Chapter 18. Shadow Grove.

Li Chen's destination, the site where he anticipated encountering the Scorpion-tailed wild bull, was a mere twenty minutes walk from where he stood. Thus, it wasn't long before he arrived.

The location was a spacious clearing nestled within the lush Verdant Veil Forest. Its ground was marshy, dotted with numerous caves, and a greenish fog floating through the air. Although not dense enough to completely obstruct vision, the fog did blur one's sight to a degree.

This place bore the name Shadow Grove.

Shadow Grove was a challenging locale for hunting. The treacherous, swampy terrain could easily disadvantage a hunter, but the area's greater peril stemmed from its infestation with venomous bugs and insects.

These toxic creatures were not lethally poisonous to the extent that a single bite would be fatal; however, their danger lay in their numbers. A single insect might not kill a person, but a hundred certainly could.

Another hazard was the greenish fog, which veiled one's vision, increasing the risk of surprise attacks from the wild beasts or venomous creatures lurking within. Worse yet, the fog itself was toxic.

Upon arriving, Li Chen exhaled deeply. He was not in a rush to commence his hunt.

First, he retrieved a vial from his spatial ring, which contained a liquid emitting a minty aroma. Without hesitation, Li Chen applied the liquid to his skin, ensuring he was thoroughly coated before venturing into the Shadow Grove.

This liquid was an insect repellent, crafted to deter poisonous bugs and insects.

The minty fragrance, while pleasant to humans, was abhorrent to the bugs, repelling them effectively.

The insect repellent was one of the reasons Li Chen had visited the Golden Gate marketplace the previous day, aside from purchasing a sword.

Li Chen's hunting strategy had been devised since yesterday, and despite Shadow Grove's challenges, he had several compelling reasons for choosing it.

Firstly, the Shadow Grove was one of the least frequented areas within the Verdant Veil Forest, which meant Li Chen could hunt without the concern of encountering other Li clan disciples.

Secondly, the Scorpion-tailed wild bulls were solitary creatures, roaming alone, which would theoretically simplify Li Chen's hunt.

Lastly, and importantly, was the value of the Scorpion-tailed wild bull. Its tail was highly prized, essential for crafting weapons. Properly extracted and fashioned by a master weaponsmith, the tail's inherent poison could imbue a weapon with a potent poisoning effect. While not as powerful as in life, it remained a formidable attribute.

After all, beyond the ambition to sharpen his combat skills and strength, Li Chen's primary motivation was financial gain. Targeting the most valuable prey was a logical choice.

As Li Chen stepped into the Shadow Grove, he sensed the atmosphere shift from the crispness of fresh air to a damp, oppressive quality. Even with a cloth shielding his mouth and nose, the foul stench of the toxic air was difficult to ignore.

Li Chen let out a sigh, yet his steps did not falter; he continued to advance.

Beyond the Scorpion-tailed wild bull and the venomous insects, the Shadow Grove was teeming with other creatures adept in ambush, so Li Chen remained vigilant.

The silence around him was unsettling, devoid of any sign of the Scorpion-tailed wild bull or other creatures, but Li Chen maintained his composure.

After a while of advancing, Li Chen discovered a clue—a footprint imprinted in the swampy soil. By its appearance, he surmised it belonged to the very creature he sought: a Scorpion-tailed wild bull.

"Nice," Li Chen murmured with a contented smile as he examined the footprint and the path it followed.

This was one of the advantages the Shadow Grove offered to humans: its swampy terrain served as an excellent medium for tracking, hardly concealing any traces.

With a smile, Li Chen set out to follow the trail.

The footprints grew fresher as he proceeded, signalling his proximity to the enemy. With this realization, his caution intensified.

The trail eventually led Li Chen to the entrance of a cave.

The darkness within deterred him from entering; to do so would be akin to courting death.

Yet, the apparent impasse did not perturb Li Chen; he had anticipated such a scenario during his planning phase.

Scorpion-tailed wild bulls favoured the silent warm, damp places—caves such as this one—so Li Chen had factored in this preference when strategizing his hunt.

Without hesitation, Li Chen withdrew a slab of meat from his spatial ring, followed by another vial.

With deliberate care, he doused the meat with the liquid from the vial, being cautious not to spill any on himself, as that would pose a considerable risk.

The potion he now employed was a beast attractant.

Unlike the repellent he had used previously, this concoction was designed to lure beasts toward it. Although it was of a lower grade, effective only within a short range, Li Chen was not reckless enough to use an attractant that would summon additional beasts to his location. This one, however, should suffice to coax the Scorpion-tailed wild bull from its cave.

After preparing the bait, Li Chen did not linger. He placed the medicated meat in front of the cave entrance, then swiftly concealed himself atop it, readying his ambush.

Positioned, Li Chen waited with bated breath for the Scorpion-tailed wild bull to succumb to the lure.

Contrary to his expectations, after several minutes, there was no activity from the bull, nor could he detect any movement within the cave.

'What's amiss?' Li Chen pondered. 'Is the beast attractant insufficiently potent?' Doubts began to surface in his mind.

But instead of an answer, a bestial snarl echoed from the cave's depths, followed by the sound of thunderous footsteps as the creature charged out.

Li Chen spotted the Scorpion-tailed wild bull emerging and heading straight for the baited meat.

'Perfect!' Li Chen thought, a smile playing on his lips as he braced for action.

Sword in hand, he leapt from his perch above the cave entrance toward the Scorpion-tailed wild bull, aiming his blade at its neck, ready to strike a decapitating blow.