Spilling The Beans

The Necromancer whistled jauntily as he was escorted through stone corridors. The vampires that surrounded him watched warily, all on edge.

His eyes wandered, taking in the security cameras covering every angle. Solomon was probably the only vampire in the city that did that, using the camera as a deterrent against attacks on his home. 

Mess with him in his own home and clips of you could find it's way on the internet as leaked footage from some obscure production studio's upcoming movie and before you know it, peacekeepers are banging on your door for breach of the Law of Secrecy, the strictest law of Vampire Society.

No one wanted another Death Wave.

The Necromancer's slow, jaunty whistling sounded eerie as the sound echoed in the otherwise silent halls of the fortress, the sound of his footsteps, heightening the effect.