Donovan wants to save Kate

I entered my apartment, and it was very small. It had one room with an attached washroom, a small kitchen where only two people could stand, and a very small living room.

I went into the room and picked some clothes from the wardrobe. I took a towel and went inside the washroom, removing my clothes. I stood under the shower as the water dripped from my body.

(She was fully naked, with a beautiful hourglass-shaped body that was perfectly maintained. Even though she hadn't gone to the gym her entire life, all the work her sister Kate gave her made her work really hard, and she never gained any weight. Her body was perfectly shaped.)

After taking a shower, I took the towel and wrapped it around my body. I came out of my room and looked into the mirror, water dripping from my wet hair. I stared at myself for a second and thought about how stupid I was to not see what was happening to me. I was such a person who could be easily manipulated, but not again. I would never fall into their tricks again.

"I will show you the reality of hell, my dear sisters. I will make sure to make your lives worse."

I wore my clothes and opened my phone to see the news.


On the other hand, director Lee was out of his subconscious, and he was in the hospital. The police were waiting outside to know what had happened and who had done all this to him.

He opened his and held his head tightly as he was injured,then he remembered everything that had happened in the hotel room, he was frustrated at kate.

Lee: "that bitch Kate has attacked me, she was the one who wants to sleep with me."

(He was about to call the police inside the room for investigation, but his phone rang. When he saw who was calling him, he picked up the call)

Donovon: "Hello Lee, I know my daughter had done some trouble, but I hope you will let it go."

Lee: "You bastard, i don't want to do any kind of deal."

Donovon: "I will give you 1 million dollar."

Lee: "Do you think 1 million dollar is enough for keeping me shut?"

Donovon: "You shameless bastard, you are the one who was trying to molest my daughter Kate, and you still want to get paid?"

Lee: "What? You slutty daughter was the one who tried to seduced me for a role."

(Donovon, the father of Kate and Amaya, but he alway care for Kate but not have any kind of emotion for Amaya, he was boling with angr after hearing what Lee had said because he alway thought of Kate as a pure, good and kind hearted person who had never done anything wrong. Donovon was always being minupulated by Kate due to her fake acting.He never tried to understand Amaya and always supported Kate in every decision. He always believes his wife and Kate. And started hating on Amaya.)

Donovon: "I will give you 5 million dollar if you keep your mouth shut."

After hearing what Donovon was giving, Lee didn't want to let go of it so easily. He thinks for a minute.

Lee: "Okay, but what will i say to the police if he asks me who had done all this?"

Donovon: "I have a person whose name you can say,afterall it was all done by her."

Lee: "Who?"

Donovon: "My first daughter Amaya,my daughter Kate said that she was the one who wanted to sleep with you for a role, but send my dear Kate, she lied to Kate."

Lee: "Really? Well, i want to see Amaya. "

Donovon: "That bitch, just want to ruin my name by sleeping with others, I don't know with how many mens she had slept with,I feel ashamed to call her my daughter."

Lee: "okay, I will do that but I will still not forget what Kate had done."

He hang up the call, and doctor enters into the room to check and when he saw that he was totally fine, he called the police inside

The police enter and asked "I hope you are fine sir, but we need know what had happened so that we can find the criminal." Lee was still feeling uncomfortable to lie, but he did what Donovan had said him to do.

He put all the blame on Amaya, he said that he didn't exactly see her face but he was waiting for her in hotel room so she might be one who attacked him. He even lied and said that she wants to sleep with him for a role in his upcoming movie.

Police replied "if she wants to sleep with you, then why did she attacked you?"

He replied, "I don't know why she attacked me."

The policemen were shocked because he even checked the C.C.D.V camera of hotel, but somebody has already cut that part of recording from every camera.

"It was strange because all the recording removed." The police said. Lee already thought that it might be done by Donovan so that nobody can find out that Kate was their.

The police thanked him and left from the hospital.


On the other hand,Amaya was checking the news and found that Lee was fine and he even gave his testimony to police.

My father will do anything to save Kate's name, I know him very well, she might had already lied to him about the incident.

I was feeling like something bad is going to happen, I still remember him,he was Adrien Markram fuck he was a billionaire or you can one of the richest person in the world. I searched his name on google was shocked to read about him, I can't believe in my past life when everything has started he was their beside my room.

Anyway, he helped me alot, I never thought that Adrien would lie to someone for a girl like me. I can't be able to meet him again, i can't even get a chance to thank him.

I was thinking about his blue grey eyes, and his sexy abs and strong facial features, the god had made him with alot of efforts. "Ohh my god Amaya, what the fuckk are you thinking, you shameless girl."

I was cursing myself for my nasty thoughts, but then I heard a knock from the door. I thought about who would be their at the door, I don't think anyone know where i live.

Someone again knocked the door, I got up from my bed and went to open the door to see who it was but got shocked....