phoebe are out of commission at the moment. Sera's watching over them for the time being," I answered, getting off the cave wall with a soft grunt.

Tsuna grunted softly, gently gripping the sleeve of her robes. "So Hilda and her sister are the ones behind these phenomenons...I should've known."

I looked at Tsuna, tilting my head a bit. "Who are Hilda and Rene?"

Tsuna glanced at me then began to walk forward into the cave, leading me through the intricate paths of the area. "Hilda and Rene were the previous Princesses of Rivule. Not only did I slay their father, but I defeated the both of them for the throne. Ever since their loss, they've been doing all they can to reclaim the throne."

"Ahh, I see now. So my thoughts were correct, this was a vendetta motive. They seemed to have targeted specific locations...instead of taking down the kingdom whole," I said, resting my hands behind my head. "The four locations that makes Rivule the most prosperous.."

Tsuna nodded, continuing to walk forward. "It appears so, but they don't know that you're here so their plan will not work. I'm just more worried about my retainers, truly.."

"I understand you on that. Trust me though, I have high faith in them. I know they can pull through. Think of it this way, after we deal with this, we will all be able to deal with the next two locations together," I said, giving Tsuna a warm smile.

Tsuna glanced at me, noticing my warm, reassuring smile. She let a soft giggle escape her lips, her spirits slightly lifting. "Yeah...In that case, let's give it our all in here. No mercy for the wicked."

The two of us ventured deeper inside the cave, the sounds of droplets of water hitting the ground and the eerie sounds of the caves bouncing off the rugged walls. Tsuna stuck close to me, her eyes searching around carefully while I followed the distinct aura trail Tsuhori's Ability allowed me to pick up.

As we continued, we noticed a woman ahead, seemingly waiting for someone. I stopped on my tracks, Tsuna also pausing and keeping an eye on the woman.

The woman had a distinctive and vibrant appearance, indicating a combination of elegance, strength, and magical prowess. She had long, wavy pink hair that partially covers one of her yellow eyes, giving her a mysterious and alluring look. Her skin tone is fair, and she has a confident expression that suggests she is both charismatic and self-assured.

She wore a detailed and revealing outfit, primarily in shades of white, blue, and gold. The outfit included a short, frilled skirt, a form-fitting top with decorative patterns, and a fur-trimmed cape, adding to her regal and sophisticated appearance. She also wears high boots and a single blue stocking, adding a unique asymmetry to her look.

She held an ornate staff with a gold and blue color scheme, topped with a crystalline ornament. The staff's design, along with the string of colorful beads attached to it, indicated she might be a powerful mage or sorceress. The staff was also adorned with spikes, suggesting it can be used for both magical and physical combat.

"That's Princess Rene...What luck we have. Sera and the others running into Hilda while we run into Rene. Before we engage, you must know Rene is the nicer of the two Nero Sisters. If we go about this correctly, we can escape battle and focus on finding the actual culprit that's been harming my soldiers," Tsuna said softly, her gaze fixated on Rene.

I nodded then walked ahead, carefully approaching Rene. Once I neared her, I noticed she turned her gaze to me. "Hello, I come in peace.."

Rene tilted her head as she stared at me, studying my appearance. "You're Ryoma Miyazaki...What brings you here?"

"I'm here to support my fiance to help stop the phenomenons around her kingdom. We don't come here to fight. We just want to subdue and tame the beasts that harmed her soldiers in this cave," I replied, keeping my tone steady yet welcoming.

Rene looked behind me, noticing Tsuna then grunted softly. She turned her gaze toward me and pointed her staff me, her eyes faintly glowing. "Hmph! You're working with my father's killer..!"

I crossed my arms and looked at her staff then back at Rene. I began to notice her trembling hand, closing my eyes with a soft sigh. "We don't want to fight you. Sure, she comes from Eyica, a land of Conquest plus she's Yeshan and we are known for conquering...but after your king fell, haven't you noticed an increase in productivity and overall moral within the kingdom? Doesn't that say anything about the previous state of the kingdom?"

Rene listened to me, not attacking me, but still having her weapon ready. She slightly lowered her staff and narrowed her eyes down.

"Yes, Tsuna killed someone very close to you...I understand how you feel, Rene. My bloodline aside from my brother was killed by someone as well and that led me down a dark path. However, Tsuna killed one person and saved a and Hilda are are ruining a nation to gain revenge on one person. Just like I have in my past.." I said, gently lowering her staff even more.

"Your sister attacked our allies, leaving them in a critical condition. I know your heart is in a good place, but you mustn't let your vendetta misguide you..." I continued, noticing Rene lowering her head.

Rene closed her eyes then let out a soft sigh, feeling my words touch her heart. She looked up at me once more then turned her gaze to Tsuna then raised her staff again. "I'm sorry...I promised my sister wherever she goes, I go. We must much as I don't want to. I am stopping you from seeing The Siren, The Mythical Beast, Asena! You will not pass by me!"

I let out a soft sigh then closed my eyes, hoping I would be able to convince her to back down. "Stubborn one aren't you. Alright...Maybe beating you in a battle will convince you to change your views."

Tsuna readied herself for a battle against Rene as well, another faithful rematch against her. She summoned her dagger and got into her stance. "Come at us, Rene. Maybe this time you'll understand why his death was needed for the greater good."