Chapter 4: Academy Test

The ridicule spread to every corner of the classroom, everyone had a mocking smile on their faces, and even Iruka's expression became awkward.

They did not expect that the Chakra in Aizen was so thin, and only a pale white light appeared, which meant that Aizen could only control a small amount of Chakra, and would not be able to complete a single ninjutsu on display.

However, they didn't know that Aizen had only a small amount of Chakra after practicing for only one night. 

This kind of training speed, even if you look at the entire ninja school, is very high.

"Student Aizen, it's a pity that the light white light appears on the crystal ball, which means that you only have an entry-level Chakra. This shows that you are still far from being able to graduate from ninja school."

Iruka looked at Aizen regretfully, and expressed helplessness at this result.

"Don't worry, Teacher. I will practice more in the future and try to catch up with my classmates as soon as possible." Aizen's expression has not changed. There was still a gentle smile on his handsome face.

"It's good for you to have this mentality. I believe that the day of graduation will come soon."

Iruka smiled and comforted Aizen, constantly cheering for him.

Gradually, the ridicule in the classroom disappeared. The emotions of all the students returned to calm.

Iruka pointed to an empty seat next to Hinata and said, "Aizen, for the time being, you will sit next to Hinata classmate."

"Okay, teacher." Aizen nodded humbly and slowly walked to the empty space next to Hinata, ignoring the strange gaze from all around.

What do others opinion matter to you, the only thing that is important was to have hope inside your heart.

When Aizen walked to the empty seat, he saw Hinata's familiar face and smiled and said, "Hinata, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Hinata was timid simply nodded and smiled at Aizen.

Aizen gave Hinata a deep look and smiled inwardly.

At this time, Iruka's loud voice sounded again, "Dear students, today's class is a ninjutsu class. We will review the Transformation Technique taught a few days ago."

"The classmates I will name later, will demonstrate the Transformation Technique in front of me one by one, turning yourself into my appearance."

Iruka held a list of students in his hand, where the names of all the students are lined up, and he began to name by name.

"Number one, Uchiha Sasuke!"

When Sasuke's name rang, the eyes of the female students flashed with excitement.

In their hearts, Sasuke is confident and powerful, handsome and cold, like a dream prince charming.

However, Sasuke turned a blind eye to these gazes, and the only thing in his heart was the pursuit of power.

Sasuke stepped onto the podium, without saying anything, and quickly knotted his hands.

In just an instant, his appearance became Iruka.

"Perfect, worthy of being an elite student in this class."

Iruka stretched out his thumb and gave a thumbs up to Sasuke. No matter where, a genius always attracts attention.

Next, Akimichi Chōji, Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, Hyūga Hinata and other Konoha twelve took the stage to demonstrate the Transformation Technique, and all passed the assessment successfully.

In addition to them, the rest of the students also passed the assessment smoothly.

At the end, only the last two people remained on the list.

Uzumaki Naruto, Aizen Sōsuke!

Naruto, a recognized failure, failed the first few exams. Aizen, because of the crystal ball test just now, is considered to be next in line.

"Next, Uzumaki Naruto." After waiting for a long time, Naruto walked to the podium excitedly after hearing that he was called.

Iruka looked at him, and felt a headache immediately, and said helplessly, "Naruto, cast the Transformation Technique and turn into me."

"No problem, this little thing is easy for me." The corners of Naruto's mouth became wider and wider, and his hands quickly formed seals.

With a bang, a thick white mist appeared.

Seeing this familiar thick fog, Iruka's eyes were filled with relief. After tossing for so long, Naruto finally learned the Transformation Technique.

However, when the thick fog cleared, Iruka saw a scene that made his blood spurt.

Smooth long hair, snow-white skin, perfect body, big watery eyes, slender white arms.

What caught Iruka's eyes was not his appearance, but a beauty who never touched his eyes.

The enchanting eyes, the fascinating figure, especially the pair of big waves dazzled Iruka.

"Naruto, you!" Iruka blocked Naruto's technique while severely reprimanding Naruto.

Fortunately, Naruto's Technique can only last for a short period of time, and most of it is wrapped in white mist, only he can see it.

"Hey, teacher Iruka, I passed the exam. You see you have a nosebleed." Naruto made a face at Iruka and walked off the podium excitedly.

