Semi-finals and Finals

"So you are my next opponent."


"You ready for the next match?"


"I won't go easy on you."

"Same here."

'Such a weird person.' Qiu thought to himself.

As damn quickly approaches, all the recruitment candidates gathered at the raised platform to witness the last few matches.

Not only were the candidates there, other Dao cultivators from other sects and even common folks were there.

Not only that the entire entrance of the sect is surrounded by street vendors selling food and various goods, it was like an entire festival.

"Now the first match between Po Yanbi and Ouyang Ying shall begin, fighters please get ready on the platform."

"And the fight begins."

The battle was a fierce one, it is a battle between absolute defence and absolute offence.

Po the big beastly looking man is taking defence to the next level, anyone will be able to tell that he is a walking great wall with how thick his skin is.

On the other hand, Ouyang is attacking like there is no other day, his strikes comprises of various types of styles, palm, fist, kicks, heavy fist, bashes, with each strike, Ouyang felt like he is wielding a different weapon, he felt like the weapon.

In this a battle between the toughest shield and the sharpest spear, who will come out victorious, will it be Po who is trying to tire out his opponent, or will it be Ouyang searching for the opening to deal the final strike.

With each strike landing on his body, Po could feel his body getting weaker and weaker, the strikes of Ouyang might not seem heavy but every strike uses inner strength, making every strike hit like a giant boar.

'I have to find a way to retaliate now, I don't know how much more of his attack can I take, and the guy does not look tired at all. Oh he is now distancing himself, getting ready for a final strike'

With every strike that Ouyang takes, he could feel himself getting more and more tired, he could feel his stamina dropping and his hands are hurting from constantly hitting that rock wall of a beast.

'I need to end this quick, I don't think I will be able to keep up with the constant bombardment of attacks soon. I have to end it all with this final attack.'

Ouyang quickly took a few step back to distance himself, got into a ready stance to unleash his final attack.

Ouyang thrusted himself forward with high speed, holding out his arm like a javelin, as he is about to reach Po, he struck the guy with his heaviest hit, with his arm.

While Po knowing that Ouyang is going all out, took on his most defensive stance and got ready for the final strike.

The impact from the hit created a huge splash of water and sound, wind from the impact can be felt by everyone on the sides. The final exchange was so iconic that even till a later date it will be talked about by future disciples.

The final exchange ended with both fighters stuck in the position of the strike, Po hands crossed blocking the strike and Ouyang right arm out striking at Po. It was a sight to behold, but the two fighters seems to have passed out from the fight due to exhaustion. Since they passed out practically at the same time and both did not fall out of the platform, the result will be determined while the next match commences.

It is the match between Qiu and his roommate.

"Like I said I won't go easy on you."

"Like I said same here."

As the two exchanged words, their battle began.

It started off with the cloaked figure taking the first shot, it was blocked by Qiu, next Qiu did a heavy counter attack with Ivory Tiger Palm, it was caught by the opponent, whom ceased the opportunity to do a clinch and throw, however Qiu was able to escape and Ivory Tiger Step to the side.

As Qiu stepped to the side, he clenches his fist and punch straight at his opponent's face, the hit was then blocked once again, this time directed back at Qiu, Qiu saw his fist and quickly dug down to avoid hitting himself. He then later steps back to distance himself.

'That was a close one.'

'How can I win this battle, the way he fights feels weird, its as if he could absorb my attacks and redirect it at me.'

'How do I do this. A slash?'

With enough distance, Qiu got ready to use the Ivory Tiger Claw, he does not believe that the cloaked figure will be able to absorb the hit of a slash.

And so Qiu closed in on the distance and unleashed a bombardment of tiger claw like slashes at the cloaked figure. Just nice one landed on his face, revealing his real look.


Stunned by the person under the cloak, Qiu stops his attacks.

"Hi, its been a while, how have you been?"

"Great, but why I you here? You said that you were going to your relatives place down south."

"Well there has been a changed of plans, you see I need to get stronger, strong enough to seek revenge for my parents, I can't continue to be this weak little girl always needing her parents help."

"So I came here, I came here to be stronger. So I need to win this Qiu, I am not going to hold back."

"I need to win this to, so you better be ready."

What a shocking turn of events, who could have saw this happening, the cloaked figure is Xueli? Crazy.

Now knowing that Xueli is not able to deflect slashing attacks, Qiu got ready to unleash another set of Ivory Tiger Claw at her.

Now knowing that she can't defend against slashing attacks, Xueli decided to dodge Qiu's attacks and try to find an opening in those attacks. She knows that Qiu is going for the same attack.

Seeing none of his hits landing, Qiu pulled back to calm himself down and think of a way to win.

As Qiu pulled back, Xueli ceasing the opportunity, rushed in with an attack. Her attacks are like flowing water, swirling around Qiu, and clinging on to Qiu. Her attacks are unpredictable and awkward, but still able to land hits on Qiu.

Qiu is now in a predicament, he finds it difficult to pary her attacks and could not find any openings to attack.

Qiu have to find a way to end this quick, anymore and he will tire out himself and loose. He have to take a risk and use a move thought to him by Wu.

The Ivory Tiger Roar, it is a martial arts technique that makes use of the inner energy of the fighter, the Inner energy is an entirely different concept from Dao energy.

By using the Ivory Tiger Roar, Qiu is confident that he will be able to overpower Xueli and push her out of the platform with ease.

But the risk is high as not only does it takes time to gather enough Inner energy, he also can't move much as he gathers Inner energy as he is not proficient enough in the arts.

Qiu got ready in the Ivory Stance and took all the hits that is coming at him, as he gathered Inner energy.

As she attacked Qiu, Xueli feels something fishing going on, it is unusual for Qiu to be just standing there taking all the hits, he must be up to something, but Xueli couldn't care less, she needs to end this match quick and now. As such she continued her bombardment of attacks.

It is now a race against time for Qiu, will he be able to gather enough energy first or will he fall to the constant attacks from Xueli.

The clock is now ticking, luckily for Qiu with his main character plot armour taking it's affect, Qiu is able to gather up his Inner energy before he falls to Xueli's attacks.

With enough Inner energy gathered, Qiu unleashed his roar, forming gusts of wind blowing Xueli off the platform, not only was there a pushing force, there were also cutting forces that cuts Xueli's face, cloak and body.

Physical cuts can be seen all over Xueli as she is blown off the platform, and you can tell that she was not ready with what had happened to her, as she looks genuinely stunned by the prior event.

With that, Qiu has won the Semi-finals against Xueli and landed him in at least a second place on the entire ceremony.

As for the results of the first match, since both contestants passed out around the same time, practically in sync with each other, the result was determined by the elders that were watching the match, in the end Ouyang won was in favor with his more aggressive attacking style being more attractive to the elders.

The finals between Qiu and Ouyang was Abit lacking, as both contestants were worn out prior to the match and hence, nothing exciting happened, just know that Qiu took one hit to end the match with a heavy Ivory Tiger Fist.

While the placement for third place ended with Xueli being victorious, as Po was physically more worn out compared to Xueli.