Andre entered his thing inside Amelia

Adrien's POV

I was still in London. I stay here clear up everything. I told everyone on Black's gang about his condition. They will take care of him. I stayed here for two more days. I killed Adam after torturing him for one day. His condition was very bad so I killed him.

Rest of thing was done by the prince of England. It's been one week in London. I have told Andre to be careful about everything. I didn't tell him everything. But, as his and Amaya's protection is important to me so I am going back to America.

I looked at Black, for a few minutes. I didn't get the chance to thanks him. But,yes because of me he is in this condition. I know that he will be back very soon. I went out of the ward. There gang member was waiting outside for me. I didn't say anything to them. I directly left from their.