Chapter 16. Whispering blade.

Night time, Wang Clan.

A figure cloaked in head-to-toe black, with a faint shadow cast about him, merged seamlessly with the night's embrace as he infiltrated the Wang Clan's territory.

By this hour, most of the Wang Clan's disciples had retired to sleep or were confined to their quarters, leaving only the vigilant clan guards to patrol the clan grounds inch by inch.

The shadow-clad figure seemed undisturbed by the guards' presence. His shroud, coupled with the night's darkness, was sufficient to conceal him from the watchful eyes of the patrolling guards.

At the gate stood five guards, two perched in a tower with a bright orb of light scanning the distant landscape beyond the sect's territory, the remaining three stationed firmly at the gate itself.

Suddenly, the shadowy figure dashed past them at remarkable speed, stirring a slight current in the air.

"Hey, did you feel that?" one guard raised the alarm.

"It's just the wind, why are you getting worked up?" another guard dismissed with a casual tone.

"It just seemed odd, that's all," the first guard conceded, relaxing as they all resumed their regular duties.

Having eluded the entrance guards, the dark figure pressed deeper into the Wang Clan's grounds, slipping past all other guards, none of whom detected his presence.

Eventually, he reached a grand manor situated at the heart of the clan's grounds—the residence of Wang Wei, the Wang Clan's patriarch.

"Hmm," the figure murmured with a hint of dissatisfaction before he entered the building, once again evading the guards stationed there.

"Who goes there? How dare you trespass in the Wang Clan?" boomed a commanding voice from within.

The dark figure paid no heed to the outcry as he lifted his hood, dispelling the darkness around him, and revealed a man's face, half obscured by a mask.

Settling himself into a grand chair at the centre of the room, he made himself comfortable.

Soon, a middle-aged man with long hair and piercing blue eyes stormed into the room, his expression livid. This was Wang Wei.

"You, how dare yo—" Wang Wei's accusation halted abruptly as he hastily dropped to his knees, recognizing the intruder. "Sir Whispering Blade, I had no idea it was you."

The sight would have astonished anyone from Silverpeak City.

Wang Wei was no ordinary man; he was a figure of immense influence within Silverpeak City, the leader of the powerful Wang Clan.

Just the mention of Wang Wei could shift the air in Silverpeak City, yet here he was, prostrate before another. Such was the stature of the visitor.

"Hmm," Whispering Blade acknowledged with a small nod, noting Wang Wei's subservience.

"I was unaware of your visit," Wang Wei confessed, head bowed, still kneeling.

"There's no need for me to explain myself to you," Whispering Blade retorted sharply.

"No, no, of course not, I merely meant that, had I known, I would have arranged a more fitting welcome," Wang Wei hurried to clarify, not daring to lift his gaze.

"Hmm," Whispering Blade uttered again, his voice laced with dissatisfaction. "I don't think I need your reception," he stated as he stood and began to approach where Wang Wei knelt.

As he stood before him, Whispering Blade crouched to meet Wang Wei's gaze, a crimson dagger materializing in his hand. With the blade, he gently lifted Wang Wei's chin, compelling his eyes to meet his own.

"Master is not satisfied with the progress on the task he assigned to you. Would you care to explain?" Whispering Blade's voice was soft yet carried a chilling undertone that sent shivers coursing through Wang Wei.

Despite his formidable strength, Wang Wei knew that a mere flick of Whispering Blade's wrist could end his life.

Whispering Blade was a renowned and formidable assassin, feared even within the capital. A common saying whispered in the shadows was that those marked by him did not survive the night.

The master behind Whispering Blade was even more formidable and enigmatic, his true might unknown even to his closest followers.

It had been about thirty years since Wang Wei, then the first elder of the Wang Clan received an offer—or rather, a command—from this shadowy figure through Whispering Blade. This master promised to elevate Wang Wei's position within the clan and secure his son, Wang Jing, a commander's rank in the Azure Mist Kingdom's royal army. All that was required of him was to keep tabs on Li Cheng and report back.

