
Ezra sighed as he stood alone in the black zone. All things must come to an end and this battle was no exception.

It had started right from when Nicodemus had been killed. That death had given Genesis the thirst for vengeance. A thirst that had ended in her death.

A thirst that had been transferred to Ezra who had taken it upon himself to see justice done. If the Ark punished James, they probably wouldn't kill him. They needed all the help they could get with the Monarchy just down the road.

Not Ezra. He knew he had to make things right.

He sighed again and turned, looking around the place. If humans saw it, he was sure there would be no scientific explanation for what had happened there.

The ground looked like it had passed through a grinder of some kind and there was no spot on it that was perfectly level. It looked like an earthquake had happened and left devastation.