I Need Proof

Ezra stormed into the peacekeeper HQ. 

His footsteps echoed as he made his way down the halls and the peacekeepers in his way all found somewhere else to be.

He moved with the focus of a natural disaster and right now, he was a man with a plan.

Gen still hadn't returned home and with his focus now on Lana. He was currently looking for a way to get to her but he hadn't found one yet.

That was when he noticed that he had a resource that he wasn't using.

A resource that if what she had truly been saying was right, should be very useful to him.

He made his way to the cells, stopping for the security checks on the way. He wasn't about to set a bad example.

Now that the mystery of the missing body had been solved, maybe it was time to get back to their usual operations.

This heightened state of security was a bit taxing on his officers.

He gave them a nod and walked into the cell block, heading for Connell's cell.