Stolen Away

Helena took a moment to look over her gathered officer. Target sat, ready as always. The others were in various states of readiness, some relaxed and others coiled like a spring.

The vehicle swayed as they moved closer to their target. The gathered officers all wore nondescript dark clothing which allowed them to blend with the night. Today's mission was very important to her so she had handpicked the most loyal of her peacekeepers.

"Officers." Helena spoke and in an instant, all eyes were on her. "The mission is simple. We'll be attacking Griffin's sanctuary."

She could see the message sink in and the unease in their eyes at the prospect of attacking a Count's home territory. She hadn't informed them of the mission before now. She trusted her officers, but precautions were necessary to keep things secret.

"Fortunately, Griffin is not in the sanctuary and he has taken most of his forces along with him."