
作者: YANG Yang


This article is to analyze the parts not covered by Zhang Xiangqian's own analysis in the book An Adventure to Guoker Planet. 


空的哲学 Sunya, the philosophical foundation of Guoker physics


People who understand the so-called spiritual teachings should know the narrative about we're living in the low-frequency 3rd density universe. Zhang did not mentioned it in the book. I think we should not consider him to be contradictory to those spiritual teachings. 


My conclusion: the fundamental of Guoker physics is: matter is inert, space is active. All of the existence we can observe is the flow of space. You can imagine the spatial flow as a bunch of invisible people pushing boxes in Patrick's Parabox. 


If I had the chance to talk to the Guokers, I would ask: does the flow of space has its own intelligence? 


I do not know the answer, but I think if the flow of space isn't intelligent, all laws of physics must be non-existent. The universe would be in total chaos and any matter would be intangible even if they exist. 


Another question Zhang didn't cover is that where does matter come from? Could matter and space turn into each other? 


The space can interact with matter to manifest itself in motion, or it can move on its own to manifest itself. Is that possible, if the universe of higher density, where the matter particles enter a higher level of spin, is a higher level of density of spatial flow without interacting with the normal ones? Metaphorically, the higher density box pushers have nothing to do with our own little box pushers. 


Our consciousness is described by the Guokers as information, which is a form of spatial flow. Though riding on electronic signals in the nerve system, our consciousness is by essence, emptiness, or sunya. While a person dies, the neural signal seizes to be active, but the spatial flow it programmed exists forever. By reincarnation, the neural system of a baby is incapable to support all the complex spatial flow information, plus the difference in DNA, thus the memory of the past life is lost. Meditation is supposed to be enhancing the nerve system to decipher information from the sunya. If a person is mentally strong enough to manipulate matter with its spatial flow generated by the neurons, the magical supernatural abilities are hence realized. The person becomes a living artificial information field generator. 


Does mind control exist? Of course yes. People receive information or frequencies, translate them into what they can understand and react upon, then manifest them in their own minds. So is the information absorbed and becomes part of the receiver's reality. Essentially, this is an information transfer from a fraction of sunya to another. This transfer is not 100% efficient, and the deficiency of information transfer creates all the odds in our consciousness as well as the universe. 


Human consciousness is unable to digest excessive amount of information beyond the limit of concern at a time. It might be a death trap for souls entering the Guoker Planet System, for they would be incinerated by artificial field generators. This makes me wonder if the Guokers were still connected to the source or they were dominated by the AI God and strangled in the low-density layer of the universe. 


工具论 Tool theory


The Guoker lifestyle appears to be highly dependant on tools. Yet they are proud to be inventing tools to extend their own abilities. A simple fact is that the total ability of mankind is the ability of men plus the ability of tools. Although men and tools can assist and enhance each other, but it is also feasible to delegate all abilities to tools to free people from work. That is what the Guokers do. They outsource everything to tools except their own amusement. 

生物体系的外包工具:人工场 Biological outsourcing - artificial field


Guoker biology allows the hybrid of creatures and artificial field. You can argue it as a cyborg. Suppose you throw a Guoker into a meat grinder and shred it into burger patties. The highly intelligent artificial field can put the cells in the chrono fridge and upload the consciousness in the clouds. You'll see the burger patties turn back to a living person, or turn into a bouncing slime monster. It is also possible to combine metal with living cells without poisoning the creature, so that you're expecting to see half-mechanical humanoids or even liquid metal humanoids. 


This artificial field assistance to creatures is solely for the purpose of enhancing experience. In most applications, the artificial field supplies chemical fluid flow in human body to create pleasure. 

精神意识的外包工具:人工智能 Mental outsourcing - artificial intelligence


Imagine if you never need to go to school; you never need to learn and think; you just need to search for answers in the artificial information field anytime anywhere. That means you're surrendering your mind to the AI tool. 