Initially, Wang Wei hesitated, but the threat of death and the allure of the offer left him little choice.

True to their word, Wang Jing was appointed a commander, and Wang Wei's status within the clan rose sharply.

For a time, peace reigned, and Wang Wei fulfilled his duties without further contact with Whispering Blade or his master. That is until two months prior.

Whispering Blade returned with a new directive from his master—not merely to monitor Li Cheng, but to strike at all he held dear, to inflict pain.

Wang Wei had since exhausted every avenue to fulfil this cruel task, but success eluded him.

"I am doing all I can; I merely request a bit more time," Wang Wei pleaded.

"More time?" Whispering Blade's tone was icy. "Do you believe the master has the luxury to spare?"

He stood, withdrawing the dagger, and resumed his seat.

"It appears you've grown incompetent. Perhaps it's time you were replaced," Whispering Blade Muttered coldly, the threat in his words unmistakable.

Wang Wei's blood ran cold at the implication—replacement would surely mean his death.

"Just a bit longer, just a few months. I will not fail you," Wang Wei begged.

"Hmm," Whispering Blade grunted dismissively. "Few months you say?" he queried.

"Yes," Wang Wei affirmed with a nod.

Whispering Blade fell silent, seemingly weighing Wang Wei's request.

After a moment of contemplation, he spoke, "I cannot afford to give you months."

Wang Wei's heart constricted at the words.

"However, while months are beyond my offering, I might grant you three more to complete your task," Whispering Blade conceded.

Having declared his ultimatum, Whispering Blade stood and made his way toward the exit.

Just as he was about to leave, he halted and turned to face Wang Wei. "Remember, just three months. Otherwise, I will consider finding a replacement," he warned.

With those final words, Whispering Blade turned back around and left the room, leaving Wang Wei soaked in a cold sweat.

Even after Whispering Blade's departure, Wang Wei could still sense the remnants of his oppressive aura lingering in the room, which left him feeling deeply uneasy.

Once the imposing presence of Whispering Blade had dissipated, Wang Wei slowly rose from his knees and took a seat, taking a moment to collect himself.

Composed, Wang Wei called for a servant to enter.

"Summon Yao Liang to meet me at once," he commanded as soon as the servant appeared.

Although the servant was taken aback by the late-night summons, he did not dare question Wang Wei's order.

Shortly, a young, bald man entered the room—this was Yao Liang, Wang Wei's most reliable operative, tasked with managing Wang Wei's more unsavoury affairs.

Upon entering, Yao Liang bowed swiftly. "Yao Liang greets the clan master," he said.

"Hmm," acknowledged Wang Wei with a nod.

"Do you have a task for me, clan master?" Yao Liang inquired.

"I need an update on the situation with Li Feng," Wang Wei pressed.

"He has promised to have all preparations ready in a few months," Yao Liang responded, still visibly surprised by the unexpected and late summons.

Detecting Wang Wei's troubled demeanour, Yao Liang ventured, "You seem perturbed, clan master. Is something the matter?"

Wang Wei fixed his gaze on Yao Liang, dismissing the question. "The plans have changed. Visit Li Feng tomorrow and inform him that the timeline has been altered. We no longer have a few months; everything must be in place within two months," he instructed.

"Two months?" Yao Liang echoed, taken aback. "Isn't that rather abrupt? I'm not certain he can accomplish it so quickly," he expressed his concern.

Wang Wei's palm struck the table in front of him with an angry thud. "Two months means two months! I don't care how he does it, but I need everything finalized within that time frame," he snapped.

The outburst from the usually composed and dignified Wang Wei startled Yao Liang, but without insight into the cause of such distress, he could only nod in agreement and excuse himself from the room.

Left alone, Wang Wei slumped back into his chair, massaging his temples to alleviate the stress that weighed heavily upon him.