Gift or Curse?

It was the morning after the coronation, and the Matten coven was in their suite, surrounded by a veritable mountain of tastefully decorated packages and lavishly wrapped gifts.

Last night was something else. They'd seen the power and grandeur of the Monarchy and it hadn't been lacking in any way.

Now, it was time to face the tangible rewards of Ezra's new status.

These evidently weren't just gifts but were also tributes from those who were trying to get an in, curry favor, seek alliances, or gain some kind of influence over the newest prince of the Nightmare Court.

In the living room, Olivia and Red eagerly unwrapped the first few gifts, Gen watching and commenting behind them.

They found exquisite jewelry that was perfectly cut, polished gemstones set in golden rings, watches of such superb craftsmanship that whoever made them couldn't be human or machine, and even clothes that were clearly designed for nobility.