
Ezra entered the dining room, the rich aroma of blood wine already lingering in the air. He strided to the table, taking his seat at its head.

Gen poured some wine into a glass and shifted the glass to him. He picked it up without a word and drained it.

"Tell me you guys found something." He said.

"Nope." Gen answered. "It's like he disappeared into thin air."

"It's not as if we had anything to go off of before." Red said from her seat. "He has no ties anywhere. There's no thread connecting him to anything."

"Olivia?" Ezra turned to the last woman in the room. "Anything on your end?"

"No." She answered. "All we're looking for is a man under a cloak. He could be anybody he wants."

"Damn it!" Ezra pounded his fist into the table, taking care to control his strength. "Where could he be?"

The slush fund had been the cash they'd be betting on when they leave First City. Without the money, they'll have to start from zero.