After Naruto's farce is over, only Aizen is left.

At this time, Iruka looked at Aizen hesitantly, and didn't intend to call Aizen on stage to demonstrate. 

Because Aizen came to the Ninja Academy on the first day, and had not studied ninjutsu before.

However, to Iruka's surprise, Aizen stepped onto the podium by himself.

"Student Aizen, because you are a new student, you don't need to participate in this assessment." Iruka hurriedly explained to Aizen, for fear that he would face the same kind of ridicule.

"No, such a simple ninjutsu is easy."

Aizen's indifferent response caused an uproar in the classroom.

Even the genius Uchiha Sasuke looked surprisingly, because even he asked himself that it was impossible to skillfully use the Transformation Technique through observation.

Aizen didn't say too much, his hands quickly formed seals, in the same way, and with a bang, the thick fog reappeared.

"How can it be!" Everyone was dumbfounded. After the dense fog dissipated, Aizen's appearance completely changed to Iruka, and it was more vivid, slightly better than Sasuke.

Many people thought they were wrong, and quickly rubbed their eyes. However, the fact is that Aizen succeeded!

"You can master ninjutsu through observation. Such ninjutsu talent is even stronger than Konoha Sannin."

Iruka swallowed heavily, cold sweat on his forehead.

Aizen's unparalleled talent is fully demonstrated!

There was no sound in the classroom, the atmosphere became very strange, and everyone looked at the podium dumbfounded, their eyes filled with astonishment.

Originally, those students who tried to watch Aizen make a fool of himself became speechless and looked shocked. They never expected that Aizen would be able to successfully perform the Transformation Technique for the first time just by observing. This kind of defying comprehension is unheard of before.

"Student Aizen, is this your first Transformation Technique?" Iruka wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked solemnly.

If Aizen had previously practiced Transformation Technique, then his success this time would become very ordinary. However, if Aizen is performing Transformation Technique for the first time.

So this means that he has the will to go against the sky.

In the classroom, almost everyone's eyes are on Aizen. Obviously, Iruka's problem is exactly what they want to understand.

"Yes, Mr. Iruka. This is the first time I have performed Transformation Technique." Aizen's face brightened slightly, revealing a gentle smile, with a sense of humility and kindness.

"Wow!" Suddenly, an uproar sounded, and even the faces of those talented students became extremely solemn.

They practiced constantly at that time, and finally they could master the Transformation Technique proficiently, but Aizen had prefected this technique on his first try.

Just when everyone thought Aizen was just a super savvy, but with weak Chakra, Aizen's words caused an uproar in their hearts again.

"Not only it is the first time I had used the Transformation Technique, I only started practicing Chakra last night." At this moment, the classroom seemed to explode, everyone had a dumbfounded expression, and many people even suspected that they had heard it wrong.

"What! I started practicing Chakra yesterday? Are you true!" Iruka was emotional and his face flushed. If what Aizen said is true, then this transfer student is not a failure but a genius.

"Yes, Mr. Iruka." Aizen's face was calm, coupled with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't become complacent because of his performance against the sky.

In just an instant, Aizen left a deep impression in everyone's hearts.

Humble, low-key, gentle, and kind.

However, many students expressed dissatisfaction. Because everything is Aizen's unilateral words, and there is no proof.

"Chee, at the age of thirteen, I practiced Chakra for the first time, don't lie." In the corner of the classroom, a student sneered dissatisfied.

It's just that his words resonated with many people, and they also said that they were helpless. Aizen smiled at the questioning eyes, and calmly stepped off the podium, steady and confident.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether other people believe it or not, because these questions and ridicules are nothing more than children's tricks. Moreover, appropriate doubts are more conducive to his future disguise.

"Okay, everyone keep quiet. Now that the test of Transformation Technique has passed, then we will proceed to the second test, Illusion Technique." Iruka waved everyone to keep quiet, his words ignited the atmosphere, and once again attracted everyone's attention to the assessment.

"Next, I will take you to a closed room. There are a thousand kunai stored there. However, out of the 1,000 kunai, only one is real."

"What you need to do is very simple. As long as you find out the real one within the stipulated time, you can pass the test."

"Another point is that the use of a blood limit is prohibited in this assessment, and everything depends on your own sense of smell." Iruka explained the test rules in a simple and clear way.

