He was making me shy

She was so close that she could see all his facial structure. He was so handsome his skin was bright and shining as he took care of it a lot. His grey blue eyes were so deep that she was feeling as would get lost in his eyes. His breath touched her face. He was looking at her directly in her eyes.

"Damit-Amaya," she said to herself. In her mind.

He came more and closer to her face. And when she was busy looking into his eyes, he removed one of a piece of grass from her hair, but she didn't realise it until he saw her that while showing infront of her face.

Amaya "•_•"

He smirked, looking at her cute shy face. As he knows he was doing for teasing her.

'Amaya, why are you embarrassing yourself in front of him?' she murmured in her mind while cursing herself. "Ok, thank you, but we were talking about something." She said to change the topic as she doesn't want to make herself even more embarrassed.

Adrien knows what he has done, and he is enjoying her cute expression. He loves to see her checks red. He was teasing her. And he did that to make her feel a little relaxed about her parents. "About that thing? It's up to you if you want, then we will do it." He said with a little smirk on his face.

Amaya "•_•"

'What does he mean with it up to you? Does he want to say that he will do it if I am ready for that. What fuck is wrong with him? He was making me more embarrassed. I mean, how can someone be this straight? I know he is damn handsome, and any girl will be ready to lie down in front of his money and handsome face.' She thought in her mind while cursing the suiation for all this.

"Ok," she said.

"But I want to tell you that some people will know about the marriage because I told you about the help I want from you." Adrien said to her because he was also suffering some problems in his family matter. His parents want him to be married as they were a lot tensed about his future love life. They had warned him to get married only, and then he would show his face in his family. Or else he would have to marry someone who will be arranged by his parents.

"That is fine, but I don't want anyone to know from my workplace and social media. As it will affect my work." She stated it. She knows that some people have to know it.

He explained all that to me that his family was forcing him for marriage, and he was about to find someone for that contract, but then he found me. In the hotel room and when he finds out about my financial and family suiation he thought that it would be a helpful deal for both of us. It explains all the reasons why he was helping and why he wants to marry a girl like me. Well, I am thankful for his gesture.

"We have many times to talk about all these thing Amaya, you can take your time to understand me." He said to me. I never thought that rich people would have problems like this.

"We have a to make a marriage ceremony to invite some of our important family members." He said to her, as Adrien has no other option, because their are many family member those who have to know it because he is the head of family and it is important for him. Although he had only thought of inviting only his important members and some of his friends.

Amaya knows how much important this would be for him, so she accepted it. If it doesn't bother her private and official, then she doesn't have any problem with it. After all, he had helped her many times.

"Okay, I don't have any problem, but where will this marriage ceremony happen?"

"Well, it will not going to happen in this country." He said it without any hesitation.

"Well, you are joking, right?" I said while laughing a little. And looked at his face, but he was looking damn serious. 'Ohh god, I seriously always make fun of me.' I thought to myself.

"Ohh, so you are not joking. Actually, I was joking. HehHhehe, " she said.

Adrien "•_•"

I almost forgot how rich he is and embarrassed myself. Well I had to make a habit of these richy richy things.

"Okay then, when will the ceremony going to happen?" She asked him.

"First you have to meet my parents and then we all will decide about the ceremony, and yeah make sure that they will not know that this is a fake marriage, we have act like real couples." He said to me. And with a little surprise, I was feeling shy by listening to couples' words.

"Okay,"I stated,We have to act like real couples and behave like that so that his parents don't have any kind of suspicious thing for us. It will be good for us because I have to agree with his terms and conditions.


Their is a sudden silence between us. Well, he was looking at me directly, and I was not able to avoid his eye contact.Doesn't he know that his eye contact can make someone uncomfortable?

"Well, when are you going to shift?" He asked me.

Oh yeah, I didn't even think that we have to live in the same rooftops. "I will be shifted in two days,"

"I will send some mens to help you, and I am also assisting some guards for your safty." He said with a serious face.

I don't have any option to say no because of that deal my father had done. And also many things will be going to happen between Kate and me. So, I might need a safer shelter. It is a good decision. "Ok, as you wish." I said.

"Ok, if everything is discussed, then I think I should go now," I said while standing up from the sofa.

"Wait," He said.