Chapter 9. A new recipe.

The following morning, Li Chen awoke to discover a large screen suspended before his eyes.


Congratulations, you've successfully seasoned your wok.

_Reward:_ You've unlocked the Demonic Inferno Stir Fry Delight recipe.


- Two-faced Demonic Lotus Flower

- Phoenix Feather Oil

- Celestial Salt Crystals

- Moonlight Vinegar


1. Heat your seasoned wok over a high flame, then add a few drops of Phoenix Feather Oil.

2. Toss in thinly sliced Two-faced Demonic Lotus Flower petals and stir-fry briskly until they begin to soften.

3. Shower the petals with Celestial Salt Crystals to enhance the taste.

4. Add a dash of Moonlight Vinegar for a zesty flavor.

5. Stir-fry everything together for a brief moment until the flavors are well combined.

_Effect:_ Increases your [STR] and [AGI].


Li Chen's gaze lingered on the screen, his lips curving into a smile as he murmured appreciatively, "Well, I guess the cooking system isn't that bad."

For Li Chen, cooking was an exceptional shortcut to gaining power. While others faced death battling foes and hunting ferocious beasts to enhance their abilities or systems, all he had to do was cook and eat.

Should others learn of his method, they would surely cough up blood in envy and curse the heavens.

Yet, Li Chen understood that such gifts were not without their flaws. Each advantage came with limitations and a cost. Now, the pressing questions were: What were the limitations of this divine cooking system, and why had he been reincarnated into another world with it? What price must one pay for such a system, and was it worth it?

He was under no illusion that such benefits came without strings attached.

Deep in contemplation, Li Chen was suddenly startled by a voice, "Aren't you getting ahead of yourself with those thoughts?"


"Who's there?" Li Chen exclaimed, his voice a mix of fear and surprise as he leaped from his bed, scanning the room for the source.

"Do you lack eyes?" the voice retorted with a hint of annoyance. "I'm down here."

Down where?

'Wait, what's that on my chest?' Li Chen was puzzled, his gaze dropping to the small orb of light resting upon him.

"Wait! Fluffy?" he cried out, peering more closely and recognizing his system spirit, Fluffy, albeit in a diminutive form on his chest.

"Of course, it's me," Fluffy responded with a touch of exasperation.

"Impossible!" Li Chen gasped, taken aback by the confirmation.

Systems spirits were meant to remain within the system unless summoned, so how had Fluffy emerged independently? Furthermore, system spirits were not known to speak; they communicated with their masters through a mental link. How then, was Fluffy speaking aloud? These anomalies whirled through Li Chen's mind as he struggled with the implications.

"Well, I managed it, so it's not that impossible," Fluffy interjected, cutting through Li Chen's thoughts.

Li Chen wasn't shocked that Fluffy could discern his thoughts; after all, the connection between a system spirit and its master meant that their thoughts were intertwined and open to each other.

What truly concerned him were the two rules of system spirits that Fluffy had seemingly defied. Nonetheless, Li Chen chose to set these conundrums aside to be unraveled later.

After all, as Fluffy had pointed out, if it had happened, it couldn't be impossible. Li Chen realized he still had much to learn about the nature of system spirits and the extent of their capabilities.

With his previous concerns set aside, Li Chen's attention shifted back to Fluffy as he posed his question with a sense of curiosity, "What do you mean by saying I'm getting ahead of myself?"

Hovering closer, Fluffy settled on Li Chen's shoulder and replied, "Well, if I were in your shoes, I'd concentrate on how to not be so pathetic, rather than ponder over matters that are beyond you. If there truly is a price to be paid, you're hardly in a position to concern yourself with it yet. Why not cross that bridge when we come to it?"

Li Chen was taken aback by Fluffy's blunt words. It was unheard of for a system spirit to call its master 'pathetic'. He wondered if he had unknowingly entered into some form of enslaving contract. Nevertheless, Li Chen temporarily pushed that thought aside to focus on the more pressing issue.

Honestly, Fluffy had a point. He wasn't yet equipped to handle the worries that preoccupied his mind. Dwelling on them would only cause unnecessary stress. The immediate task was to collect the ingredients for the Demonic Inferno Stir Fry Delight, and the only item he lacked was the Two-faced Demonic Lotus Flower.

The mere thought of acquiring the flower induced a headache in Li Chen, as the means to obtain it eluded him. He lacked both the spirit coins to purchase it and the strength to procure it himself.

True to its name, the Two-faced Demonic Lotus Flower thrived in an environment rich in deadly poison, and it was incredibly toxic. It earned its name from its deceptive appearance—simple and beautiful, yet lethally poisonous. Many had perished after underestimating its venom, mistaking it for a mere beautiful flower but ended up succumbing to its deadly effects.

Li Chen's brows knitted together in contemplation, pondering potential methods to secure the lotus flower.

