That's Interesting. Very Interesting.

Solomon walked with purpose through the grand entryway of Vladimir's estate, his steps echoing through the vast hall.

This time, he'd come by car, not teleportation. The time spent driving gave him time to organize his thoughts. No one knew when Itachi would be back and more importantly, no one knew if he'd put an end to the war or ignore it.

It was more likely that he'd put an end to it. No City Lord wants a war that would diminish his strength in his city. City Lords and even Council elders were not buddies. They all had agendas. The more cities you have under you, the stronger your voice is on the council.

An elder with twenty cities has more military power than an elder with ten. The best time to take over a city was after a debilitating internal war. Itachi wouldn't want that.

And that was why Solomon knew he had to strike while the iron was hot.