Chapter 27. The bandits

Early in the morning, Li Chen woke up before anyone else in the clan had stirred. He prepared a simple meal for himself, completed his daily quest, and then stepped out of his quarters, leaving through the clan's gate.

Heading west from the clan, Li Chen set out for Verdantmist City. Although smaller than Silverpeak City, Verdantmist was not too far away, situated to the north of it. The quickest path would have been through the Verdant Veil Forest, but Li Chen, lacking the strength for such a journey, opted for the longer but safer western route.

Li Chen was dressed in a pristine white robe adorned with intricate golden threads, his face masked by an ornate white wolf mask, and his red hair neatly tied back in a ponytail. To any onlooker, Li Chen might appear to be a young prodigy from a prominent clan or sect.