Western Uprising

As the sun is about to set, Qiu made his way to back to the camp. As he does, his right eye keeps jumping, signaling that something bad is about to happen.

Just to confirm his premonition, on the way, the gates of the city was flooded, the streets of Qinghai that was always empty at night, was suddenly filled with people carrying their baggage, making their way out of the city. The city, within a few hours was in chaos.

Making his way through the sea of people, he could hear shouting coming from the camp, all he got was something about preparing for battle.

'Preparing for battle? What is going on, why is the army preparing for battle?'

"Qiu, where have you been, I have been looking for you everywhere, now we need to run, hurry." With little explanation, Mei took Qiu and ran for the gates.

The gates was the last place he saw Wu, as Wu said his last words to Qiu, the pair left the city for some where safe.

On the way, Mei explained the current situation to Qiu.

Corruption plagued the Qian Empire and people were unhappy with the increase in taxes, life for them have been harder than ever, as such uprising erupt in the country and in Qinghai the Western uprising under the leadership of 政(Zheng) arose.

The forces of 赢(Ying), is marching towards Qinghai City in order to control the biggest city in the northwest region of Qian.

In order to stop the uprising, the Ivory Tiger Army were called forth by the Central Court to contain the 西域(Xiyu) uprising in western Qian, to hold off the forces of Ying.

This was a one way battle, the forces of Ying were much stronger than the Ivory Tiger Army even though the soldiers were elites, having fighters that have a deeper Dao was able to put battle in the favour of the Ying forces.

Despite having systematically trained soldiers, the sheer strength of the Ying forces were able to overwhelm the Ivory Tiger Army.

The battle lasted for two months, from the end of September to November, destroying the city of Qinghai, families, leaving many homeless and starving, forming piles of bodies within the city.

At the same time the battle resulted in collapse of the western corridor, cutting off ties between the Eastern Lands with the western nations of the continent.

When the battle started, the pair hid on top of the hill in the woods, where they saw the destruction of the city and the deaths of those that were familiar, to them they were lucky to be alive.

They were surviving of the food that Mei were able to scavenge from the cook house before they left, but it was not enough for them both, within a few weeks food became scarce, Qiu tried hunting for wild animals, but rookie it was to no avail. The little amount of food they had left was soon finished.

"Qiu, I am sorry that I have to leave you by yourself, deep inside, I have always seen you as my own little brother, watching you grow up was one of the happiest times of my life, don't be sad."

"Live, live with a smile, you always looked better with a smile."

"And id you ever see Xu again let him know that I know he is the one that always put the flowers outside of my window and tell him I love him, idiot." As she tried her hardest to speak, Mei closed her eyes permanently.

"No no no, tell him yourself, don't leave me, don't leave me alone." Cried Qiu as he shakes the Mei within his embrace. It was not the first time someone close to him died, but it is the first time that he felt so helpless as he sees someone he cared about passing on, in his arms.

After a long moment of sorrow, Qiu brought the body of Mei and buried it in his favourite spot on top of the hill. Next to his mother and next to his brother.

Engraved on a stone he could find, 'Here lies Mei a loving sister, my sister'