Recruitment Ceremony

"Hi, are you Qiu?"

"Yes, I am."

"Will you please follow me."

The registration lady brought Qiu to a nearby pavilion, and there was two person, the mysteries cloaked figure and a elderly figure.

"I suppose the both of you are wondering why have you two been brought here." The elderly figure said kindly.

"The both of you are here because from the registration, yout two stated that you are twelve. Of course there is nothing wrong with being twelve, but it is rare for a Dao practitioner to be so young."

"So you want to test if we are really twelve." The cloaked figure said.

"Yes, now give me your arm."

The way that the elderly figure tested for the age was pretty weird, he gripped their wrist to test their bone density to test their age.

"While, looks like the both of you are really twelve, I don't know whether I should say impressive."

"Or, sigh, nevermind. You two can go now and little boy your eyes are something special."

After the slightly weird test, Qiu and the cloaked figure was taken back to the ceremony.

Back at the registration table, everyone that registered gathered there.

"Everyone please follow me this way." Said the lady.

As the lady led the way, all the hopeful disciples followed behind her heading towards the gate of the Clear Water Sect.

From his estimation, Qiu estimated that there was approximately sixty people here for the recruitment ceremony, which is pretty high.

"Bao and Biao, Isn't this the person that attacked me?"

"Yes it is young master."

It was the wealthy young man that the cloaked figure was fighting yesterday and his two bodyguards.

"Ha ha ha, how dare this person try for the same sect as me, poor poor peasant look at yourself, I bet you are still hurt after taking those hits from my bodyguards."

Having heard the arrogant speech by the young man, the cloaked figure just ignored him as sped up to the front of the crowd.

"Ha ha ha, look at him scared to face off against the mighty young master of the honourable Li family, ha ha ha."

"Spite, freaking disgusting peasants."

'What is wrong with these people, so weird.'

Trying to not get bothered by what he had just witnessed, Qiu also sped up and headed to the front of the crowd.

After a few minutes of walking and running, the whole lot af them reached the gates of the Clear Water Sect.

The gates were grand and huge, ivory white in colour, with Clear Water Sect written clearly on the gates.

It is said that the gates were made from the bones of the great leviathan that used to live in Dongting Lake.

During the time that the great beast was around the lives of people here were terrible, there was constant floods and sacrifices to be made to call the beast down.

It all ended when the current sect master of the Clear Water Sect came to help vanquish the beast.

The battle lasted three days with the victory of the sect master. And as the sign of gratitude the locals living around Dongting Lake asked the sect master to settle here and set up his sect.

The sect master was unable to turn down the offer of the enthusiastic locals and promised to settle down near Dongting Lake and established the Clear Water Sect.

Soon after more settlements came and eventually formed the Dongting City that people see now.

And Dongting Lake not only became an important lake for the locals but also the sect's spiritual landmark.

"And that is the story of the sect and this gate."

"Now for the first test of the recruitment ceremony, all of you will have to climb up thses stairs to the entrance of the sect and those failed to do so will be disqualified from the ceremony."