Chapter 96. The accusation.

In what felt like the briefest of eternities, the Flaming Phoenix ascended to its zenith, its mighty presence becoming the very emblem of turbulent stability.

The concept of stability, however, was laughably inadequate to describe the majestic yet volatile being that now reigned over the field of conflict. The creature's flames, unrestrained and fierce, transformed night into a deceptive daylight, the previously crisp air now laden with an overwhelming heat that stole the breath away from all who dared to draw near.

The transformation was utter and complete. The cool embrace of the nocturnal sky, once a tapestry of stars, had given way to an infernal coliseum, with heat so severe it appeared to bend the very air around the Phoenix. This heat transcended the mere tactile, burrowing into Alex's psyche with an oppressive force, a psychological burden poised to shatter his steely determination.