Apprenticeship Ceremony

After the final match had taken placed, the hopeful recruits were sent back to their resting quarters to rest for the apprenticeship ceremony the next day. Where elders will decide on who to choose as their disciples.

"Xueli, why didn't you talk to me, the entire time?"

"There is people in this City that has beef with my family and knows me, and by now they should have heard the news of my parent's passing, making it dangerous for me and people that are close to me."

"Then are you just going to keep your identity hidden the entire time?"

"I plan to keep it hidden until I have become a disciple of this sect, sect disciples have the protection of their respective sects, unless they break the rules of the sect."

"Hence, when I become a disciple I will not be targeted by those people, then I won't have to keep on hiding."

"I see, then how about your relatives?"

"I have written a letter to them, they should be receiving it soon."

After catching up with each other, the two woodlands buddies went to bed to catch some rest before the next day.

It is the second day at the sect and Qiu still woke up late and had to be woken up by the recruitment lady.

Rushing to the center square, Qiu sees many people floating in the air and the other hopeful recruits gathering at the square.

"Why did you not call me up."

"You were sleeping so well, that I did not have it in my heart to disturb you."

"Well, now that everyone is here the apprenticeship ceremony shall take place."

"We will start with the first place of yesterday's ranking matches, Qiu."

"Now will you please place your hand on the scaling ball to determine your Inner energy level and Dao stage."

Name: Qiu

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Stage: Sapling Third Growth

Power Scale: 548

"Interesting, 548 that is really high for a child at the age of twelve." One of the elders said.

"Now it is time for the elders to express interest on this hopeful disciple." Said the ceremonial lady.

"Well of it is alright, I would like to take him in as my personal disciple." Echoed the sect's master Lingxi.

"If I am not wrong he and I both have the same Dao path, I believe that I will be the one that is most fit to be his master."

The square was dead silent after the sect master made his statement.

"Master please take me as your disciple." Qiu said breaking the silence and becoming the personal disciple of Lingxi.

"Good, after the ceremony, the ceremonial lady will bring you to our peak." After Lingxi said it, he left.

With the unexpected happening, the apprenticeship ceremony continued with Ouyang being the next.

Name: Ouyang Yin

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Stage: Sapling Third Growth

Power Scale: 412

"Another interesting prospect, you are a weapons master correct?" Asked an elder.

"Yes, I have been trained to use almost all of the weapons in the world, and it is my Dao to climb up to the peak with a mastery of all weapons." Replied Ouyang.

"Well in that case, I believe that third elder 器皿(Qi Min) who is in charge of the sect's weaponry will be more than happy to take you in."

"His not wrong, if you want to be a disciple of the weaponry branch, I am more than happy to take you into the 藏器峰(hidden weapon mount) as an inner disciple." Said the third elder.

"It is my honour to be part of the hidden weapon mount." Replied Ouyang.

"Up next, Jin Xueli."

Name: Jin Xueli

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Stage: Sapling Third Growth

Power Scale: 407

"Well, well, well looks like this year is the year with multiple young prospects, Ha Ha Ha." An elder said with immense pleasure.

"So who wants to take in this young girl? Hmmm, the Dao of revenge, it is a hard one to cultivate, especially in the future if you succeeds in your revenge that is." Said the same elder.

"In that case, why don't you join my mount, the assassination and scouting branch, so will you join the 影风峰(shadow winds mount)." Asked the second elder, 无湫颖( Wu Qiuying).

"Xueli is honoured to join the shadow winds mount." Replied Xueli.

After Xueli was Po.

"Po Yanbi, it is your turn to place your hand on the scaling ball."

Name: Po Yanbi

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Stage: Sapling Third Growth

Power Scale: 502

"Looks like with have a brute here, ha ha ha, do you want to join my mount, the 蛮硬峰(brute hard mount), one that focuses on the absolute pinnacle of strength and defences, one that suits you perfectly." Said the fifth elder, 蛮盾(Man Dun)

"Po accepts." Replies Po.

With the top four placings finishing their apprenticeship ceremony, all that is left are the rest.

Li Feng and his two bodyguards were taken in by the first elder, apparently it was a done deal before they even attended the ceremony.

For Yanxi she was taken on by the sixth elder who is in charge of the pills and medication branch, which feels contrasting for Yanxi to be accepted into the branch, apparently she has a dream of being the best pill maker.