Chapter 25. The unwanted night visitor.

After leaving the battle site, Li Chen began his journey back to the cave. He had been careful to take note of the path he took while retreating so he could find his way back. However, he made a mental reminder to get a map the next time he ventured into the Verdant Veil Forest to avoid getting lost.

His injuries were nearly healed thanks to the healing potion, and his energy had returned. Still, Li Chen hoped not to encounter any more wild beasts. He had already spent a considerable amount of time here, and with the sun setting, signalling day's end, he quickened his pace to wrap up his day.

Even after a long walk, Li Chen had not yet reached the cave. Unknowingly, he had put quite a distance between himself and the cave during his retreat.

Continuing onward, he finally arrived in front of the cave. Fortunately, he encountered no wild beasts on his way.

The cave was just as he remembered, shrouded in darkness.

With a quick gesture, Li Chen conjured a flame in his hand, which he used to light his way into the cave.

Inside, the cave was not very large, able to hold no more than twenty people. There were many holes in the walls, likely homes of the silverhead spiders, there were also many plants spread across the whole cave.

Li Chen's spirit eyes began to identify each of the various plants inside the cave, all of which were suited to poisonous environments. He found several corpse flowers and even more two-faced demonic lotus flowers scattered about.

"Wow, jackpot!" Li Chen said joyfully as he began to collect the plants, storing them in his spatial ring.

Though not an alchemist, the previous owner of his body had significant knowledge in the field. Without a system he had spent much time studying various subjects over the years, accumulating a wealth of knowledge the current Li Chen was now utilizing.

Harvesting the plants was a delicate task, as any mistake could damage them.

Li Chen carefully gathered the plants, which took some time, but he completed the task.

With the harvesting done, Li Chen surveyed the cave for any sign of an entrance to an ancient ruin. Despite losing hope after entering the cave, he still wished for a discovery.

After a thorough search, he found no mechanisms, secret entrances, or arrays that might indicate an ancient ruin.

"Well, hope dashed," Li Chen muttered with a hint of sarcasm as he left the cave. Although he didn't find a ruin, the valuable plants he gathered were enough to keep him content.

With nothing left to do, Li Chen exited the Verdant Veil Forest.

About thirty minutes later, he reached the forest's exit.

As the day neared its end, many disciples from the Li Clan were finishing their hunts and leaving the forest. Some were in high spirits, while others were not — hunting wild beasts was not as easy as it might seem.

Li Chen was still clad in his black robes, which were now battered from his previous encounters, and the cloth he had used to conceal his face was still in place. However, no one paid him any mind.

The Verdant Veil Forest was vast, filled with various wild beasts and different terrains, each requiring specific preparations for hunting. It was normal to see many disciples in a variety of attire and equipment, so Li Chen's appearance did not stand out.

Blending in with the crowd of disciples who had just finished their daily activities, Li Chen headed towards his quarters.

Upon arriving, he wasted no time in freshening up and changing out of his clothes. Then, he made his way to the cultivation room and prepared a meal.

After eating, Li Chen sat on his bed with the dark crystal in hand, observing it while a luminous orb provided light in the room.

The crystal maintained its ordinary appearance.

Curious about the power and the remarkable healing effect it had on the queen, Li Chen wondered about the nature of the crystal. Something capable of reconstructing the body of a living beast, even after being blown apart, couldn't be trivial. He pondered whether it had effects beyond healing and defensive dark fog, whether it could be used offensively, and most importantly, how to control it without succumbing to illusions or possession by some unknown force.

Lost in thought, Li Chen didn't notice when Fluffy appeared on his shoulder, the cat's blue eyes fixed intently on the orb.

"Strange," Fluffy muttered after a moment of staring at the crystal.

"Tell me about it," Li Chen responded his attention still on the orb. Fluffy's sudden appearance hadn't startled him; he had grown accustomed to the fact that Fluffy could leave the system at will.

"How could it not have any sign of energy? I can't seem to sense any," Fluffy continued, still eyeing the crystal curiously.

Li Chen shook his head. "Me neither, which is odd because a normal crystal couldn't do what this one did to the queen," he replied.

"No, that's not what I mean," Fluffy suddenly said.

"What do you mean, then?" Li Chen asked, surprised.

Just as he posed the question, Fluffy flew from his shoulder and landed atop the crystal.

"It's not that I can't sense its energy; it's that it has none," Fluffy explained, reaching out to touch the crystal. "This right here is just a normal crystal, a dead crystal, if I may say so," he said.

Li Chen was shocked to hear this. It seemed impossible, considering he had witnessed the crystal revive the dead queen countless times. He couldn't accept that it was merely a dead crystal; there must be a reason its energy was undetectable.


A series of knocks on his door jolted him from his thoughts.

'Who could it be at this hour?' Li Chen wondered, hearing the knocking.

It was already dark outside; who would choose such an untimely hour to visit, and what matter was so urgent it couldn't wait until morning?

Annoyed, Li Chen rose from his bed and strode to the door, which he flung open with visible irritation.

