Chapter 20. The strange cave.

"TF is that?" Li Chen blurted out, his gaze fixed on the unusual or should I say thrilling scene before him.

The view before him appeared mundane, much like any ordinary sight. Yet, at the fringe of his vision, a plant radiated a soft glow, beside which hovered a HUD screen, identifying the plant.

Li Chen's lips curved into a smile at the sight. Without anyone's guidance, he knew this was the doing of the new ability he had acquired: the Spirit Eyes.

"Well, seems like it's not so useless," Li Chen whispered, his attention drawn to the information displayed next to the plant.


Plant: Corpse Flower.

Properties: A highly poisonous plant useful for concocting poison and a key ingredient for crafting spirit-sobering medicines.


Li Chen was astounded by the information on the screen.

'Corpse flower?!' he shouted inwardly.

"How is that even possible?" Li Chen murmured in astonishment. "Is the system glitching, or what?" he couldn't help but question.

The Corpse Flower was known to be exceedingly rare and immensely valuable. What baffled Li Chen was the state of the Shadow Grove.

Such a flower was supposed to thrive in areas with intense poison concentrations, and though Shadow Grove was filled with toxic air, it was nowhere near the environment a Corpse Flower would typically require.

The Corpse Flower's need for a poisonous habitat was even greater than that of the Two-Faced Demonic Lotus Flower. But even a Two-Faced Demonic Lotus flower couldn't take root in the Shadow Grove, so what were the chances for a Corpse Flower?

The true worth of the Corpse Flower lay not in its toxicity but in its use for crafting spirit-sobering medicines, which temporarily enhance one's spirit energy. Such items were highly coveted, making the primary component incredibly valuable. A single Corpse Flower could fetch around a thousand spirit coins – a hefty sum. And there appeared to be about five of them here.

Without any second thoughts, Li Chen cautiously made his way toward the plants, ever mindful of the potential dangers lurking in the Shadow Grove. Beasts could still launch a surprise attack.

He wasn't far from the flowers, and within moments, Li Chen stood before the Corpse Flowers, positioned near a cave entrance. In front of the cave, a variety of other plants thrived, and as Li Chen drew nearer, his Spirit Eyes began to catalogue each one.

It was clear that each plant required a heavily poisonous environment to flourish. While none were as precious as the Corpse Flower, they were all considerably valuable.

Li Chen's smile broadened as he surveyed the botanical bounty before him. His luck had been astounding of late, first with gaining skills and now finding treasures; it seemed impeccable.

But then, a question arose in his mind: 'Why would all these plants be growing here, especially right in front of the cave?' The thought lingered as he instinctively peered into the cave's depths.

A chill ran down Li Chen's spine. Staring back at him from within the darkness were numerous tiny red eyes, brimming with lethal intent.

Li Chen was aware of tales involving beasts that lured humans with treasures, setting traps before hunting their prey. Such creatures were invariably powerful and cunning, typically classified as mid-tier wild beasts, far beyond Li Chen's current strength to overcome.

A shiver ran down his spine as this realization dawned on him.

With no trace of hesitation, Li Chen unsheathed his sword, wielding it in a defensive arc before him. At that instant, a squeak pierced the air as a spider, the size of a human head and adorned with a silver head, leapt from the cave. Its misfortune was palpable as it sailed directly into the path of Li Chen's sword, which sliced it cleanly in two.


Congratulations! You have killed a Low-level wild beast – Silverhead Spider.

Reward – You have been awarded 3 Unassigned Stat Points.


"Damn it!" Li Chen swore, seeing the name of the creature he had just slain.

Although a single Silverhead Spider was not particularly formidable, they were notorious for living in colonies, like a society with a queen reigning supreme.

The presence of one Silverhead Spider usually indicated the proximity of a nest. In Li Chen's situation, he didn't need to search; he was already standing at the threshold of their domain, with an entire colony glaring at him, brimming with murderous intent.

"Such terrific luck," Li Chen muttered sarcastically as he swiftly initiated his retreat.

From the confrontation with the single spider, Li Chen could gauge the collective might of the colony. He surmised that the Corpse Flowers and other plants arrayed before the cave were not a deliberate trap. Rather, something within the cave was influencing their growth, perhaps a treasure radiating intense poisonous energy. Given that Silverhead Spiders were venomous creatures favouring toxic environments, it was evident they were drawn to whatever mysterious force lay within.

'A treasure, capable of nurturing such plants, must be extraordinary,' Li Chen mused, already speculating on its value. However, he checked his rising greed; survival against the Silverhead Spiders took precedence over any thoughts of treasure-hunting.

Li Chen continued his haste-filled retreat as a horde of Silverhead Spiders surged from the cave, pursuing him relentlessly.

He spun around and unleashed the Fire Claw technique. A massive, fiery claw tore through the air, engulfing the approaching spiders in flames. Dozens were incinerated instantly, while others were severely wounded. Yet, the eliminated spiders were but a fraction of the whole, and Li Chen's Qi had depleted by five Qi points. The use of such a skill seemed frivolous; he must conserve his energy for a moment when it could be deployed with maximum effect and efficiency.

The Silverhead Spiders' strength might not be overwhelming, but their venom was exceedingly potent, surpassing even that of a Scorpion-Tailed Wild Bull. A sting from these creatures meant that Li Chen would succumb to bleeding within minutes. With this in mind, he navigated the perilous situation with utmost caution, aware that one misstep could seal his fate.