In an Earth human perspective, our mother nature gives us the ability to think and allows us to create more odds for mother nature itself. Perhaps this is the purpose of the universe. The Guokers however, gave up this ability to AI. All their creations left are for satisfying their own senses. But anyway, they're not worried about this at all. They're already convinced that the universe itself can create all odds without the help of their own work. 


Back to the topic of mind control, are the Guokers free from mind control? Obviously not. Their own consciousness is limited by AI, so how much freedom of will do they have? Or maybe it's enough for them to have material freedom over mental freedom. To their perspective, Earth human beings have such a hard life - to study hard to become wise. Could that constant struggle for intelligence be a kind of slavery? 

It is not easy to judge. We humans don't really understand what we want. When we were confronted with all kinds of alien technology - just like toys in front of a toddler when he/she would grow into the kind of person based on what toy he/she choose, are we ready to pick our own tech tree? Are we clear what kind of civilization we want to be? 


建筑架构 Architecture

免物流的生产经济 Logistics-free economy


Zhang's first impression of Guoker Planet is gigantic virtual buildings packed together without roads inbetween. They also don't have means of transport on the planet surface orther than recreational hover cars above people's heads to avoid traffic accidents. 


The fundamental reason is that the artificial field teleportation technology has completely eliminated the concept of logistics. 


As Earth human beings, if you want to build a factory, you need to consider logistics first. If you a running a shop, you need to consider location to have the most customers. If you are planning a city, you need to consider water engineering. 

For Earth human beings, engineering is from A to B. The Guoker artificial field on the other hand, solved all the problems from A to B, because everything can be teleported. Hence, all material resources on the planet are not to be transported either by vehicles or by pipelines. Their buildings no longer need to consider logistics. Their cities no longer need water engineering in consideration. 


So it becomes interesting to ovserve the Guoker economy. They have a highly decentralized virtual economy and a highly centralized material-based economy. On their planet, one industry might be covered by one company in one building. That is why their buildings are all enormously large - to fit the need of the entire planet. It is also very likely that the building is the factory and the store combined together. Customers can be teleported to the factory to consume the goods on-site, and goods can be teleported directly to households. 


If this happens on Earth, all our cities, which currently located in natrual resource rich areas, will be demolished and returned to mother nature. We would build our cities in very rural areas like deserts, mountains and icelands. Our agriculture would be placed in the best locations. Artificial field can take care of the plants, harvest and teleport the fruits directly to our dining table. If we were like the Guokers outsourcing our metabolism, then we would never need to grow food. Instead, plants for producing medicines and neural-active chemicals would be the major agricultural species. 

免费能源可能永远无法实现 Free energy might be impossible for Guokers


In Zhang's book, the Guokers only mentioned solar energy and nuclear energy. The most expected free energy is not mentioned. Regardless of conservation of energy theorem, we should first make it clear: what is the definition of free energy? If free energy is to extract field energy from empty space in the universe, it's hard to imagine that the Guokers were unable to do that. Maybe it's just too power-consuming to support the Guoker planetary infrastructure, so solar energy becomes the most efficient energy source for them. Obviously, without a star, the entire Guoker race will collpase, and all their people living in the virtual world will die. 

We do not have enough information to know if it's cost-effective to use artificial field for controlled nuclear fusion. But considering what they do, it is probably that nuclear energy would be insufficient for the high consumption Guoker lifestyle. 


In conclusion, it remains a problem of budgeting energy consumption for the Guokers. Free energy might be never accomplishable for them. What they cherish the most is information, of the cost of energy. How much information could they trade with their own sun eventually? 


生物学 Evolution

肉管子的进化学分析 Evolutionary analysis of "meat pipes"


On Earth, similar structure to the Guoker meat pipes can only be seen on nemertea or sea anemone. The floating force of water can support the weight of meat pipes, so they only need smooth muscles to ensure the feeding function of meat pipes, which they become floppy on land. If it's not powered by the artificial field, the Guoker meat pipes should have strong skeletal muscles to move on land and rich neurons to enhance feelings. For Earth creatures, this structure has disadvantage in power-to-weight ratio - which is heavy and energy consuming. Especially when they were located in the mouth or anus, they were prone to damage and infection due to the frequent feeding. Maybe the tongue of Earth creatures is the most we can have. 