After a moment, he exhaled a resigned sigh. "It seems I have no other choice," he muttered.

The only viable option was to request Li Jing's assistance in acquiring the flower from the clan's treasury. Despite its toxic nature, the Two-faced Demonic Lotus Flower was valuable for its versatility. It could be a crucial component in crafting potent poisons for weapons or an antidote to counteract other toxins. Such an item was not unusual in the Li clan's stores, and with Li Jing's status, she could access it without issue.

Reluctant to over-rely on Li Jing, Li Chen found himself with little choice in the matter.

With his decision made, he rose from his bed, only to notice Fluffy had seemingly retreated into the system. Li Chen quickly dressed, ready to exit his room. But as his hand reached for the door, a system notification materialized before him.


Daily Quest: Drink four liters of water, complete 100 push-ups, 100 pull-ups, and run at least 20 miles.

Punishment for failure: Three lightning bolts.


'Oh well, it seems I'm destined to become an athlete instead of a chef,' Li Chen grumbled inwardly at the system's mandate. With a flick, he dismissed the notification and stepped out, ready to tackle the day's challenges

* *

Li Jing's quarters_

In a sturdy gazebo. Here, Li Chen and Li Jing were seated at a table with a teapot center stage, while female servants poured tea for them both.

In the distance, the sound of a waterfall echoed, but it wasn't a waterfall at all – it was the Whispering Mountains. This peculiar mountain within the Verdant Veil Forest was known for its natural sounds that mimicked natural sounds like rivers flowing, winds blowing, and even rain falling. Despite extensive research, the origins of these sounds remained a mystery, therefore the place was deemed an enigma.

With the tea served, the servants stepped back, allowing for a private conversation.

Li Chen sipped his tea, eyes closed, enjoying the unique, pleasantly bitter taste of the cloud tea before setting his cup down and offering praise, "Well, I have to say this is one good tea, only the one Xiao Baobei made could beat this."

Li Jing, flattered by the comment, responded modestly, "You praise me too much, Senior Brother Li Chen."

"I mean every single word," Li Chen assured her with sincerity. He truly believed that Li Jing made the finest tea, a sentiment shared by Clan Master Li Cheng, who would visit her just to enjoy a cup.

Li Jing smiled and took a sip of her tea, noticing Li Chen seemed preoccupied.

"What brings you here?" she inquired, her eyes questioning.

Li Chen frowned slightly, "Can't I visit my cute little sister without a reason?" he protested.

Li Jing's frown deepened, "We just met yesterday. Are you missing me so much that you had to see me this early?" she asked with a hint of skepticism.

Li Chen chuckled, shaking his head, "You've grown up too quickly, I can't even trick you anymore," he said with a twinge of regret.

Despite Li Jing's smile, her inquisitive gaze remained.

Seeing this, Li Chen sighed, "Okay, I do have a reason for my visit," he confessed, setting down his tea and leaning in to speak more quietly, "I need to ask you for a favor."

This took Li Jing by surprise; never before had Li Chen made such a request. She grew concerned, "Is your life in danger?"

Li Chen was taken aback by her assumption. "No, no, nothing like that," he quickly reassured her, calming her worries. "I just need your help to borrow something from the clan's treasury. I'll repay it later," he explained.

Surprised, Li Jing asked, "What do you need?"

He sighed again before revealing, "Two-Faced Demonic Lotus Flower," which shocked Li Jing. But the next part was even more astonishing, "At least 20 petals" Li Chen added.

Li Jing nearly gasped aloud but managed to stifle her shock with her hand, whispering, "What do you need all that for? Are you planning to poison someone?"

The thought that Li Chen might resort to poisoning due to being bullied was not a reflection of his character, but rather the potential breaking point of any person under pressure.

Li Chen was internally screaming at the suggestion. "Why would you think that? Of course not," he retorted.

"Then what are you planning to use it for?" Li Jing pressed, her curiosity piqued.

"It's a secret; I can't tell you," Li Chen admitted, noticing the disappointment in Li Jing's expression.

Li Jing's frown deepened, reflecting her concern, but Li Chen sought to reassure her, "Do you trust me?" he asked, looking deeply into her eyes.

"Yes," she replied with a nod, her trust in him evident.

"Then I'll need you to trust me on this one," Li Chen said gently, reaching out to caress her face. "I'll be involved in many secretive activities soon. You're important to me, so I wanted to let you know ahead of time. I promise I'll tell you everything when it's the right time," he explained earnestly.

Li Jing's frown slowly gave way to a tentative smile as she asked, "You promise?"

"Yes, I promise," Li Chen reassured her with a smile.

"Okay," Li Jing accepted, standing up from her seat. "Wait for me," she told him, leaving Li Chen alone in the gazebo as she went to fetch the requested item from the clan's treasury.