This test mainly assesses the talent of each student in illusion. The shortest time used indicates that the affinity for illusion is higher.

"Illusory?" Aizen sat in the seat and smiled slightly. Perhaps for other students, this assessment is very difficult. But for Aizen who has mastered Kyōka Suigetsu, there is no difficulty.

Some are happy and some are sad, and some students who are already proficient in illusion are relaxed and happy.

Soon, all the students were taken to a huge house, and on the door of this house, there is a peculiar magic circle, as if sealing some kind of power.

"This is the place for special assessment. There is a magic circle under the cloth of Hokage in the past, which can make the entering students have a kind of illusion."

As Iruka gently opened the door, a black passage suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and when they look like the end of the tunnel, they seem to feel a mysterious power.

"The students named by me must go to the end of this passage and find out the real kunai. Of course, every time kunai is found, I will relocate it, so that each of the opportunities are all the same."

Iruka looked at the list of students in his hand and said aloud, "The first one, Hyuga Matsumoto."

This time, the first student to participate in the assessment was a member of the Hyuga family.

He took a deep breath, and then stepped firmly into the tunnel.

Everyone waited quietly, they didn't know anything about the situation in the house.

As time passed slowly, everyone's hearts also jumped tightly. At this time, fifteen minutes had passed since Hyuga Matsumoto entered the room.

Just when everyone was impatient, Hyuga Matsumoto's figure finally appeared, with a handful of kunai in his hand. Obviously, he passed the test. It's just that be was panting, and had consumed a lot of energy to complete the task.

"Fifteen minutes and thirty seconds, this result is so-so." Iruka patted Hyuga Matsumoto's back encouragingly, and continued to recite the name of the next student.

"The second student, Akimichi Chōji."

Upon hearing the point of fame, Akimichi Chōji walked into the passage with a sad face.

About twenty-five minutes later, Chōji walked out of the tunnel out of breath and successfully completed the task.

After Chōji, the students entered the room one after another. Although they all successfully completed the task, the time they spent was not the same.

The fastest was Sasuke, which took only six minutes. The slowest person took thirty minutes.

In the end, only Aizen was left.

"Next, Aizen Sōsuke." Aizen, ranked last, once again attracted everyone's attention. They all wanted to see if Aizen was uttering wild words or if his skill was real.

Aizen had attracted the attention of everyone because they wanted to see Aizen's strength.

"Student Aizen, relax your mind. Go ahead, I believe you can do it." Iruka nodded to Aizen.

The only thing he could do was to keep cheering, and Aizen could only rely on Aizen himself for the rest.

Aizen stepped forward, step by step towards the passage. In the end, his upright back disappeared from everyone's sight.

"My score is ten minutes. I don't know if he can surpass me." Hinata looked at the empty passage, her clear eyes twinkling.

In the room, Aizen looked around in surprise, and said, "I think this is the place for testing."

Looking around him, there are sharp kunai everywhere, randomly placed in every corner, and were thousands of them.

"The appearance of these kunai is exactly the same. If it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false with the naked eye, it is no wonder that some people take 30 minutes."

Aizen's eyes swept across every corner of the room, and he found that it was really difficult to find the true one out of a thousand incomprehensions with his eyes alone.

It's just that all these are clouds in front of Aizen, who has Kyōka Suigetsu's power.

Aizen opened his eyes, and a blue light flashed from the depths of his pupils. In the next moment, the kunai in front of him quickly disappeared, leaving only a handful of kunai.

"Counting it all, I only spent less than a minute. I'm afraid the record has already been broken." Aizen dismissed the so-called record. However, he stayed quietly in the room for six minutes before finally choosing to leave.

Aizen knew in his heart that if he left the room in less than a minute, it would definitely cause an uproar. This kind of sky high performance had already broken records. In this way, it will attract the attention of others with a high profile and bring him trouble, and for Aizen, this is a disadvantage because it is not conducive to his disguise.

The time for him to leave the room finally stopped at seven minutes, and when Aizen's figure appeared, everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Aizen to complete the task in such a short time.

"Seven minutes, not bad. Aizen, your grade is second only to Sasuke."

Iruka took the kunai in Aizen's hand, and a look of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

Aizen's performance was beyond his expectations, and he was relieved.

