Chapter eighteen

Hazel's pov;

When I woke up in the morning, Lucian was still asleep he looked so cute while sleeping, I couldn't stop staring. I then realized that he didn't cover himself proper, so I took the responsibility. Lucian still asleep, turned and layed on his stomach. The scars! Where are they? I asked myself. I am sure the whip was very deep, but not even a scratch was on his skin. He looked smooth like nothing ever happened. I just covered him and said nothing. I then went to the bathroom. The hot bath was already prepared. So I stripped off my short silk dress, then I got in starting with my right foot, then the other, and my whole body, expect for my hair, don't like gettin it wet, it becomes heavy when wet making me feel uncomfortable. The water was so nice it really massaged my body making me to feel relaxed, and without knowing, I feel asleep.

When I woke up, I felt a soft touch on my face. I slowly opened my eyes to see what it was. The bed sheets! I was at the bed but how? The last place I was, it was in the bath tub. I also had a towel around my body, and my hair was a bit wet. I then sat on the bed, and found Lucian sitted on the chair a bit far from the bed, silently sipping his tea. He was already dressed up, in a black men attire and his black hair was in a ponytail. He looked handsome and dangerous at the same time.

I then had to ask. "Did you get me here, from the bathroom? " I asked.

"Yes it was me who else did you expect it to be? " He answered then sipped his tea. He then placed it on the table, then leaned back on his chair and started gazing at me. His stare made feel nervous and I tried to hide in the sheets, as if it could prevent him from looking at me.

I then started to pounder in my head. Lucian saw me naked! I couldn't bear this.

"I... I need to dress up, " I said getting out of the bed. Curse the sheets that almost made fall.

Lucian quickly got up and caught me before the floor did. Our eyes locked. My hands were on Lucian's shoulder and his hands around my waist. I could feel his warm breathe close to my face and I couldn't stop looking at his rosy lips.

"Hey Hazel watch your step, " He said then had a smirk tracing his lips. He slowly let go of me and put me down. Like seriously I'm I that light? I thought to myself.

"Sorry Lucian, " I said then left to the changing room.