Never Mess With Me

Ezra moved swiftly with Gen and Olivia towards the exit, the urgency of their situation pressing down on them.

"Olivia, you can teleport," he said, his voice firm but urgent. "Take Gen to handle the Black Spider gang situation. Then, head to Ascendant Capital and fortify it against the attack."

Olivia nodded, her expression firm. Gen's eyes were sharp with determination as she prepared for the teleportation.

"I'll stay behind to find Miss Red," Ezra continued. "We can't afford to lose her in the chaos. Stay in contact and update me on your progress."

They burst outside the mansion. Without another word, Olivia grasped Gen's arm, and with a flash, they vanished, leaving Ezra standing alone. He took a deep breath, and turned, walking back inside. Time was of the essence, and every moment counted.