Chapter 31 Evil intentions

Jennie desperately attempted to call her parents, but her phone displayed "no network." She appeared visibly distressed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Will today be my last day?" she wondered aloud.

Finn gently embraced her, offering words of reassurance. "No, my love, have faith in God! We will be alright," he whispered soothingly. As he glanced outside, a storm was brewing, the dark weather serving as a cruel irony to his optimistic smile. He was uncertain about their chances of survival, but he was determined to protect his beloved Jennie with all his might.

"Haha, Jennie, why are you so worried? Haven't you heard? Alexander has already informed his father. We'll have a helicopter coming to rescue us soon. So, don't worry, let's just enjoy the weather," Mason chimed in, his smile attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere. He peered out the window, his hair dancing in the swift wind that rushed through the opening.

"Yes, Mason is right. Look, even Coral isn't scared," Aria added, looking at coral who was looking evrything with her big blue eyes worriedly. Jennie wiped away her tears, grateful for the support of her friends.

Alex gripped the steering wheel tightly, his sharp eyes scanning the road ahead with utmost caution. His eyes widened in alarm as a powerful gust of wind threatened to snap a palm tree in half. Reacting swiftly, he accelerated the car, narrowly avoiding the falling tree. Breathing a sigh of relief, he stole a quick glance in the rearview mirror.

"That was terrifying! Thank you, Alex, you saved us," Mason said, as he took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.

Suddenly, the car screeched and skidded on the road. Alexander's eyes widened as he noticed a massive rock abruptly blocking their path. "Goodness! Why is everything going wrong today?" Gabriel exclaimed, his frustration evident.

"Oh no!" Mason exclaimed, panic spreading among the group. They watched in horror as the wind intensified, causing the rain to pour down heavily. The road ahead became a hazy blur, making it difficult to see through the dense fog.

The car's windscreen wipers vigorously swept away the rain, while the palm and coconut trees swayed dangerously, almost on the verge of breaking. The surroundings appeared distorted and blurry, making it challenging for Alexander to maintain a steady grip on the wheel.

Meanwhile, Coral whispered anxiously to Super Bee, who paced around her with great concern. 'Super Bee, I'm worried. How can I save them? I can sense that something terrible is about to happen.'

Super Bee, looking back at Coral with its big eyes, whispered back, 'I don't know how to save them. I'm trying my best, but no one can fight against the immense power of nature.'

Coral tightly pursed her lips, her expression filled with determination as she gazed out of the windows, desperate for a solution.

"Everyone, close your windows!" Alexander suddenly commanded, his voice filled with urgency. Without hesitation, everyone followed his instructions, shutting their windows tightly.

"Oh my god!" Gabriel exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear as he peered outside. "Guys, look outside! It's terrifying!" he called out, his voice quivering.

As everyone's attention turned towards the outside, a wave of terror swept over them. They could see a rotating tornado forming in the ocean, gradually approaching closer to their location.

Alexander stole quick glances at the approaching disaster, his hands trembling involuntarily as he glanced at the rearview mirror, catching a glimpse of Coral and the rest of the group. Taking a deep breath, he tried to steady himself, questioning why his father wasn't there with a rescue plan.

He couldn't help but think why there seemed to be no one to save them in the face of such a massive typhoon. A nagging feeling told him that something was amiss, and unfortunately, his intuition would soon prove to be right.


At the luxurious Twilight Club, the clock ticked towards 4:59 PM.

Two old men, Walter and Eugene, sat comfortably in plush armchairs, their expressions filled with a mix of arrogance and cunning.

"Hahaha! You did an excellent job, Walter. That young fool actually had the audacity to try and send me to jail over such a trivial matter." Walter chuckled, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. He glanced at Eugene, his partner in crime, He has an egg-shaped face, and his bald eyes gleam sharply.

"Hahah! No need to thank me, my friend. The younger generation these days doesn't know their place. They simply can't offend people like us who have dominated the business industry for over thirty years." Eugene replied, his tone laced with a sense of superiority.

"And as for the rescue team, they were all my men, following my every instruction. It's a shame that young talent had to die in such a way." Walter commented, reclining back on the sofa. A seductive young woman approached him and settled onto his lap, her presence a testament to his power and influence.

Walter Wang, the very same old man whom Alexander had caught installing cameras in the girls' dressing room, had managed to evade any serious consequences due to his influential connections. However, Alexander's power posed a significant threat, and Walter faced mounting pressure from his side.

Aware of Alexander's outing with his friends, Walter had deployed spies to keep a close eye on him. Little did he anticipate that luck would be on his side as Alexander became trapped in the middle of the typhoon. Seizing the opportunity, Walter bribed somone within the government and dispatched his own fabricated rescue team. And the team fake reported back that no survivors were found, citing the area as private property.

"Hah! Who does he think he is, getting in our way? Thanks to him, we've lost out on earning a few extra dollars." Eugene grumbled, his displeasure evident.

"Absolutely right! He deserves to die for daring to cross our path." Walter agreed, raising his glass in a toast with Eugene. As the girl planted kisses on his neck, he savoured the moment, his smile bearing an unmistakable evil intent.