Shared Assignments

"Our enemies are still reeling from the change." Yuri said. "We'll use this small window to our advantage and wreck as much damage as we can. A X E."

The A X E girls straightened at the attention.

"I assign you to Centrefield."

Ezra nodded at the choice. Centrefield was Solomon's territory. With the Flower Shop destroyed, the Flower Shop girls would be much more present in Centrefield as they have been contracted by Solomon.

"I want you to keep the A X E busy during this time." Yuri continued. "Harry them as much as you can, not giving them a moment to rest. They'll be looking forward to every clash as they probably want to get their vengeance for the destruction of their shop."

"I want them focused on you, leaving them unable to touch base with Solomon and support him as we attack him. For that, this task will fall on you, Odinson coven."