You should take the blame of Kate and go to jail

On the other hand.

"Dad, dad, look what Amaya had done with me." Kate showed the news to Donovan. She knows how to play her cards correctly. She always tries her best to make Amaya bad in front of dad. And always plays a victim card to make him believe in Kate. He always ends up beating Amaya.

Donovan was angry to see what Amaya had done. He wasn't expecting her to ruin Kate's name. Kate was an actress, and it will affect her image so much. 'I never thought that you would fall this much you bitch.' Donovan was believing everything that Kate says.

He was ready to hate on her daughter. It is even impossible to say that they both were his children because he always hated Amaya and loved Kate.

"Don't worry dear, everything will be going to be okay if you are with us." Mia said to Donovan. She then came close to her daughter and hugged her while making her eyes filled with little tears. "We never hated on Amaya, I don't know why she always tries to put my daughter down." Mia said while fake crying. She was trying her best to make Amaya look as bad as possible. She always had done that to make Amaya look bad when Amaya was a child. It was in the blood of both Kate and her mother, Mia.

'What does that bitch think? Does she think that she will be going to be saved after doing this to my daughter.' Mia thought in her mind while continuing faking her cry in front of Donovan. She knows how dumb Donovan was. He always believed whatever they said and never tried to listen to Amaya.

(Amaya was always a strong girl who never cried in front of anyone. She never lied even if someone tried to put blam on her. She never accepted it unless she had done that thing. She was strong, beautiful, and bold, but she always kept her feelings to herself. She was so preserved.)

Donovan make them believe that he will do something about it and will surely make Amaya pay for it. He doesn't even believe the chat news. As Kate made him believe that those were fake and was made by Amaya.

"Dad, I love you, I know that you will always be there for me." Kate said while making her eyes a little shallow as she was an actress, so she knows very well how to use it.

"Ok, now you go and rest. We will be going to call Amaya that bitch tomorrow." He said, with a little smile to Kate and Mia. They both stopped acting after seeing how Donovan was against Amaya. They had been doing this for years.

Donovan had decided that he would tell Amaya to take all the crime to herself. He was shameless. To save one daughter, he was ready to sacrifice other. He never deserved to be called as a father.


The next morning, Amaya woke and first opened her and checked her phone. There were almost 10 missed calls of Donovan, 20 missed calls of Kate, and 5 calls from Mia. "I think the news is already trending now." I said and laughed at imagining how's Kate face was after seeing the news. I checked on my phone, and the news was again on trending. The recording which I had sended him was on top. Everyone was talking about Kate.

Many of her fans had stopped supporting Kate. Some were still saying this would be fake. Many of her fans are still supporting her. I looked at the second trending news but the news was about Kate.

I clicked on it and was shocked to it. The movie, which she was going to do, the director removed her from the cast and stated a statement saying he couldn't take her because of her current image and that will also going to ruin his movie. He also said that all the cast of the movie was still not decided, so he was finding a lead that would fit the role perfectly. He also said that "Kate was not fit for the role, but the production cast had said to me to give her. I can't denie that."

I laughed harder at his statement. He doesn't care about it because he was a famous and well-known director his movies are a worldwide hit. 'I think he doesn't like Kate's acting.' I thought. He was still finding someone for the third lead role in his movie "The Journey of Star."

I still remember that dad had forced his friend, who is the producer of that movie, to take Kate as third lead role. He also forced him to do that. It was impossible for her to be in Khan's sir movie. He was very strict about his cast selection for his movie. He always chooses the one who fits the character.

Anyways, it will going to give more spices to the news. I changed my clothes and got ready to go to my house. Again, my phone ringed I looked at it and it was my stepmother Mia jain.

I first looked at the call for a second and then picked it up at the last ring. "Why are you not picking up our calls? You - how did you do this to my daughter? She is your know sister Amaya." A loud yelling voice came from the call that made me remove my phone from my ears.

'Is she mad or something? She really needs a psychiatrist.' I murmured to myself. She is a phyco, still she is talking to me very nicely. I think Donovan would be there, that's why.

That old scumbag never leaves a chance to impress my father. "What do you want? Why did you call me?" I said as I was not interested in listening to her overracting.

"Amaya dear, why are you talking to me like this, Your father wants to meet you. Come here fast and remember you will clear my Kate's name from the news." Mia said while gritting her teeth. Mia wanted to kill Amaya as she was the reason her daughter had to face all this. She wants Amaya to take all the mistakes to herself and make Kate's name clear.

"Ok, I am coming home. I think you should see a doctor, Mrs. Jain, your mental health is not looking good." I said sarcastically and hung up the call.

"Hello- hello." Mia said and looked at her phone. The call was already dismissed. 'I think she hunged up the call, dear,' Mia said while looking at Donovan with a smile. Amaya is coming home. "When she comes, we will save Kate's name, I am going to my room, dear." She said while controlling her anger.

Mia said and went to her. She locked the door from inside and screamed loudly. "That bitch Amaya, I will not leave you slut." She said while throwing her things in angry. 'I know you were jealous of our happy life. Amaya, you will never get any love from Donovan he is Kate's father.' She said while laughing like a psycho. 'How could you say that I should visit a psycho.' She said in her mind. She hates Amaya so much that she didn't even see how hurtful that might have been for Amaya in her past years. She was always selfish about herself.