Face Plucker and Bark embarked on a serious journey to hunt down the Dracula. But it was not simple. It was not frivolous, it was full of drudgery and perils. The Dracula lived in a castle in the hills beyond the faraway mountains. The vampires guarded his home in droves. And even if you did get past them, the Dracula could not be killed. He was truly immortal. Not dragons fire nor demons teeth could kill a Dracula. Only the spell of the witch and the Tiberian sword could kill them. Nut fortunately face plucker had with him in possession the Tiberian sword.
The Tiberian sword was from the land of Tiberia. Yes, as you have rightly guessed. Where Tiberian had come from. The land of Tiberia was famous for making swords that were made from Aglan steel. A rare form of steel that was only found in the land of Tiberia. For reasons unknown, the Aglan steel could behead the Dracula making him devoid of life. The lore will be covered soon!