"It seems that he is really talented, and his future achievements are certainly not bad." Many students have changed their views on Aizen. They thought that Aizen was boasting, but they didn't expect Aizen to be a genius.

"Seven minutes, that's great. Sasuke was able to win the first place, largely because the Uchiha clan was naturally good at illusions. But I didn't expect that Aizen would be so good."

Hinata carefully looked at Aizen's back, a hint of appreciation flashed in her eyes.

Originally, Hinata thought Aizen was just an ordinary civilian, but he didn't expect Aizen to be so talented. It's just that Hinata, who is shy, will not congratulate Aizen in person like other classmates. She will only silently put the words of blessing in her heart.

Of course, all the students didn't know that Aizen broke the illusion in just a moment, and that in front of Kyōka Suigetsu, any illusion is a joke.

"Okay, the results of the illusion test this time have come out. Sasuke is still among the best, and it only took six minutes to find out the kunai. However, our new classmate Aizen is also very good, only one minute slower than Sasuke."

Iruka cast an appreciative look at the two of them, and then said, "Then, next is the stage of ninjutsu testing. I will take you to a place dedicated to testing ninjutsu, where I will teach you a kind of ninjutsu test."

Hearing the news, all the students were very excited, because the reason they want to be a ninja is to master their ever-changing ninjutsu nature and become strong.

Ninjutsu was the foundation of the strength of every shinobi, without it even skilled shinobi would not amount to much.

Soon, a group of students led by Iruka, came to the new venue, there were huge boulders there, and the ground was solid.

"This test will test your talents for comprehension of ninjutsu. I will teach you the most basic Thunder Style ninjutsu, lightning strike." Iruka pointed his finger forward and said, "Did you see those little rocks? There are a total of fifty identical rocks here, which are also your targets for testing the power of ninjutsu. Later, after you master the lightning strike, you will face it. The higher the damage on the stone, the stronger the power of ninjutsu."

Hearing Iruka's explanation, all the students suddenly frowned. Because Thunder Ninjutsu is not common, and it is even more difficult for them to master Ninjutsu in a short period of time and use it proficiently.

"I'm optimistic, this is a lightning strike." Iruka's hands quickly formed a seal, and in a blink of an eye, a sizzling electric current gushed from his fingertips, and hit the ground creating a cavity.

"Is this ninjutsu? It is really powerful."

Aizen's eyes burst out with a sharp glow, and the desire for new power awakened in his heart.

If this is just a low level ninjutsu and with the use of a small amount of Chakra could cause the ground and rocks to break, then how strong would high level ninjutsu be?

"Then, follow me to learn this from now on." While Iruka demonstrated, the trainees imitated simultaneously, and time gradually passed. It's just that, despite trying time and time again, not everyone has learned to wield lightning, because not everyone has the thunder attribute Chakra.

Then why did Iruka not use another type of Ninjutsu, was he an idiot?

"Next, just like before, the classmate who was named by me, step forward and use a lightning strike."

Iruka took the list of students and read aloud, "The first one, Maeda Takeoka." The named student stepped forward confidently and faced the huge stone in front of him. But due to the fact that he just leaned to use this jutsu, his hand seal speed was very slow and looked very clumsy.

Bu fortunately, Takeoka Maeda soon completed the seal. "Lightning Release: lightning strike!" A small electric current shot from his fingertips, and finally hit the stone. 

However, after a flash of light, only a pale white trace was left on the stone.

"Oh, I knew it would turn out to be like this." Takeoka Maeda returned to the team dejectedly, his face full of disappointment. Although he has the thunder attribute Chakra, his talent in ninjutsu is slightly inferior.

Next, the students with thunder attributes cast lightning strikes on the boulder one after another. Among them, the most powerful is Sasuke, his lightning strike blasted a large hole in the stone, almost through the entire stone. As for the other students, each had its own strengths.

The most helpless were those students who didn't have the thunder attribute Chakra, and could only stare at the side. Even the most dazzling genius of the Hyuga family, Hyuga Neji, had nothing to do.

Aizen was still the last one, he walked forward calmly, his back to everyone. When he felt the gaze from behind, the corner of his mouth was raised slightly.

He raised his hands, and still performed the seal according to the method taught by Iruka.

However, when the ninjutsu was about to be completed, Aizen muttered another sentence in his heart, "Hadō #4 Byakurai!"