A hundred and twenty years after, Villingahout, Selfoss 63o56IN, 21000IW.

Kala pushes away a girl obstructing the door. She runs to the garden by the sidewalk, she begins to puke, her blonde hair covering her view. She flips it to the left side of her neck and continues puking. Roland searches for Kala in the crowd of youngsters, dancing to trap music. He gets up from his chair leaving his girlfriend.

“Have you seen Kala?” he asked a guy.

“Who’s Kala?” Roland sighs.

“Hey bro, I’m having a swell time here.”

“Kala, where is she?” Roland asks O’Neil his younger brother.

“I saw her heading towards the door.” He says. O’Neil gives a loud call taking another shot of vodka. Roland spots Kala sitting by the garden, on the ground, with her legs crossed over.

“Are you ok?” He looks at her and sees a pie-eye.

“Damn, you’re wasted. I’ll take you home," he says.

Kala arseholed speaking. “No, no, go back to your little party. I’ll be fine. Leave me alone, Happy Birthday!” She takes a stand, trying to walk away; her shoulder bumps his as she staggers like a swinging pendulum bulb, walking away.

“She’s been through a lot. Let her be. We’ll check on her tomorrow morning”, Lilija says. She pulls him to herself and kisses him, in an alluring style and leads him slowly back into the house for a dance. Roland dances with Lilija, but a foreboding look colonizes his face. Kala is known for her hot-tempered nature. In her slammed state who knows what could happen.

Kala Hinrick walks back to her home; a street on the south side of Roland’s apartment. She walks right pass a gang of hoodlums standing in front of a cemetery. A stone cold bald headed man runs way ahead of her, blocking her path. Hello! What’s a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone in a cold night like this," he says. “It’s kind of late, let me walk with you.” He says aloud for the others amusement.

“Fuck off," Kala says. She tries to walk away, but he hinders her from moving forward. Like the hand of a speeding clock, she rolls her eyes and jabs him right below his groin. “Shit!” The man cries. Quickly, three of his compatriots come to his aid, arresting Kala. “Help!” she screams. One covers her mouth, and hurriedly they carry her into the cemetery. One begins to giggle. “We’ll see what you taste like.” They throw her carelessly to the ground.

“Someone help me.” She screams again; too weak to get back on her feet. She tries crawling away.

“Running away, huh? Get back here.” The bald man pulls her by the hair, dragging her backwards. Her gaze set upon the dark sky. Restrained by each of the men, one holding her hands the other her legs, the third proceeds to shut her mouth. “Please don’t do this," She manages to cry out. The baldie creeps in between her thighs. “Let’s see what we have underneath these clothing.” He unzips her jacket, ripping her shirt to shreds, exposing her voluptuous bosoms, shielded by a white coloured bra, with pink poker dots. Then he slips a finger into her mouth. She takes a quick and deep painful bite at his finger. Inflicted with so much pain, he incautiously hits the man next to him, setting Kala’s hands free. With no hesitation, she strikes the bald man’s face with her tiger claws, shaking vigorously. She puts her gymnastic skills to use, flipping herself over him. She runs away.

“Help! Anyone out there? Help me!” She screams.

“After her, fools.” Baldie yelled.

She runs further into the cemetery hiding behind a headstone. “Oh, no, God please help me.” She prays.

“There you are.” One of her assaulters slaps her on the face repeatedly.

“Over here. She’s here. I’ve got her," he says. He places her face on the headstone of Ari Thompson’s grave. Then a tear drop falls on the stone, finding its way d

own to the Earth.