End of Conflict

Two months has now passed since the start of the battle.

As the battle came to an end, cheers can be heard from within the walls of the city, as the Ying forces were able to pry the city from the hands of the Ivory Tiger Army.

When Qiu heard cheers coming from the city, he had thought that the Ivory Tiger Army had won the battle as they should.

But he was wrong, so wrong. Something that he can never picture in his head has happened.

As Qiu reapproaches the gates of the city, he saw heads of the Ivory Tiger Army hanging on the walls of the city. Upon seeing the sight Qiu went on his knees, unable to take it in.

The heads of his family just having on the walls of the city, at the center of it all was the head of Wu and Xu the two power houses of the Army.

How could this happen, they were suppose to win. They were supposed to be the ones that had the upper hand being trained soldiers.

Qiu, could no longer hold it in, first the death of Mei, now the rest of his family, the attack on his heart was to real.

"Why, Xu, I I haven't even yet convey Mei's message to you, Wu, you haven't thought me enough, you haven't thought me, how, how to survive on my own. I am now all alone."

At this moment something happened within Qiu's body, a sapling has sprouted within his mind and he has now became a Dao practitioner.

Qiu was in tears, tears dripping onto the dessert sands, and beside him, was Xueli also shocked by the looks of things, bodies everywhere, heads hanging on the walls.

But she was not hit as bad as Qiu, after getting her things together, Xueli started calming Qiu down.

She told him that it is never too late to take revenge, he just had to wait for the right time, when he is stronger to do so.

"You're right, I can seek revenge for what those people did to my family, I will become stronger and come back to seek my revenge, just wait."

After getting it together, Qiu took down the heads of his family and went to bury them on the hill beside Mei, with the help of Xueli.

'Here lies the Ivory Tiger Army, my family, strong and reliable.'

Afterwards Qiu and Xueli parted ways to gain power to become stronger, so to seek revenge.

The current state of the lands is as such.

Eight broken nations, eight unworthy kings, this is the current state of the lands, after the assassination of the previous Qian Emperor, Emperor Rui, the once prosperous, thousand tribute Qian Empire have now been decimated into what is the era of chaos, poverty, starvation, constant wars and nomad crusades are now the norm in the lands.