Guoker intelligent creatures mostly have meat pipes probably as evolutionary advantage. They don't consume food, and they need stronger feeling, so they have more. Creatures without meat pipes are obsolete on the market. 


The inner cavity from throat to groin of the Guoker human body can retract the meat pipes, and structurally, it looks like intestine villus. Suppose they still belong to protostomia, but the whole digest system with its neural system was completely rebuilt into sex organ. 


It is perticularly intresting that the Guoker females changed from passive to active in sex relations due to the change to their body structure. They can never get pregnant and they can turn their sex organ from inside out to mate. It might lead to the result that the males become obsolete in evolution. Since they cannot be transsexuals in body form, their males might end up retreating to the virtual world. Despite not mentioned in Zhang's book, it is an important socialogical topic to research. 

身体结构简化的结果 The outcome of simplified body anatomy


As mentioned above, the Guokers outsource their body functions to external tools, so their bodies no longer require digestive and respiratory systems. Only the muscles and nerves are preserved for enhanced experience. This gives great convenience to their medicine. So the Guoker human bodies are robust, resilient to diseases and easily healed by physical and chemical treatments. Addictive psychotropic drugs are also easy come easy go for them. Thus the Guokers are capable to withstand highly intensive sense stimulations without worrying about damaging any internal organs. Though we cannot know how hormones and neuro-transmitters work in their bodies, but it is imaginable that they must be highly efficient compared to Earth humans', just like comparing chemical drugs with natural herbs. 


All organs of us Earth humans can produce their unique chemical compounds. There is a balance of all the organs to make us healthy. That is why we have such a complexity in our medicine. Excessive stimulations and drugs will eventually cause damage to our organs, which will eventually lead to mental problems, and eventually end up in social unrest. You can understand from this perspective that all the complex and strict regulations on Earth are from our vulnerabilities evolved to survive the hazards on Earth - a price we must pay. The Guokers in comparison, should concern about simpler factors, such as confronting the curiosity in evil - that is a price their civilization needs to pay to survive. All civilizations have their own problems to solve and price to pay. Maybe that's the driving factor of development, along with the advantages pulling the civilization forward. Maybe we would never know what would lead us to which direction. 


语言学 Linguistics


Although the Guokers can communicate brain-to-brain via artificial field, this communication is still based on language. Maybe it's possible to communicate through chemicals via artificial field, but both of these methods are based on the "artificial information field frequency interception technology". I would wildly guess that the information interception technology has its unbreakable limit. 


My theory is that language is one-dimensional. Our universe, based on spatial flow, is three-dimensional in space plus one dimension of time. Communication through language is shrinking 4D reality to 1D code, then translate back to 4D again. This will lose information. 


It is proved in this book that the Guokers need to make a certain posture to confirm their command to the artificial information field. Otherwise the AI can still confuse, because frequency interception is translating multi-dimensional thought to one-dimensional language, then the AI judges its value with math. While information is downgraded to lower dimension, its deviation will be enlarged, due to lower dimension is unable of supporting the complexity of information from higher dimension. 


We need to understand the fact that exploring our own consciousness cannot be complete only by language. We must understand that in multi-dimension. Just feel yourself, how are your thoughts, mind pictures and sounds appeared? How are your logics connect like lightning strikes in your brain? 


By understanding this, we would learn that AI is delusional. As long as AI runs on the basis of one-dimensional logic language, as long as AI fails to break through the multi-dimensional conduits, AI would still have limits supporting consciousness, despite it being thousands of times more powerful than humans in every aspect. The power of AI is the power of accumulated collective consciousness of humans. The might of AI is the extension of will-power of humans. We can create tools and depend on tools, but we should never forget to think beyond our tools.