Supplies and Base

I try to ignore his eyes on me as I look around the room for suitable supplies. From the looks of the scene outside, it won't be long until the entire world is overrun.

If I've learned anything from Leena and her obsessions it's that the basics will be precious. Food, water, and weapons that are resilient or reusable.

The archery room that Xander pulled me into is a treasure trove of weapons. Bows of different materials and tensions hang on the wall. Quivers full of arrows with buckets of extras just sitting around. There are even a few cases of bottled water and granola bars hidden in the corner. I glance over at him and can't help but ask the question on my mind.

"Did you pull me into this room on purpose? There's no way coming into a room with essential survival supplies was a coincidence. You passed so many safe rooms and chose this one. Not just weapons, which I would expect, but food and water too. Did you know this was here?"

Xander smiles and shrugs before he talks in his signature cocky tone.

"This is just one of the sports teams I'm on and I happen to know that they always have spare rations set aside for major competitions. Some other have spare supplies, but this is the only one with suitable weapons."

I can't help but scoff at his statement.

"What quick witted thinking from our star athlete. Let me throw myself into your arms because I am so impressed." Sarcasm is laced in my voice, yet this only causes Xander to get close again. His tone is more serious than before.

"There are undead out there. I just used what I knew to find out best chance at survival. Now I know this is a lot, but I will protect you."

When he says that, all I can do is laugh internally. You? Protect me? No. No way. I don't need someone to protect me. I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Xander, you will quickly find out that I'm not the one who needs protection."

I grab a durable steel bow, throw two quivers full of arrows over my shoulders, and stuff some food and water in an empty backpack I found. Approaching the door, I see fear in his eyes.

I reach out for the handle and unlock the door, opening it an inch before he rushes over and slams it shut again. There is anger on his face.

"Are you insane? Who knows how many are in the halls by now!" I push him back with all my might.

"I don't care! I'm going to go out there, kill some zombies, grab a fire axe, and find a secure location to set up a base. Now you can come with me or you can cower in this room waiting to run out of food and water. I told you not to cross a line, you have! Sit your cocky ass down and shut up. I'm not your teacher anymore and I'm done playing nice."

There is a mix of shock and happiness in his eyes when I'm done berating him. Without speaking, Xander just nods and gestures for me to continue.

I open the door a crack and peek into the hallway. There are seven zombies in sight, no doubt more in places I can't see.

With my current skill I can handle one or two if my accuracy is good. The fire axe is only 50 meters down the hall and it won't take long to grab once the glass is broken.

Behind me, Xander is armed with his own set of archery equipment. There is no longer a need to hesitate.

We enter the hallway and immediately start firing. The first hits, piercing its skull, and I get an instant notification.

[Killed an Ordinary Zombie: +50 EXP]

[Obtained a basic DNA crystal]

The word I am drawn to is basic. That means there are more advanced versions. How much can these change me?

Before I can think too much, more zombies start to run towards us. All I can do is keep firing and make my way towards my goal.

Between Xander and I, we take down five of the seven. Only two more.

[Level up]

I smash the glass as the last ones close in on us, throwing down the bow to grab the sharp axe. A single swing is enough to decapitate them both, but the noise has attracted too much attention. Dozens of zombies begin to make their way from all directions.

Outside, I see our hope.

"There's a jeep no more than 100 meters from the exit. That's our next goal"

We run like hell, taking several zombies out along the way, and finally make it to the car.

Xander slides into the driver's seat while I get shotgun. A large group of zombies getting closer by the second. The car engine sputters but doesn't roll over and I hear the panic in Xander's voice.

"Come on, come on! You stuid machine!" One more turn and it finally starts. Slamming on the gas, he gets us out of there as fast as possible.

Weaving through the broken down cars on the road slows us down. Downtown was packed when the zombies came. Looking at the devestation, I realize they never stood a chance.

To take my mind off the horror, I tune the radio to look for good news. Most stations are just static. One, however, is sending out a message.

"A state of emergency has been issued throughout the country. An unknown virus has causes citizens to become aggressively cannibalistic. You are advised to stay inside. A military base is being established and soldiers will be sent to retrieve survivors within a week. Please stay safe."

The message repeats over and over again. No instructions other than to stay inside. I hear Xander scoff.

"That's it? What kind of bullshit is that? Within a week there will hardly be anyone left." I let out a sigh and can't help but agree.

"The government is unreliable. We already knew that Xander. We need to find somewhere to set up our own base and find more survivors on our own."

A flash of jealousy shows in his eyes when I mention other survivors. Before he can talk, I interrupt.

"Don't give me that look. You think the two of us can survive alone? No offence, but you're hardly the picture of a provider." A chuckle escapes my lips. The words light a fire in Xander's eyes that is clear as day.

"You're fighting with fire, Teach. You used that word on purpose to trigger some biological instinct thing. Damn.... Ama, that's unfair." His desire is laced in his looks and voice.

The car speeds up and he quickly drives us farther from downtown. During the ride, I decide to look at my rewards. Eight basic DNA crystals and two skill fragments. I quickly ask RINA what I can use them for.

