Cultivation and Sects

After becoming a Dao cultivator, Qiu has experience a new problem, he is now too immersed in his cultivation, to be able to do anything else.

Even though being a Dao cultivator helps to lower his needs for food, no one should be like him and spending two whole days training and cultivating all day.

After two days of non-stop cultivating, Qiu is now in Sapling Second Growth, he could tell the sapling in his mind has grown taller compared to two days ago.

He can feel that his body is lighter, jumping higher and strikes faster and stronger.

When he use his Ivory Tiger Palm on a tree, he can tell that the dent on the tree has become much deeper than before.

Having reached Sapling Second Growth, he decided to make his way to a new city in order to further his training in a sect.

On a side note, Dao sects are pretty common in the lands as, it is important for one to be able to reinforce their abilities at a young stage before entering the leaf stage, where cultivators will be able to form their signature Dao arts.

Of course if the cultivator is able to find a teacher or a Dao arts that has a strong affinity to them at an early stage, as they will be able to rise faster and easier as it helps with strengthening beliefs.

Similarly, finding a sect means that you will be able to gain resources easier, in the lands the form of currency used is energy crystals that is able to replenish cultivators energy after a battle and it is the norm that sects gives monthly crystals to their cultivators, other resources also includes powerful herbs and pills made from herbs that helps to smoothen cultivation, especially herbs that has a strong affinity to the user.

Hence the benefits of a sect to any cultivator is significant, which makes sects attractive to any average cultivator as a chance to rise, unless they come from a significant family with many resources.

Right now the nearest sect would be the Clear Water Sect, located in 洞庭(Dongting) City, the city is known for the biggest lake in the western region and the biggest lake in the new Qin nation after the success of the uprising.

It is unknown whether the sect is suitable for him, but he have to give it a try it is the only one that he could make it to right now.

As after the battle, the only sect in Qinghai City has been demolish during the crossfire of the battle. Resulting in a shift in power of the sects in the region.

And now that new nations has been formed the previous Qian sects coalition has been revoked and each nation is trying to create a new coalition for their own nations, and develope strong cultivators for their own.

It is the same for Qin, the new ruler, King Zheng has ordered his court to create a new coalition of sects in the nation to help with him taking charge of the nation.

Under a new ruler many sects obliged, of course those that did not, did not see the light of another day.

And with things settled the coalition of sects of the Qin nation was formed with a reshuffling of rankings of the new sect.

Within the new ranking the Clear Water Sect was placed fourth, due to their foundation from the previous coalition and their sect leader which is said to be one of the strongest in the region if not strongest.

By right the Clear Water Sect should have been first as they are only second to the Scorching Tiger Sect in Qinghai City that was demolish in the aftermath of the battle.

The only reason they are not higher is because the new court is afraid that putting them higher would danger the court's reputation in the nation.

And so after finishing up on his cultivation, Qiu made his way to Dongting City in hopes of joining the Clear Water Sect as a cultivator disciple. If best inner disciple to start with.