Before him stood the silhouette of a young man. Though the darkness concealed the person's face, Li Chen recognized the figure immediately.

"Li Ming, what the hell are you doing here?" Li Chen demanded, his tone laced with anger.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Li Ming asked, his voice dripping with taunt.

"Of course not!" Li Chen retorted sharply. "My room finally smells fresh, and I won't have a scumbag like you polluting it with your stench," he added coldly.

"Ouch," Li Ming responded, feigning hurt. "I came here worried about your health, and this is the thanks I get? That's not fair," he continued, his voice still feigned.

Li Chen burst into laughter upon hearing Li Ming's words.

"You? Concerned about me?" Li Chen said, amusement clear in his voice after he composed himself from the laughter.

"Yes, of course," Li Ming replied. "Aren't you my dear brother anymore?" he taunted.

Li Chen scoffed at the notion. "Li Ming, I don't know what games you're playing tonight, but I'm not in the mood for them. If you don't have a good reason for being here, then I have things to do inside," he said, preparing to slam the door shut.

"Wait!" Li Ming called out before the door could close, causing Li Chen to pause. "I actually have a reason for being here," he added.

"Well, I'm listening," Li Chen said, his impatience evident.

"Firstly, I wasn't lying when I said I came to check on you. That's one reason, but I also wanted to know the real reason you went to the Verdant Veil Forest this morning. It wasn't just for sightseeing, was it?" Li Ming inquired.

Li Chen, taken aback by the sudden question, quickly grew angry. "You mean you came here just for this?" he asked, his voice raised.

"Exactly," Li Ming replied. "The moment I saw you by the Verdant Veil Forest, I sensed something was off. Then I remembered your recent odd behaviour. It makes me wonder what you're up to. You have the scent of someone with a nefarious plan," Li Ming accused.

Li Chen chuckled at the accusation. "Evil?" he queried, feigning surprise. "Perhaps I've been spending too much time with you and picked up your scent," he joked.

Li Ming's anger flared at the retort as he slammed his hand against the door frame, shattering it with his force.

"I don't care about your plans, but if they involve tarnishing my reputation, I advise you to rethink them. It won't end well for you," he threatened coldly.

Li Chen laughed at the threat. "First of all, I don't know what you're trying to achieve here, and frankly, I don't care. Rest assured, I have far more pressing matters than your precious public image. And what makes you think I'm out to ruin it?" Li Chen asked, unable to contain his disbelief.

"What do you think?" Li Ming replied, his voice heavy with anger. "You suddenly enter the Verdant Veil Forest fully aware you lack the strength to defend yourself. What would people assume?" he questioned.

Li Chen understood Li Ming's insinuation. Some who knew of his lack of a system might suspect he entered the forest with thoughts of ending his life, especially considering the hardships Li Ming and Li Wei had put him through. It seemed likely that people would assume they had pressured him to the point of desperation.

Amused by this line of thought, Li Chen responded, "Well, brother, worry not, for I plan not to die anytime soon. You can keep your perfect image all you want." Li Chen said "So, that's all, right?" he inquired.

Without answering, Li Ming simply turned and walked away.

"I guess that's an answer," Li Chen muttered as he slammed the door shut.

Li Ming paused to look back at the door once it was closed, then turned and strode away.

After leaving Li Chen's quarter, he didn't go straight to his quarters. Instead, he headed towards the far northern part of the clan grounds.

Eventually, he arrived in front of a large manor. The clan guard at the entrance, upon seeing Li Ming, rushed forward and bowed respectfully. "Greetings, Young Master. Your uncle did not inform me of your arrival," the guard remarked, clearly surprised to see Li Ming.

Ignoring the guard's greeting, Li Ming commanded, "Take me to see my uncle now."

"I am sorry, Young Master, but your uncle is currently occupied and should not be disturbed," the guard replied, keeping his head bowed.

Enraged, Li Ming demanded, "Are you defying my orders?"

"No, no, no," the guard stammered, frightened.

"Then take me to my uncle before I make you," Li Ming insisted.

The guard, terrified and caught between his duties and Li Ming's command, hesitated. However, the cold and deadly look in Li Ming's eyes quickly prompted him to make a decision.

"This way," the guard said, leading Li Ming into the manor, hoping to avoid further angering him.

They proceeded through the building until they arrived at a grand room. Inside, Li Feng sat regally on a throne with two female servants massaging his feet.

As the door opened and Li Feng noticed Li Ming, he greeted cheerfully, "Isn't it my beloved nephew? Thank heavens you're here. I was just about to send for you."

Ignoring the pleasantries, Li Ming stated, "I need to speak with you, Uncle."

"Oh?" Li Feng responded. "Well then, I'm all ears."

"In private, Uncle," Li Ming insisted.

Understanding the request, Li Feng gestured for the female servants to leave. Once they had exited and the room was private, Li Feng began, "Now that we're alone, what brings you…."

But before Li Feng could finish his inquiry, Li Ming interrupted with urgency, "I think he's got the system!"