
Ezra had moved as fast as he could, flying through the night. And now, it was day. With the sun rising in the east, there was nowhere for him to hide.

Fortunately, he was getting closer to the checkpoint. He still has a few hours and would be able to meet his wives there. He sent them messages through the soul bond, assuring them he was fine and they also assured him that they were safe.

He walked at the side of the highway, putting one foot in front of the other. Occasionally, a car would pass but none stopped for him.

With everything going on nowadays, people were more careful. No one knew if the next hitchhiker they carried would be a serial killer with powers.

He didn't care, anyways. He had super endurance. It wasn't as if he was going to get tired.

He adjusted his blindfold as he walked, making sure it was firmly in place as the wind blew. The city had entered the radius of his Aura and he gave himself a mental pay on the back.