[DNA crystals of the basic level can be used for increasing attributes by 2 or obtaining basic skills. 10 basic skills exist, but there are countless in higher levels. The higher value crystals will give more stats or higher level skills. 10 basic crystals equals 1 advanced crystal, 10 advances is 1 special, 10 special is 1 extraordinary, 10 extraordinary equals 1 legendary. Legendary is the highest. Skill fragments can be used to level up your abilities.]

A list of basic skils opens on the screen.




[Security Drone]

The options are good. Marksmanship wil improve my accuracy, but storing stuff in an inventory will be convenient. I have eight crystals, if I use four on these skills then I can use the rest on stats. One for each category.

Amanet Hunt: Level 3 (100/400 EXP)

HP: 200/200

Stamina: 150/150

Strength: 9

Agility: 9

Physique: 9

Intelligence: 9

Abilities: [Inventory (Lv. 2): Store things in a 500 space inventory]

[Appraisal (Lv. 2): View detailed information about items and people]

[Marksmanship (Lv. 1): Increase shooting accuracy by 10%]

[Security Drone (Lv.1): Summon a drone to search surroundings for materials and enemies.]

I feel myself myself change from the crystals. My muscles stronger, my brain sharper. It's not much, barely noticeable, but I even feel the small subspace that I can now access. Looking over at Xander, I activate [Appraisal].

Xander Writt: Level 2

HP: 150/150

Abilities: None

His level, health, and skills are there for me to see. It's amazing how detailed it is. RINA chimes in with more information.

[A special ability called [AI Mechanic] exists. If you obtain it, you will be able to create inferior versions of my system to fuse with subordinates. This will allow for the development of their strength and skills under your command. They will all be connected to your main system, so only those loyal can successfully integrate the system.]

As soon as she is done speaking we arrive in front of a small suburban house. The streets nearby have the occassiknal zombie that is wandering aimlessly, but otherwise it looks abandoned. I expected the suburbs to have more enemies.

We quickly park and make our way inside with no hassle.

The door and windows get boarded up before we finally take the chance to relax. There are pictures everywhere. They show Xander and his family throughout life. A cute childhood moment through to a recent vacation. Smiles on all their faces.

"Your parents place?"

My teasing shifts his attention to me and his cocky smirk emerges. Soon, I am on my back as he presses me down on the couch. Our bodies close enough that I can feel his body heat.

"My place. Just cause I'm young doesn't mean I can't 'provide'. A small investment that happens to be more useful than I hoped. You provoked me, Ama.... now I want to punish you."

His hand makes its way to my waist and touches my bare skin. My breath catches at the sensation. I feel his lips on my neck which causes my heart to beat faster.

Though I know I should resist, my body doesn't want to. He kisses my neck sweetly before slowly moving his way to my lips. As soon as they touch, Xander lets out a satisfied moan.

I need to resist.

I'm getting carried away.

I'm not in control.

With all my strength, I flip us over so that I'm straddling him. His excitement pressing against me threatens to make me submit, but I overpower it. This cheeky brat really knows how to push my buttons.

"Don't stop Prof. You are so irresistable when you're dominating like this. Teach me a lesson."

My breathing gets heavier and my mind gets foggier as he grinds against me. Luckily, I retain enough sanity to get off him before my hormones take over.

"This is hardly the time Xander."

I go upstairs and shut the bedroom door behind me so he can't follow.

Cool down Ama. You can teach him a lesson after you both calm down. You need a cold shower.

The cool water washes over and chills my body, relaxing my muscles and clearing my head. Finally, I can think again.

Before long I am dried and dressed, then there is a knock on the door.

"Ama, I made some dinner. I'll let you scold me later, but I'm not sorry and it will happen again. If this is the end of the world, I will not lose the chance to make you mine."

His footsteps quiet as he walks away and leaves me speechless behind the door.

This guy is crazy. Hot, but crazy.

Despite that, deep down, the idea sort of excites me. If he wasn't so cocky then I would probbly give in already.

I wipe all those thoughts from my mind before I exit the room and head down for dinner.

The sun is setting, pasta and meatballs on the table which is all set for two. It's kind of sweet.

"Thank Xander. I'll sace you the scolding this once, but you're taking first watch tonight. That is your punishment."

His smile is big and bright when he hears me.

"Of course, my Queen." He holds my hand and lifts it to his lips, giving me a gentle kiss befire sitting down beside me to eat.

As the sky grows dark, the zombies become more active and numerous. My security drone shows the dozen are now close to a hundred spread throughout the neighbourhood. Most are normal, but there are a few different ones that are stronger. Large, muscular ones and others that drip acid or have long tongues.

I bet they would have quality DNA crystals. The potential for growth is tempting, but I know it's reckless.

With the drone on watch, I head to the bedroom and lie down to sleep. While I drift off, I hear the water running in the bathroom. I'm barely conscious by the time it shuts off.

The bed sinks as I feel him climb beside me, however I'm too tired to care. As long as he keeps watch. I feel fingers tuck my hair behind my ear and he places his hand on my cheek.

His touch is soft and warm. It's oddly comforting.

"Good night, Ama."

He waits fifteen minutes before saying something I'm sure I'm not meant to hear.

"Oh damn, she's so close. The session earlier got me too riled up. Who gave her permission to look like that? Those sweet lips.... I want more." A primal growl escapes him. "Shit, I need to calm down."